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Module:GHS phrases/sandbox2

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-- dead code, remove from /sandbox

local tX100DEV  =
	['H1'] = 'Physical hazards',
	['H2'] = 'Health hazards',
	['H3'] = 'Environmental hazards',
	['P1'] = 'General precautionary statements',
	['P2'] = 'Prevention precautionary statements',
	['P3'] = 'Response precautionary statements',
	['P4'] = 'Storage precautionary statements',
	['P5'] = 'Disposal precautionary statements'

-- test2DEV current range
function r.test2DEV(frame)
	local tArgs = getArgs(frame)
	local min, max, ccRange
	ccRange = tArgs['range']
	min = string.match(ccRange, '^([PH][%d%+A-Za-z]*)-') or 'Nil'
	max = string.match(ccRange, '-([PH][%d%+A-Za-z]*)$') or 'Nil'
	return 'test2: ' .. ccRange .. ' MIN:' .. min .. ' MAX:' .. max

-- listRangeDEV
-- listtypes: all + tablerow x col + pipedlist
-- range = H330-H399 min-max (inclde 401-330-402 !)
-- range = single only [AND/OR]
-- range = all
-- range = min-max
-- has ellipses (=wordtype)
-- X100 group headers H123, P12345
function r.listRangeDEV(frame) -- DEV
local tArgs = getArgs(frame)
local tL = {}
local t2 = {} -- from listAll orig: wellordered

	-- PARAMS setid, Rmin, Rmax, Rform
	---- setid?; later more
	tArgs.Range = 'H300-H350'
	-- -- range = todo ellipses, X100, multi/single H/P/all
	local range = {}
	range.range, range.min, range.max = getRangeMinMax(tArgs.Range)

	-- -- DEV: range parameter
	if isDebug then
		return range.range .. ' |min=' .. range.min .. ' max=' .. range.max
		return '' -- DEV only
	-- SOURCE table tGHSdata (H/P GHSdata table)
	local tGHSdata
	tGHSdata = GHSdata['GHSphrases']

	if tArgName.setid == '' then -- ?
		-- no setid; -- when when setid=X?
		errorSetidOrCode('ERR901', listRangeDEV)
		return 'ERR901 List range: setid missing: ' .. tArgName.setid .. ' ' .. showTailMsgsCats()

	-- ORDERED RANGE: t2 { i, code }; pairs not ipairs	-- (from listAll 28-11 7:00)
	local t2 = {}
	for s, v in pairs(tGHSdata) do
		table.insert(t2, s)
	t2 = tTools.compressSparseArray(t2)
	table.sort(t2) -- required

	-- STRUCT TABLE t3 (ordered, has data on code number)
	-- suffix 1=from 1st table (GHSdata); 2=from t2 (ordered);
	local t3 = {}
	local numC, countC, phrase1
	local hasEllipses = ''
	local multiC -- C2, C3, C4
	local trip
	local withPhrase = true
	for i2, c2 in pairs(t2) do -- value=phrase: ignored for now, 
		countC = 0
		multiC = {} 
		local iterator = mw.ustring.gmatch(c2, '%d%d%d') -- todo not [HP] ???
		for codeN in iterator do
			countC = countC + 1
			if countC == 1 then
				numC = getNumberFromC(codeN)
			else -- other codes (not num)
				table.insert(multiC, countC - 1, codeN)

		if withPhrase then
			phrase1 = tGHSdata[c2]
			hasEllipses = string.match(phrase1, '%.%.%.') or false

		trip = {c2, numC, table.concat(multiC, ', '), countC, i2, tostring(yesno(hasEllipses, true)), phrase1}
		table.insert(t3, trip)
		if i2 > 20 then
	t3 = tTools.compressSparseArray(t3)

	-- LIST t33
	local t33 = {}
	for i3, tV in ipairs(t3) do
		table.insert(t33, table.concat(unpack(t3, i3), '; '))
	return 't33:' .. tTools.size(t3) .. ' \n ' .. table.concat(t33, ' \n ')

-- H300-H340 into min, max
local function getRangeMinMax(ccRange)
	local c
	c = mw.text.decode(ccRange)
	c = mw.ustring.gsub(c, '[%−%–]', '-') -- minus, ndash
	c = mw.ustring.gsub(c, '[^%d%+A-Za-z%-]', '') -- hyphen: extra for Range definition
	c = mw.ustring.gsub(c, '^(%d)', tArgName.setid .. '%1')
	ccRange = mw.ustring.gsub(c, '%+(%d)', '+' .. tArgName.setid .. '%1')

	local min, max
	min = string.match(ccRange, '^([PH][%d%+A-Za-z]*)-') or ''
	max = string.match(ccRange, '-([PH][%d%+A-Za-z]*)$') or ''
	return ccRange, min, max

return x