Module:USN fleet totals/data
Data used by Module:USN fleet totals.
local patterns_tags = {
'<source.->.-</source>', -- deprecated alias of syntaxhighlight tag
local Article_content;
local grand_total = 0;
local planned_total = 0;
local wikitables_t = {
['Commissioned_t'] = {}, -- k/v table where k is ship type and v is the number of that type
['Non-commissioned_t'] = {},
['Support_t'] = {},
['Ready Reserve Force ships_t'] = {},
['Reserve fleet_t'] = {},
['Under construction_t'] = {},
['On order_t'] = {},
['Retirements_t'] = {}, -- this one is filled separately from the others;
local wikitable_names_t = {'Commissioned_t', 'Non-commissioned_t', 'Support_t', 'Ready Reserve Force ships_t', 'Reserve fleet_t', 'Under construction_t', 'On order_t', 'Retirements_t'};
local fleet_wikitables_t = {'Commissioned_t', 'Non-commissioned_t', 'Support_t', 'Ready Reserve Force ships_t', 'Reserve fleet_t'}; -- only these for n_of_m
local headers_t = { -- headers for the fleet totals section
'Commissioned (USS)',
'Non-commissioned (USNS)',
'Support (MV, RV – \'\'<small>or no prefix</small>\'\')',
'Ready Reserve Force ships (MV, SS, GTS)',
'Reserve Fleet ships (USS, USNS)',
'Under construction',
'On order',
'Expected to retire',
local totals_t = { -- table to hold total number of ships in these categories
['Commissioned_t'] = 0,
['Non-commissioned_t'] = 0,
['Support_t'] = 0,
['Ready Reserve Force ships_t'] = 0,
['Reserve fleet_t'] = 0,
['Under construction_t'] = 0,
['On order_t'] = 0,
['Retirements_t'] = 0,
local n_of_m_t = {} -- table of total counts (m in 'n of m')
local retirements_year_max = 0;
--[[--------------------------< A R T I C L E _ C O N T E N T _ G E T >----------------------------------------
get article content, remove certain html-like tags and their content so that this code doesn't include any citation
templates inside the tags as valid tagets; they are not.
local function article_content_get ()
if not Article_content then
Article_content = ('List of current ships of the United States Navy'):getContent();
for _, tag in ipairs (patterns_tags) do
Article_content = Article_content:gsub (tag, ''); -- remove certain html-like tags and their content
while Article_content:match ('([\r\n]+|%-) *[\r\n]+|%-') do -- are there multiple row markers without intervening column data?
Article_content = Article_content:gsub ('([\r\n]+|%-) *[\r\n]+|%-', '%1'); -- remove duplicate row markers
--[[--------------------------< C O L U M N _ I N D E X _ G E T >----------------------------------------------
get the labels from the tops of the current wikitable; we need indexes for '!Type' and '!Note' and return the
associated column number. This function assumes that label markup for each table is one-line-per-label; label
markup all-on-one-line (! <label> !! <label> !! ...) is not supported.
<wikitable> is a {| ... |} delimited wikitable
local function column_index_get (wikitable)
local i = 0;
local type_col, note_col;
for label in wikitable:gmatch ('[\r\n](![^\r\n]+)') do -- spin through each header row
i = i + 1; -- bump the indexer
if label:match ('! *Type') then -- if this header row is for 'Type'
type_col = i; -- save the indexer as column number
elseif label:match ('! *Note') then -- if this header row is for 'Note'
note_col = i; -- save the indexer as column number
return type_col, note_col;
--[[--------------------------< S H I P _ T Y P E S _ G E T >--------------------------------------------------
find first row markup (|-) and fetch the column numbers for Type and Note. Then find each row markup, count
lines until Type column data are located, extract the contents (ship type) and add entry to the appropriate wikitable
in wikitables_t; ship type already present, bump the count.
Continue to locate the Note column. If Note column
holds a {{decommission}} (commissioned ships) or {{end of service}} (non=commissioned ships) template, add ship
type to <Retirements_t>; ship type already present, bump the count.
local function ship_types_get (wikitable, wikitable_index)
local find_pattern = '|%-';
local type_label_index, note_label_index;
local tstart, tend = wikitable:find (find_pattern); -- find the table row marker in <wikitable>; should be column headers
local i=0;
if tstart then -- if we found row marker (|-) for headers
type_label_index, note_label_index = column_index_get (wikitable); -- try to find index of type label (!Type) and note label (!Note)
tstart, tend = wikitable:find (find_pattern, tend); -- look for the next row
return nil; -- TODO: error message?
while tstart do
local i = 0;
local column_text; -- the text that is the wikitable column markup + content (a row of text that is <stuff> from: <newline><pipe><stuff>)
local rstart = tend; -- row start and end return values from string.find()
local rend;
local pattern = '[\r\n]+|([^\r\n]*)'; -- newline, pipe, everything before the next newline
local ship_type; -- the ship type; we need this for the Note column
while rstart do -- nil if not found
rstart, rend, column_text = wikitable:find (pattern, rstart); -- get the row's individual column contents
if rstart then
i = i + 1; -- bump the column counter
if type_label_index == i then -- is this the column that has the ship type entry (Type)?
