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This is the Shindo module. Named after the Japanese term used for classifying earthquakes 震度(しんど), this template provides utility for seismic intensity scales.

Seismic intensity data generated on Module:Shindo/data. Messages on Module:Shindo/messages.


  1. {{#invoke:Shindo|color}} returns styling for a given seismic intensity on a scale.
  2. {{#invoke:Shindo|formatInWikitable}} returns styled text for a given seismic intensity on a scale, best suited for a wikitable.
  3. {{#invoke:Shindo|formatTag}} returns styled text for a given seismic intensity on a scale, as an HTML tag.
  4. {{#invoke:Shindo|format}} returns styled text for a given seismic intensity on a scale, as an HTML tag or table, depending on whether the parameter "format" is "wikitable".
  5. {{#invoke:Shindo|convert}} will convert a given peak ground acceleration into a seismic intensity.
  6. {{#invoke:Shindo|scale}} returns styled text for a specific scale, while shifting all the numbered arguments left, useful for invoking within templates that give specific scales.


  • scale: Which seismic intensity scale to be used. This is the first parameter.
  • intensity: The seismic intensity corresponding to the first scale. This is the second parameter (or first parameter when the scale is invoked as a function). If multiple intensities are desired they should be separated with a slash (/) with no spaces between them.
  • scale2: If specified, a second seismic intensity scale will be shown in parentheses (but colored the same as the original). Only used when formatting as a "tag". This is the third parameter (or second parameter when the scale is invoked as a function).
  • intensity2: The seismic intensity corresponding to the second scale. This is the fourth parameter (or third parameter when the scale is invoked as a function).
  • format: Either "wikitable" or "tag".
  • link: Whether to link to the relevant article. Default is true.
  • color: Whether to color the box for "formatTag" and "formatInWikitable". Default is true. If not then there will be no additional tag and the text will be unstyled.
  • style: Additional styling for the wikitable/tag, formatted as inline CSS.
  • tag: What tag to use in "formatTag". Default is "span".
  • tagProps: Properties for the tag (or wikitable) entry.
  • labelScale: Whether to label the ranking with the name of the scale (useful when the scale is relatively unknown to most).
  • pga: The peak ground acceleration in the convert function, in %g's. Same as the second parameter.