Portal:Anime and manga/Selected lists/10
The Adventures of Mini-Goddess, also known as Ah! My Goddess: Being Small is Convenient, is a Japanese animated TV series that aired 48 episodes between 1998 and 1999. It was directed by Hiroko Kazui and Yasuhiro Matsumura and was produced by Oriental Light and Magic. The series premiered on WOWOW as a part of the omnibus show Anime Complex. It is currently distributed in North America by Geneon Entertainment. It is part of the Oh My Goddess! series, which follows the adventures of three goddesses (Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld) and their rat companion Gan-chan.
In Japan, the series aired on WOWOW between April 6, 1998 and March 29, 1999. The season was then released on DVD and VHS by Pony Canyon. Six VHS tapes were released between December 18, 1998 and October 20, 1999, and six DVDs were released between May 19, 1999 and October 20, 1999. A DVD box set was released in Japan on February 20, 2008. The season was later licensed to Geneon Entertainment for the release of the DVD in the United States, and this DVD version was released between February 12, 2002 and August 13, 2002. Geneon later released a limited-edition box set on July 1, 2003. (Full list...)