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NASU Institute of Environment Geochemistry

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NASU Institute for Environment Geochemistry
DirectorYurii Leonidovych Zabulonov
AddressProspekt Akademika Palladina, 34a, Kyiv, Ukraine 03142
Operating agency
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute for Environment Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (KINR) (Ukrainian: Інститут геохімії навколишнього середовища НАН України) located in Kyiv, Ukraine.



Decision on creation of the institute with dual subordination to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Emergencies was adopted on 29 December 1995. On 4 January 1996 a joint order of the academy and the Ministry was signed by Borys Paton and Volodymyr Kholosha (acting minister) on creation of the State science center of Surrounding Environment Radiation- and Geochemistry based on two departments of the NASU Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Ore-creation (Department of surrounding environment radiation- and geochemistry and Department of metallogeny).

On 12 July 2000 the center was renamed as the NASU Institute of [Surrounding] Environment Geochemistry.

In 2012 the Ministry of Emergencies was liquidated (degraded to a state service under Ministry of Internal Affairs).



Associated entities

  • Kyiv science and production association "Ekolohichni tekhnolohiyi i normatyvy" (Ecological technologies and norms)
  • State science and production small enterprise "Vidrodzhenia" (Revival)
  • State enterprise "Ekoinform"
  • Interagency scientific council on issues of radioactive waste management (Presidium of the NASU)
  • Committee on meteorites (Department of Earth Sciences of the Presidium of the NASU)
  • Branch of the National Aviation University Ecology Department
  • The National Aviation University Ecology Department jointly with the National Aviation University Institute of Land Management and Information Technology
  • NASU Center for collective use of unique scientific instruments "Mineraloho-heokhimichni doslidzhenia" (Mineral and geochemical research)
  • others

