Module:NPVIC table
This module is rated as beta, and is ready for widespread use. It is still new and should be used with some caution to ensure the results are as expected. |
See {{NPVIC table}} for usage.
See also
local p = {}
local state_links = {
["AL"] = "[[Alabama]]",
["AK"] = "[[Alaska]]",
["AZ"] = "[[Arizona]]",
["AR"] = "[[Arkansas]]",
["CA"] = "[[California]]",
["CO"] = "[[Colorado]]",
["CT"] = "[[Connecticut]]",
["DE"] = "[[Delaware]]",
["DC"] = "[[Washington, D.C.|District of Columbia]]",
["FL"] = "[[Florida]]",
["GA"] = "[[Georgia (U.S. state)|Georgia]]",
["HI"] = "[[Hawaii]]",
["ID"] = "[[Idaho]]",
["IL"] = "[[Illinois]]",
["IN"] = "[[Indiana]]",
["IA"] = "[[Iowa]]",
["KS"] = "[[Kansas]]",
["KY"] = "[[Kentucky]]",
["LA"] = "[[Louisiana]]",
["ME"] = "[[Maine]]",
["MD"] = "[[Maryland]]",
["MA"] = "[[Massachusetts]]",
["MI"] = "[[Michigan]]",
["MN"] = "[[Minnesota]]",
["MS"] = "[[Mississippi]]",
["MO"] = "[[Missouri]]",
["MT"] = "[[Montana]]",
["NE"] = "[[Nebraska]]",
["NV"] = "[[Nevada]]",
["NH"] = "[[New Hampshire]]",
["NJ"] = "[[New Jersey]]",
["NM"] = "[[New Mexico]]",
["NY"] = "[[New York (state)|New York]]",
["NC"] = "[[North Carolina]]",
["ND"] = "[[North Dakota]]",
["OH"] = "[[Ohio]]",
["OK"] = "[[Oklahoma]]",
["OR"] = "[[Oregon]]",
["PA"] = "[[Pennsylvania]]",
["RI"] = "[[Rhode Island]]",
["SC"] = "[[South Carolina]]",
["SD"] = "[[South Dakota]]",
["TN"] = "[[Tennessee]]",
["TX"] = "[[Texas]]",
["UT"] = "[[Utah]]",
["VT"] = "[[Vermont]]",
["VA"] = "[[Virginia]]",
["WA"] = "[[Washington (state)|Washington]]",
["WV"] = "[[West Virginia]]",
["WI"] = "[[Wisconsin]]",
["WY"] = "[[Wyoming]]"
function p._showtable(frame, args)
local reference_heading = frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Reference column heading'}
local root = mw.html.create('table')
:addClass('wikitable sortable')
:css('line-height', 1.2)
:css('margin-left', 'auto')
:css('margin-right', 'auto')
-- table title
root:tag('caption'):wikitext('Jurisdictions enacting law to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact')
-- header row
local row = root:tag('tr')
row:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col'):wikitext('No.')
row:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col'):wikitext('Jurisdiction')
row:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col'):attr('data-sort-type', 'date'):wikitext('Date adopted')
row:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col'):attr('class','unsortable'):wikitext('Method of adoption')
row:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col'):attr('class','unsortable'):wikitext(reference_heading)
row:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'col'):wikitext('Current<br/>electoral<br/>votes (EVs)')
local k = 1
local EVs = 0
while args['state' .. k] do
local seats = args['state' .. k] == 'DC' and 1 or frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'USHRseats', args = {args['state' .. k]}}
row = root:tag('tr')
row:tag('th'):attr('scope', 'row'):wikitext(k)
row:tag('td'):wikitext(state_links[args['state' .. k]] or args['state' .. k])
row:tag('td'):css('text-align','right'):wikitext(args['date' .. k])
row:tag('td'):wikitext(args['method' .. k])
row:tag('td'):css('text-align','center'):wikitext(args['ref' .. k])
row:tag('td'):css('text-align','center'):wikitext(tonumber(seats) + 2)
EVs = EVs + tonumber(seats) + 2
k = k + 1
local percent = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'percent', args = { EVs, 270, 1} }
row = root:tag('tr'):addClass('sortbottom')
row:tag('th'):attr('colspan', 5):css('text-align', 'right'):wikitext('Total')
row:tag('th'):css('text-align', 'center'):wikitext(EVs)
row = root:tag('tr'):addClass('sortbottom')
row:tag('th'):attr('colspan', 5):css('text-align', 'right'):wikitext('Percentage of the 270 EVs needed')
row:tag('th'):css('text-align', 'center'):wikitext(percent)
return root
function p.main(frame)
local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame)
return p._showtable(frame, args)
return p