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List of members of the National Assembly of Zambia (2016–2021)

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The members of the National Assembly of Zambia from 2016 until 2021 were elected on 11 August 2016. They consisted of 156 elected members, eight members appointed by the President, the Speaker and the Vice-President. The elected members included 80 from the Patriotic Front, 58 from the United Party for National Development, three from the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, one from the Forum for Democracy and Development and 14 independents.[1]

List of members


Elected members

Constituency Member Party
Bahati Harry Kalaba Patriotic Front
Bangweulu Anthony Kasandwe Patriotic Front
Bwacha Sydney Mushanga Patriotic Front
Bwana Mkubwa Jonas Chanda Patriotic Front
Bweengwa Kasautu Michelo United Party for National Development
Chadiza Salatiel Tembo Patriotic Front
Chama North Darious Mumba Patriotic Front
Chama South Davison Mung'andu Patriotic Front
Chasefu Gerald Zimba Patriotic Front
Chavuma Victor Lumayi United Party for National Development
Chawama Lawrence Sichalwe Patriotic Front
Chembe Sebastian Kopulande Patriotic Front
Chiengi Given Katuta Forum for Democracy and Development
Chifubu Frank Ng'ambi Patriotic Front
Chifunabuli Ponde Mecha Patriotic Front
Chikankata Kabwe Mwiinga United Party for National Development
Chilanga Keith Mukata United Party for National Development
Chililabombwe Richard Musukwa Patriotic Front
Chilubi Rosaria Fundanga Patriotic Front
Chimbamilonga Hastings Chansa Patriotic Front
Chimwemwe Elias Mwila Independent
Chingola Mathew Nkhuwa Patriotic Front
Chinsali Kalalwe Mukosa Patriotic Front
Chipangali Vincent Mwale Patriotic Front
Chipata Central Moses Mawere Patriotic Front
Chipili Jewis Chabi Independent
Chirundu Douglas Syakalima United Party for National Development
Chisamba Chushi Kasanda United Party for National Development
Chitambo Remember Mutale Patriotic Front
Choma Cornelius Mweetwa United Party for National Development
Chongwe Japhen Mwakalombe Patriotic Front
Dundumwenzi Edgar Sing'ombe United Party for National Development
Feira Stephen Miti Independent
Gwembe Attractor Chisangano United Party for National Development
Ikeleng'i Elijah Muchima United Party for National Development
Isoka Sichone Malozo Patriotic Front
Itezhi-Tezhi Herbert Shabula United Party for National Development
Kabompo Ambrose Lufuma United Party for National Development
Kabushi Bowman Lusambo Patriotic Front
Kabwata Given Lubinda Patriotic Front
Kabwe Central Tutwa Ngulube Patriotic Front
Kafue Mirriam Chonya United Party for National Development
Kafulafuta Joseph Kabamba Patriotic Front
Kalabo Central Chinga Miyutu United Party for National Development
Kalomo Central Harry Kamboni United Party for National Development
Kalulushi Kampamba Chilumba Patriotic Front
Kamfinsa Elalio Musonda Patriotic Front
Kanchibiya Martin Malama Patriotic Front
Kankoyo Brian Mushimba Patriotic Front
Kantanshi Anthony Mumba Independent
Kanyama Elizabeth Phiri Patriotic Front
Kaoma Central Morgan Sitwala United Party for National Development
Kapiri Mposhi Stanley Kakubo United Party for National Development
Kapoche Charles Romel Banda Patriotic Front
Kaputa Maxas Ng'onga Patriotic Front
Kasama Central Kelvin Sampa Patriotic Front
Kasempa Brenda Tambatamba United Party for National Development
Kasenengwa Victoria Kalima Patriotic Front
Katombola Derick Livune United Party for National Development
Katuba Patricia Mwashingwele United Party for National Development
Kaumbwe Listed Tembo Patriotic Front
Kawambwa Nickson Chilangwa Patriotic Front
Keembe Princess Kasune United Party for National Development
Kwacha Joseph Malanji Patriotic Front
Liuwa Situmbeko Musokotwane United Party for National Development
Livingstone Mathews Jere United Party for National Development
Luampa Makozo Chikote United Party for National Development
Luangeni Charles Zulu Patriotic Front
Luanshya Stephen Chungu Patriotic Front
Luapula Emerine Kabanshi Patriotic Front
Lubansenshi George Mwamba Patriotic Front
Luena David Kundoti United Party for National Development
Lufubu Gift Chiyalika Patriotic Front
Lufwanyama Leonard Fungulwe United Party for National Development
Lukashya Mwenya Munkonge Independent
Lukulu East Christopher Kalila United Party for National Development
Lumezi Pilila Jere Independent
