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List of monuments in Eredvi Municipality

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The monuments in the Eredvi Municipality is a group of cultural heritage sites registered by the government of Georgia on the territory of the de jure Eredvi Municipality, which has been under the control of South Ossetia, an entity with limited international recognition, since the 2008 Russo-Georgian War. Due to the continued presence of the Russian troops, Georgia, in accordance to its Law on Occupied territories (Article 7.4), holds Russia responsible for the protection of cultural heritage in the area.[1]

The table lists a monument, its location and dating as well as the status attached to it by the Georgian authorities and the number assigned in the registry by the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia, which is available online as a GIS portal.[2] The Agency broadly classifies the heritage sites into three groups: 1) the objects without a status, 2) immovable monuments of cultural heritage, and 3) immovable monuments of national significance.

Object National Registry number Date of construction Location Status Image
Mother of Jesus' Church in Andoreti Middle ages Andoreti
Mother of Jesus' Church in Argvitsi Middle ages Argvitsi
Mother of Jesus' Former Church in Ardisi Ardisi
Former Church of Saint George in Ardisi Middle ages Ardisi
Church of Arkineti Middle ages Arkineti
Arkineti Kvelatsminda Church Middle ages Arkineti
Former Church of Saint George in Arkineti Arkineti
Ruins of Artsevi Church Middle ages Artsevi
Former Church of Artsevi Middle ages Artsevi
Mother of Jesus' Former Church Artsevi Middle ages Artsevi
Church of Saint George in Adzvistavi Middle ages Adzvistavi
Adzvistavi tower Middle ages Adzvistavi
Atsriskhevi tower Middle ages Atsriskhevi
Mother of Jesus' Church in Atsriskhevi 6064[3][4] 9th-10th centuries Atsriskhevi Cultural Monument
Atsriskhevi Fortress 1902[3][5] Middle ages Atsriskhevi Cultural Monument
Church of Saint Mary in Atsriskhevi 6063[3][6] Middle ages Atsriskhevi Cultural Monument
Mother of Jesus' Church's ruins in Beloti Beloti
Beloti fortress 6062[3][7] 18th century Beloti Cultural Monument
Church of Beloti fortress 6062[3][8] 10th century Beloti Cultural Monument
Ruins of Berijvari Church Berijvari
Bekhushe fortress 6062[3][9] Middle ages Inauri Cultural Monument
Bieti Monastery 6074[3][10] Middle ages Bieti Cultural Monument of National Significance
Mother of Jesus' Church in Bieti Middle ages Bieti
Baqari fortress 18th century Kvemo Baqari
Gozo fortress Gozo
Gomarti Church 1949[3][11] 8th-9th centuries Satskheneti Cultural Monument
Dvalaintkari tower Middle ages Dvalaintkari
Dvalaintkari Church 1911[3] Middle ages Dvalaintkari Cultural Monument
Disevi tower Middle ages Disevi
Disevi Dzelitskhoveli Church 6033[3][12] 10th century Disevi Cultural Monument
Stone Cross in Eltura Middle ages Eltura
Eredvi basilica 6033[3][13] 906 AD Eredvi Cultural Monument of National Significance
Tskhetijvari Church of Eredvi 1924[3][14] Middle ages Eredvi Cultural Monument
Saint Elia's Church in Eredvi 1923[3][15] 14th century Eredvi Cultural Monument
The Savior's Church in Vanati 1926[3][16] 10th century Vanati Cultural Monument
Vanati fortress 1927[3][17] Middle ages Vanati Cultural Monument
Vilda fortress Middle ages Vilda
Church of Saint George in Zemo Goreti Middle ages Zemo Goreti
