return {
rows = 8,
cols = 8,
board_image = 'Chessboard480.svg',
color_names = {
l = 'white',
d = 'black',
u = 'unknown color'
piece_names = {
p = 'pawn',
r = 'rook',
n = 'knight',
b = 'bishop',
q = 'queen',
k = 'king',
a = 'archbishop',
c = 'chancellor',
z = 'champion',
w = 'wizard',
t = 'fool',
M = 'mann',
h = 'upside-down pawn',
m = 'upside-down rook',
B = 'upside-down bishop',
N = 'upside-down knight',
f = 'upside-down king',
g = 'upside-down queen',
e = 'elephant',
s = 'boat',
G = 'giraffe',
U = 'unicorn',
Z = 'zebra'
symbol_names = {
xx = 'black cross',
ox = 'white cross',
xo = 'black circle',
oo = 'white circle',
ul = 'up-left arrow',
ua = 'up arrow',
ur = 'up-right arrow',
la = 'left arrow',
ra = 'right arrow',
dl = 'down-left arrow',
da = 'down arrow',
dr = 'down-right arrow',
lr = 'left-right arrow',
ud = 'up-down arrow',
db = 'up-right and down-left arrow',
dw = 'up-left and down-right arrow',
x0 = 'zero',
x1 = 'one',
x2 = 'two',
x3 = 'three',
x4 = 'four',
x5 = 'five',
x6 = 'six',
x7 = 'seven',
x8 = 'eight',
x9 = 'nine'
files = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'},
alt_with_color_and_piece = '$1 $2 $3',
alt_with_symbol = '$1 $2',
alt_otherwise = '$1 $2 $3',
letters_both = 'both',
letters_top = 'top',
letters_bottom = 'bottom',
numbers_both = 'both',
numbers_left = 'left',
numbers_right = 'right'