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List of graphic artists in the Web Gallery of Art

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The List of graphic artists in the Web Gallery of Art is a list of the named artists in the Web Gallery of Art (WGA) whose works there comprise drawings, woodcuts, etchings, engravings, mezzotints, lithographs, and watercolours. The online collection contains roughly 34,000 images by 4,000 artists, but only named artists with works labelled "graphics" in the database are listed alphabetically here. The artist's name is followed by a title of one of their graphics works and its location, which is hosted on the WGA website. For artists with more than one work in the WGA collection, or for works by unnamed or unattributed artists, see the Web Gallery of Art website or the corresponding Wikimedia Commons category. Of the 645 graphic artists in the WGA database, there are only 7 women, namely Sofonisba Anguissola, Marie-Jeanne Renard du Bos, Isabella Parasole, Diana Scultori, Elisabetta Sirani, Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, and Teresa Berenice Vitelli. For the complete list of artists and their artworks in the WGA collection, the database can be downloaded as a compressed file from the website.










  • Richard Earlom (1743–1822), 1 etching : Flowers, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Gerbrand van den Eeckhout (1621–1674), 1 drawing : The City Walls of Delft with the Mill Called The Rose, Institut Néerlandais, Paris (url)
  • Sigmund Elsässer (c1550-ca. 1587), 3 works : Kolowrat Wedding, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (url)
  • Thomas Ender (1793–1875), 3 works : Povážský Hrad and the Renaissance Mansion, Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (url)
  • Jan van Eyck (1370–1441), 1 drawing : Portrait of Cardinal Albergati, Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden (url)










  • Louis Jacob (1712–1802), 1 engraving : The Departure of the Italian Comedians in 1697, National Gallery of Art, Washington (url)
  • Marie-Victoire Jaquotot (1772–1855), 1 gouache : A Basket of Flowers, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (url)
  • Thomas Jefferys (c. 1719 – 1771), 2 works : Habit of the King of Poland, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington (url)
  • Christoffel Jegher (1596–1652), 3 works : The Garden of Love, Art Institute, Chicago (url)
  • John Jones (c.1760-1791), 2 works : Serena, British Museum, London (url)
  • Johan Jongkind (1819–1891), 3 works : Harbour of Honfleur, Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest (url)
  • Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678), 2 works : Bearded Man Stepping Down, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (url)




  • Carlo Labruzzi (1747/1748–1817), 1 drawing : View of the Chapel of Cardinal Branda Castiglione, Biblioteca Apostolica, Vatican (url)
  • Jan l'Admiral (1699–1773), 1 etching : Portraits of Augustin Jorisz. Verburcht, Hendrick van Cleve, Melchior Orch and Hans Vredeman de Vries, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Pieter van Laer (1592–1642), 1 drawing : Bentvueghels in a Roman Tavern, Staatliche Museen, Berlin (url)
  • Antonio Lafreri (c. 1512 – 1577), 3 works : The Colosseum in Rome, British Museum, London (url)
  • Jacques Lagniet (1620–1672), 2 works : The Nobleman is the Spider and the Peasant is the Fly, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Gerard de Lairesse (1640–1711), 2 works : Five Female Heads, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Jacques de Lajoue (1686–1761), 1 drawing : Winter, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Dominicus Lampsonius (1532–1599), 1 engraving : Portrait of Pieter Bruegel the Elder, - (url)
  • Nicolas Lancret (1690–1743), 1 drawing : Study for Picnic after the Hunt, Bibliothèque Municipale, Rouen (url)
  • Nicolas de Launay (1739–1792), 1 engraving : Les Adieux, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Hans Sebald Lautensack (ca. 1520-ca. 1565), 1 etching : View of a Town along the River with a Church on the Right Bank, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Thomas Lawrence (1769–1830), 1 drawing : Portrait of Alexander I, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Charles Le Brun (1619–1690), 5 works : Louis XIV Visiting the Gobelins Factory, Musée du Louvre, Paris (url)
  • Sébastien Leclerc (1637–1714) (1637–1714), 3 works : The Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Louis-Joseph Le Lorrain (1715–1759), 1 engraving : Temple of Venus, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Jean Le Pautre (1618–1682), 6 works : Performance of Alceste in 1674, Musée National du Château, Versailles (url)
  • Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734–1781), 1 aquatint : Calmouk, Musée Jenisch, Vevey (url)
  • William Leighton Leitch (1804–1883), 1 watercolour : Italian Landscape, Museum of Art, Cleveland (url)
  • Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), 151 works : Madonna and Child with St Anne and the Young St John, National Gallery, London (url)
  • Ottavio Leoni (1578–1630), 6 works : Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, British Museum, London (url)
  • François-Bernard Lépicié (1698–1755), 2 works : Monument to Mignard, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Alexandre-Isidore Leroy De Barde (1777–1828), 2 works : Crystallised Minerals, Musée du Louvre, Paris (url)
  • Hans Leu the Younger (c. 1490 – 1531), 1 drawing : Meadow Landscape with Water-Mill, Staatliche Museen, Berlin (url)
  • Lucas van Leyden (1494–1533), 24 works : Abraham and Isaac on Their Way to the Place of Sacrifice, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Giorgio Liberale (1527-ca. 1579), 5 works : Sea animals, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna (url)
  • Jan Lievens (1607–1674), 1 drawing : Portrait of Poet Jan Vos, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt (url)
  • Jacopo Ligozzi (1547–1627), 3 works : Psittacus Ararauna, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • Filippino Lippi (1457–1504), 2 works : Head of an Elderly Man, Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig (url)
  • Filippo Lippi (1406–1469), 4 works : Female Figure (Prophetess?), Harvard University Art Museum, Cambridge (url)
  • Gian Paolo Lomazzo (1538–1600), 2 works : Head of an Executioner, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan (url)
  • Lambert Lombard (1505–1566), 1 drawing : Figure studies, Cabinet des estampes, Liège (url)
  • Pietro Longhi (1702–1783), 1 drawing : Lute Player, Museo Correr, Venice (url)
  • Melchior Lorck (1526–1594), 2 works : Portrait of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen (url)
  • Lorenzo di Credi (1459–1537), 3 works : Bust of a Boy Wearing a Cap, Musée du Louvre, Paris (url)
  • Lorenzo Monaco (1370–1423), 1 drawing : Studies, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)
  • Domenico Lovisa (ca. 1690-ca. 1750), 1 woodcut : Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice (url)
  • Aurelio Luini (c. 1530 – 1593), 2 works : Sheet of Studies of Figures and Heads, Fondazione d'Arco, Mantua (url)
  • Bernardino Luini (1480–1532), 2 works : Portrait of Biagio Arcimboldo, British Museum, London (url)
  • Johannes Lutma II (1624–1685), 1 etching : Portrait of Johannes Lutma the Elder, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)