Lundazi Lawrence Nyirenda Independent
Lunte Mutotwe Kafwaya Patriotic Front
Lupososhi Lazarous Chungu Patriotic Front
Lusaka Central Margaret Mwanakatwe Patriotic Front
Mafinga Jacob Siwale Patriotic Front
Magoye Emmerson Machila United Party for National Development
Malambo Makebi Zulu Patriotic Front
Malole Christopher Yaluma Patriotic Front
Mambilima Dennis Wanchinga Patriotic Front
Mandevu Jean Kapata Patriotic Front
Mangango Naluwa Mwene United Party for National Development
Mansa Central Chitalu Chilufya Patriotic Front
Manyinga Robert Lihefu United Party for National Development
Mapatizya Clive Miyanda United Party for National Development
Masaiti Micheal Zondani Katambo Patriotic Front
Matero Lloyd Kaziya Patriotic Front
Mazabuka Central Gary Nkombo United Party for National Development
Mbabala Ephraim Belemu United Party for National Development
Mbala Mwalimu Simfukwe Patriotic Front
Mfuwe Mwimba Malama Patriotic Front
Milanzi Whiteson Banda Patriotic Front
Milenge Mwansa Mbulakulima Patriotic Front
Mitete Misheck Mutelo United Party for National Development
Mkaika Peter Phiri Movement for Multi-Party Democracy
Mkushi North Doreen Mwape Patriotic Front
Mkushi South Davies Chisopa Patriotic Front
Mongu Central Mwilola Imakando United Party for National Development
Monze Jacob Mwiimbu United Party for National Development
Moomba Fred Chaatila United Party for National Development
Mpika Central Sylvia Chalikosa Patriotic Front
Mpongwe Rasfold Bulaya United Party for National Development
Mporokoso Brian Mundubile Patriotic Front
Mpulungu Chomba Sikazwe Patriotic Front
Msanzala Peter Daka Patriotic Front
Muchinga Howard Kunda Movement for Multi-Party Democracy
Mufulira Evans Chibanda Patriotic Front
Mufumbwe Elliot Kamondo United Party for National Development
Mulobezi Alfred Mandumbwa Independent
Mumbwa Credo Nanjuwa United Party for National Development
Munali Nkandu Luo Patriotic Front
Mwandi Sililo Mutaba United Party for National Development
Mwansabombwe Rodgers Mwewa Patriotic Front
Mwembeshi Machila Jamba Independent
Mwense David Mabumba Patriotic Front
Mwinilunga Newton Samakayi United Party for National Development
Nakonde Yizukanji Siwanzi Patriotic Front
Nalikwanda Geoffrey Lungwangwa United Party for National Development
Nalolo George Imbuwa Independent
Namwala Moono Lubezhi United Party for National Development
Nangoma Boyd Hamusonde Independent
Nchanga Chilombo Chali Patriotic Front
Nchelenge Anthony Malama Patriotic Front
Ndola Central Emmanuel Mulenga Patriotic Front
Nkana Alexander Chiteme Patriotic Front
Nkeyema Kapelwa Mbangweta United Party for National Development
Nyimba Olipa Phiri Patriotic Front
Pambashe Ronald Chitotela Patriotic Front
Pemba Mutinta Mazoka United Party for National Development
Petauke Central Dora Siliya Patriotic Front
Roan Chishimba Kambwili Patriotic Front
Rufunsa Sheal Mulyata United Party for National Development
Senanga Mukumbuta Mulowa United Party for National Development
Senga Hill Kapembwa Simbao Patriotic Front
Serenje Maxwell Kabanda Movement for Multi-Party Democracy
Sesheke Frank Kufakwandi United Party for National Development
Shang'ombo Mubika Mubika United Party for National Development
Shiwa Ngandu Stephen Kampyongo Patriotic Front
Siavonga Darius Mulunda United Party for National Development
Sikongo Mundia Ndalamei United Party for National Development
Sinazongwe Gift Sialubalo United Party for National Development
Sinda Masautso Tembo Independent
Sioma Mbololwa Subulwa Independent
Solwezi Central Stafford Mulusa United Party for National Development
Solwezi East Leaky Kintu United Party for National Development
Solwezi West Teddy Kasonso United Party for National Development
Vubwi Margaret Miti Patriotic Front
Wusakile Pavyuma Kalobo Independent
Zambezi East Brian Kambita United Party for National Development
Zambezi West Prisca Kucheka United Party for National Development

Non-elected members

Type Member Party
Nominated Davies Chama Patriotic Front
Nominated Edify Mukambala Hamukale Patriotic Front
Nominated Richard Masaiti Kapita Patriotic Front
Nominated Nathaniel Mubukwanu Patriotic Front
Nominated Felix Mutati Patriotic Front
Nominated Joyce Nonde-Simukoko Patriotic Front
Nominated Godfridah Sumaili Patriotic Front
Nominated Catherine Namugala Movement for Multi-Party Democracy
Speaker Patrick Matibini Independent
Vice-President Inonge Wina Patriotic Front