Zemo Vilda tower Middle ages Zemo Vilda
Church's ruins in Zemo Vilda Zemo Vilda
Church of Holy Trinity in Zemo Vilda Middle ages Zemo Vilda
Mother of Jesus' Church in Zemo Frisi 1937[3][18] Zemo Frisi 9th-10th centuries Cultural Monument
Mother of Jesus' Church in Zemo Charebi Middle ages Zemo Charebi
Zonkari Hall 6059[3][19] Middle ages Zemo Zonkari Cultural Monument
Zonkari tower Middle ages Zemo Zonkari
Second tower of Zonkari Middle ages Zemo Zonkari
Church with tower in Zonkari Middle ages Zemo Zonkari
Mother of Jesus' Church in Zonkari 6058[3][20] Zemo Zonkari 8th-9th centuries Cultural Monument
Zonkari Shiotsminda Church 6060[3][21] Middle ages Zemo Zonkari Cultural Monument
Ikorta church 1960[3][22] 1172 AD Ikorta Cultural Monument of National Significance
Ikorta fortress Middle ages Ikorta
Ivreti tower Ivreti
Church of Saint George in Ivreti Middle ages Ivreti
Inauri church 1938[3] Middle ages Inauri Cultural Monument of National Significance
Inauri tower 6075[3] Middle ages Inauri Cultural Monument
Ruins in inauri Middle ages Inauri
Second tower of Inauri Middle ages Inauri
Inauri fortress Middle ages Inauri
Isrolskhevi tower Middle ages Isrolskhevi
Mother of Jesus' Church in Isrolskhevi Middle ages Isrolskhevi
The Savior's Church in Isrolskhevi Middle ages Isrolskhevi
Church of Saint George in Kulbiti Middle ages Kulbiti
Lacauri tower Middle ages Lacauri
Second tower of Lacauri Middle ages Lacauri
Ruins in Lacauri Middle ages Lacauri
Third tower of Lacauri Middle ages Lacauri
Ruins Lomisi Church Middle ages Beloti
Former Church in Maraleti Middle ages Maraleti
Alcove in Nisha 20th century Nisha
Church of Saint George in Ortevi Middle ages Ortevi
Satikhari Church Middle ages Satikhari
Mother of Jesus' Church in Satikhari 1946[3][23] 9th-10th centuries Satikhari Cultural Monument
Satikhari fortress 1945[3][24] 18th century Satikhari Cultural Monument
Satskheneti Kviratskhoveli Church 6055[3][25] Middle ages Satskheneti Cultural Monument
Church of Saint George in Satskheneti Middle ages Satskheneti
Siata Church 6065[3] Middle ages Siata Cultural Monument
Siata tower 1904[3] Middle ages Siata Cultural Monument
Siata ruins 6067[3] Middle ages Siata Cultural Monument
Church of Saint George in Snekvi 9th-10th centuries Zemo Snekvi
Pokhalas fortress 1905[3][26] Middle ages Beloti Cultural Monument
Karkiant church Middle ages Charebi
Kashueti Church in Beloti 6057[3][27] Middle ages Beloti Cultural Monument
Kvemo Vilda Church 6057[3][28] Middle ages Kvemo Vilda Cultural Monument
Knogho fortress Knogho
Archangel's Church in Ksuisi 6051[3][29] Middle ages Ksuisi Cultural Monument
Mother of Jesus' Former Church in Ksuisi Ksuisi
Ghvria tower Middle ages Ghvria
Church of Holy Trinity with tower in Ghvria Middle ages Ghvria
Shambieti Church Middle ages Shambieti
Shambieti tower Middle ages Shambieti
Shambieti ruins Middle ages Shambieti
Shulauri Shulauri
Tsiteli Saqdari Church 1922[3][30] Middle ages Eredvi Cultural Monument
Tsifori tower 6080[3][31] Middle ages Tsifori Cultural Monument
Tskalitsminda ancient Church Tskalitsminda
Chalisubani Church Middle ages Chalisubani
Ancient Church of Holy Trinity in Charebi Middle ages Charebi
Mother of Jesus' Church in Charebi 1969[3][32] 10th-11th centuries Charebi Cultural Monument
Khaduriantubani fortress 18th century Khaduriantubani
Mother of Jesus' Church in Jvareti Middle ages Jvareti
Church of Saint George in Jvareti 8th-9th centuries Jvareti