ship_type = column_text; -- save a copy of the Type column text for use with Note for the expected-to-be-retired section of this function
if wikitables_t[wikitable_names_t[wikitable_index]][ship_type] then -- if we found a ship type that we already know about:
wikitables_t[wikitable_names_t[wikitable_index]][ship_type] = wikitables_t[wikitable_names_t[wikitable_index]][ship_type] + 1; -- bump the count
wikitables_t[wikitable_names_t[wikitable_index]][ship_type] = 1; -- add ship type to the table with a count of 1 else
totals_t[wikitable_names_t[wikitable_index]] = totals_t[wikitable_names_t[wikitable_index]] + 1; -- tally
elseif note_label_index == i then -- here we are looking for {{decommission}} and {{end of service}} templates
if column_text:match ('{{%s*[Dd]ecommission%s*|%s*scheduled') or column_text:match ('{{%s*[Dd]ecommission%s*|%s*proposed') or
column_text:match ('{{%s*[Ee]nd of service%s*|%s*scheduled') or column_text:match ('{{%s*[Ee]nd of service%s*|%s*proposed') then
local year = column_text:match ('{{%s*[Dd]ecommission%s*|%s*scheduled%s*|%s*(%d%d%d%d)') or column_text:match ('{{%s*[Dd]ecommission%s*|%s*proposed%s*|%s*(%d%d%d%d)') or
column_text:match ('{{%s*[Ee]nd of service%s*|%s*scheduled%s*|%s*(%d%d%d%d)') or column_text:match ('{{%s*[Ee]nd of service%s*|%s*proposed%s*|%s*(%d%d%d%d)');
local decom_ship_type;
if year then
decom_ship_type = table.concat ({ship_type, ' (', year, ')'});
if tonumber (year) > retirements_year_max then
retirements_year_max = tonumber (year);
decom_ship_type = ship_type;
if wikitables_t['Retirements_t'][decom_ship_type] then -- if we found a ship type that we already know about:
wikitables_t['Retirements_t'][decom_ship_type] = wikitables_t['Retirements_t'][decom_ship_type] + 1; -- bump the count
wikitables_t['Retirements_t'][decom_ship_type] = 1; -- add ship type to the table with a count of 1 else
totals_t['Retirements_t'] = totals_t['Retirements_t'] + 1; -- tally
rstart = rend; -- not yet on the correct column; reset the starting index to the end of the last find()
tstart, tend = wikitable:find (find_pattern, tend); -- search for another row marker (|-) in <wikitable>; begin at end of last row marker search
--[[--------------------------< R E N D E R _ O U T P U T >----------------------------------------------------
extract data from various tables and append to <output_string>
local function render_output (index, output_string)
local out_t = {}; -- here we compose this section of <output_string>
local temp_t = {}; -- a sequence of ship types and counts taken from wikitables_t; separate table for sorting
local function sort (a, b)
a = a:gsub ('%[%[(.+)%]%]', '%1'); -- remove outer wikilink markup
b = b:gsub ('%[%[(.+)%]%]', '%1');
a = a:gsub ('%* ', ''); -- remove unordered list markup
b = b:gsub ('%* ', '');
a = a:gsub ('^[^|]+|', ''); -- remove all but the display text from complex wikilinks
b = b:gsub ('^[^|]+|', '');
a = a:gsub (' *– *%d+', ''); -- remove the count
b = b:gsub (' *– *%d+', '');
return a < b;
table.insert (out_t, table.concat ({'<b>', headers_t[index], '</b> – ', totals_t[wikitable_names_t[index]]})); -- header
table.insert (out_t, '{{Div col|colwidth=22em}}'); -- start of columnar data
for ship_type, count in pairs (wikitables_t[wikitable_names_t[index]]) do -- make an unordered, unsorted, list
local ship_type_total = n_of_m_t[ship_type] and table.concat ({' (<i>of ', n_of_m_t[ship_type], '</i>)'}) or '';
if wikitable_names_t[index] == fleet_wikitables_t[index] then
table.insert (temp_t, table.concat ({'* ', ship_type, ' – ', count, ship_type_total})); -- make and add an unordered list item
table.insert (temp_t, table.concat ({'* ', ship_type, ' – ', count})); -- make and add an unordered list item
table.sort (temp_t, sort); -- ascending sort; TODO: is there a better way to get a sorted list of ship types?
