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Lucrezia Scarfaglia

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Lucrezia Scarfaglia (active 1677–1678) was a Bolognese painter of the 17th century. Almost nothing is known of her life and career save that she was a pupil of Elisabetta Sirani, after whose death she took lessons with Domenico Maria Canuti. She was described by Carlo Cesare Malvasia as "not a mediocre painter".[1] In his Felsina pittrice, Malvasia lists a number of works by Scarfaglia's hand, including a handful of religious works and a portrait of Eleanora Gonzaga.[2] Her only known surviving work is a self-portrait, signed and dated 1678, in which she depicts herself painting the Madonna of Saint Luke. This piece is in an archaic style reminiscent of sixteenth century paintings; it is currently held by the Galleria Pallavicini in Rome.[1]


  1. ^ a b Vera Fortunati Pietrantonio (1998). Lavinia Fontana of Bologna (1552–1614). Catalogo della mostra (Washington, The National museum of women in the arts, 5 febbraio-7 giugno 1998). Mondadori Electa. ISBN 978-88-435-6394-4.
  2. ^ Carlo Cesare Malvasia (conte) (1769). Felsina pittrice: vite de' pittori bolognesi, con aggiunte, correzioni e note inedite dell' autore. Forni Editore.