See also



  1. ^ Law of Georgia on Occupied Territories (Law LHG, 28, 30/10/2008, 7). Parliament of Georgia. 23 October 2008.
  2. ^ "კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის ვებ-პორტალი [Web-portal of Cultural Heritage]". memkvidreoba.gov.ge. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 13 December 2021.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai "უძრავი ძეგლების ნუსხა (Registry of Immovable Monuments]" (PDF) (in Georgian). National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 14 December 2021.
  4. ^ "აწრისხევის ღვთისმშობლის ეკლესია [Mother of Jesus' Church in Atsriskhevi]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 7 January 2022.
  5. ^ "აწრისხევის ციხე [Atsriskhevi Fortress]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 7 January 2022.
  6. ^ "აწრისხევის წმინდა მარიამის ეკლესია [Church of Saint Mary in Atsriskhevi]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 7 January 2022.
  7. ^ "ბელოთის ციხე [Beloti fortress]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 11 January 2022.
  8. ^ "ბელოთის ციხის ეკლესია [Church of Beloti fortress]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 11 January 2022.
  9. ^ "ბეხუშეს ციხე [Bekhushe fortress]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 11 January 2022.
  10. ^ "ბიეთის მონასტერი [Bieti Monastery]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 11 January 2022.
  11. ^ "გომართის ეკლესია [Gomarti Church]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 1 January 2022.
  12. ^ "დისევის ძელიცხოვლის ეკლესია [Disevi Dzelitskhoveli Church]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 13 January 2022.
  13. ^ "ერედვის ბაზილიკა [Eredvi basilica]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 13 January 2022.
  14. ^ "ერედვის ცხეთიჯვარის ეკლესია [Tskhetijvari Church of Eredvi]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  15. ^ "ერედვის წმინდა ელიას ეკლესია [Saint Elia's Church in Eredvi]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  16. ^ "ვანათის მაცხოვრის ეკლესია [Church of Saint Elia in eredvi]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  17. ^ "ვანათის ციხე [Vanati fortress]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  18. ^ "ზემო ფრისის ღვთისმშობლის ეკლესია [Mother of Jesus' Church in Zemo Frisi ]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  19. ^ "ზონკარის დარბაზი [Zonkari Hall]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  20. ^ "ზონკარის ღვთისმშობლის ეკლესია [Mother of Jesus' Church in Zonkari]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  21. ^ "ზონკარის შიოწმინდის ეკლესია [Zonkari Shiotsminda Church]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  22. ^ "იკორთის ტაძარი [Ikorta church]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 15 January 2022.
  23. ^ "სათიხარის ღვთისმშობლის ეკლესია [Mother of Jesus' Church in Satikhari]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  24. ^ "სათიხარის ციხე [Satikhari fortress]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  25. ^ "საცხენეთის კვირაცხოვლის ეკლესია [Satskheneti Kviratskhoveli Church]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  26. ^ "ფოხალას ციხე [Pokhalas fortress]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  27. ^ "ბელოთის ქაშუეთის ეკლესია [Kashueti Church in Beloti]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  28. ^ "ქვემო ვილდის ეკლესია [Kvemo Vilda Church]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  29. ^ "ქსუისის მთავარანგელოზის ეკლესია [Archangel's Church in Ksuisi]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  30. ^ "წითელი საყდრის ეკლესია [Tsiteli Saqdari Church]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 18 January 2022.
  31. ^ "წიფორის კოშკი [Tsifori tower]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 18 January 2022.
  32. ^ "ჭარების ღვთისმშობლის ეკლესია [Mother of Jesus' Church in Charebi]". Web-portal of Cultural Heritage. National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia. Retrieved 18 January 2022.