table.insert (out_t, table.concat (temp_t, '\n')); -- make a big string and add it to out_t
table.insert (out_t, '{{div col end}}'); -- end of columnar data
table.insert (out_t, '<hr />\n'); -- horizontal rule
output_string = table.concat ({output_string, table.concat (out_t, '\n')}); -- make a big string and add it to output_string
return output_string; -- and done
--[[--------------------------< R E N D E R _ T O T A L S >----------------------------------------------------
render a wikitable list of totals; exclude Under construction, on-order, and expected-to-be-retired ships
This is a presentation table so that the numbers are right justified, each above and below the preceding number
local function render_totals (output_string)
local out_t = {'<b>Totals</b>'};
local tally = 0;
table.insert (out_t, '{| role="presentation" style="margin-left:1.5em"'); -- start a wikitable indented 1.5em
for i, wikitable_name in ipairs (wikitable_names_t) do -- spin through the list of table names
if 6 > i then -- not under construction of on order
local wikitable = wikitable_name:gsub ('_t', ''); -- remove suffix
table.insert (out_t, '|-'); -- add row markup
table.insert (out_t, table.concat ({'| ', wikitable, ': || style="text-align:right" | ', totals_t[wikitable_names_t[i]]})); -- make a row
tally = tally + totals_t[wikitable_names_t[i]]; -- and bump the grand total
grand_total = tally; -- this will be rounded to the nearest integer evenly divisible by 5
table.insert (out_t, '|-'); -- add row markup
table.insert (out_t, table.concat ({'| <b>Grand total</b>: || style="text-align:right" | <b>', tally, '</b>'})); -- add the grand total row
table.insert (out_t, '|}'); -- close the wikitable
output_string = table.concat ({output_string, table.concat (out_t, '\n')}); -- make a big string and add it to output_string
return output_string; -- and done
--[[--------------------------< N _ O F _ M _ G E T >----------------------------------------------------------
For ship types in commissioned, non-commissioned, support, ready researve, and reserve tables, count the number
of same-type ships so that we can render '(''of M'')' annotation for those ship types.
First gather a list of ship types that are listed in more than one table. Compare commissioned to non-commissioned;
commissioned to support; etc. Then non-commissioned to support; non-commissioned to ready researve; etc. Continue
until we compare ready researve to reserve. Do not compare reserve to itself.
Second, scroll through the list of duplicates and accumulate tallies of each ship type.
local function n_of_m_get ()
for i, wikitable_name in ipairs (fleet_wikitables_t) do -- for each wikitable
if #fleet_wikitables_t == i then -- when we get to the last wikitable, don't compare it to itself
for ship_type, _ in pairs (wikitables_t[wikitable_name]) do
for j=i+1, #fleet_wikitables_t do -- index 1 looks in indexes 2, 3, ...
if wikitables_t[fleet_wikitables_t[j]][ship_type] then
n_of_m_t[ship_type] = 0; -- this ship type appears in more than one wikitable
for ship_type, _ in pairs (n_of_m_t) do -- for each ship type in n_of_m table
for _, wikitable_name in ipairs (fleet_wikitables_t) do -- for each wikitable
if wikitables_t[wikitable_name][ship_type] then -- if the ship type is found in this wikitable
n_of_m_t[ship_type] = n_of_m_t[ship_type] + wikitables_t[wikitable_name][ship_type]; -- add to the tally
--[[--------------------------< U S N _ S H I P _ C O U N T E R >----------------------------------------------
tables in 'List of current ships of the United States Navy' are (in this order):
Ready Reserve Force ships
Reserve fleet
Under construction
On order
count the ship types in the Type columns of these tables, and then render pretty sorted lists of ship types with
their counts.
local function fleet_totals ()
article_content_get (); -- attempt to get this article's content
local wikitable_index = 0;
local find_pattern = '{|';
local tstart, tend = Article_content:find (find_pattern); -- find the first wikitable
while tstart do
local wikitable = Article_content:match ('%b{}', tstart); -- get the whole wikitable
if not wikitable then
break; -- wikitable is nil for some reason (missing closing |} for example) so declare ourselves done
wikitable_index = wikitable_index + 1;
ship_types_get (wikitable, wikitable_index);
tstart, tend = Article_content:find (find_pattern, tend); -- search for another template; begin at end of last wikitable search
n_of_m_get ();
local output_string = '';
for i, _ in ipairs (wikitable_names_t) do
output_string = render_output (i, output_string); -- make a pretty unordered list of ship types and counts for each wikitable
output_string = render_totals (output_string); -- make a prety unordered list of 'classification' total numbers
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame(); -- do this to get access to frame:preprocess()
return frame:preprocess (output_string);
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T S >----------------------------------------------------------------
return {
fleet_totals_str = fleet_totals(),
grand_total = grand_total,
planned_total = totals_t['Under construction_t'] + totals_t['On order_t'],
retirements_total = totals_t['Retirements_t'],
retirements_year_max = retirements_year_max, -- for {{USN fleet totals|retire-year}}
decommission_t = { -- for {{decommission}} (commissioned ships)
['scheduled'] = 'Scheduled to be decommissioned',
['proposed'] = 'Proposed to be decommissioned',
end_of_service_t = { -- for {{end of service}} (non-commissioned ships)
['scheduled'] = 'Scheduled end of service',
['proposed'] = 'Proposed end of service',