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Gravity Falls is an American mystery-comedy animated television series created by Alex Hirsch for Disney Channel and Disney XD. The series ran from June 15, 2012, to February 15, 2016. The series follows the adventures of Dipper Pines (voiced by Jason Ritter) and his twin sister Mabel (voiced by Kristen Schaal) who are sent to spend the summer with their great uncle (or "Grunkle") Stan (voiced by Hirsch) in Gravity Falls, Oregon, a mysterious town full of paranormal incidents and supernatural creatures. The kids help Stan run "The Mystery Shack," the tourist trap that he owns, while also investigating the local mysteries. Gravity Falls received critical acclaim with praise directed at its writing, characters, humor, and multi-generational appeal. Additionally, the series won two Emmy Awards, three Annie Awards, and a BAFTA Children's Award, among various other wins and nominations. The series has attracted a broad and passionate fandom and has been considered to be an influence for many animated shows that followed it. The series has also inspired a variety of official merchandise including books, toys, and a video game.