Muppet Beach Party is a music and comedyrecord released by The Jim Henson Company through BMG Kidz in 1993. The album consisted of the Muppets having an all-day beach party and performing popular songs, mostly from the 1960s. Similar to The Muppet Show albums from the late 1970s, the album divides song tracks with Muppet dialogue. It was released in CD and cassette form, with the latter including a poster with lyrics on the opposite side.
1980: "Surfin' U.S.A." was performed by Kermit and his frog henchmen in episode 518 of The Muppet Show.
1993: The Muppets' renditions of "Kokomo" and "Wipe Out" were made into music videos. "Kokomo" was included in 1994's Muppet Sing Alongs: It's Not Easy Being Green, and both videos aired on Nickelodeon.