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National Research Institute for Science Policy

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National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP) is an Iranian organisation established in 1980 to act as a research institute and think tank for the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.



NRISP publishes four periodicals:

  • Journal of Science and Technology Policy (Quarterly) [1] ISSN 2008-0840
  • Rahyāft (Science Policy Quarterly) [2] ISSN 1027-2690
  • Daneshgar (Scientific Journal-Monthly) [3]
  • Science and Research Newsletter [4]



NRISP consists of six departments:

  • Futures studies research department,
  • Economy of science research department,
  • Public understanding of science research department,
  • Scientometrics department,
  • Science and society research department, and
  • Science policy research department.

See also