  • Jean-Baptiste Mallet (1759–1835), 2 works : The Love Letter, Private collection (url)
  • James Malton (1760–1803), 1 drawing : The Portico of the Parliament House, Dublin, Private collection (url)
  • Karel van Mander (1548–1606), 1 drawing : Oriane Endavours to Perform Feats of Magic in the Garden of Apolidon, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Édouard Manet (1832–1883), 7 works : Baudelaire Bareheaded, Full Face, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Andrea Mantegna (1430–1506), 7 works : Battle of the Sea Gods, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)
  • Niklaus Manuel (c. 1484 – 1530), 1 drawing : Allegory of Death, Musée du Louvre, Paris (url)
  • Aldus Manutius (c. 1450 – 1515), 1 woodcut : Poliphilus in a Wood, British Museum, London (url)
  • Carlo Maratta (1625–1713), 1 drawing : Self-portrait, British Museum, London (url)
  • Prosper Marilhat (1811–1847), 1 engraving : View of Ezbekiyah, Cairo, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Daniel Marot (1662–1752), 1 drawing : Design for a Ceiling, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Jean Marot (1620–1679), 1 engraving : The Ceremonial Entry of Louis XIV and Marie-Thérèse into Paris in 1660, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • John Martin (painter) (1789–1854), 2 works : The Evening of the Deluge, Victoria and Albert Museum, London (url)
  • Pietro Antonio Martini (1738–1797), 1 engraving : Exposition au Salon du Louvre en 1787, Wildenstein Institute, Paris (url)
  • Jan Martszen de Jonge (1609–1647), 1 drawing : The Entry of Maria de' Medici to Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Master ES (1450–1467), 8 works : Man of Sorrows between Four Angels, Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden (url)
  • Master Fvb (1475–1500), 2 works : Saint Barbara, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)
  • Master HL (active c. 1515-Upper Rhine), 1 woodcut : St Christopher, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Master I. A. M. of Zwolle (1470–1495), 2 works : The Lactation of St Bernard, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Master M Z (1500–1510), 8 works : Martyrdom of St Barbara, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg (url)
  • Master of Balaam (active 1440s-), 1 engraving : St Eligius in His Workshop, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Jacob Bellaert (c1450-c1486), 1 woodcut : Animals from De proprietatibus rerum, British Library (url)
  • Master of the Housebook (1475–1490), 12 works : Aristotle and Phyllis, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Master of the Playing Cards (active 1435-1450-1450), 2 works : King of Wild Men, Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden (url)
  • Jacob Matham (1571–1631), 2 works : Samson and Delilah, Rockox House, Antwerp (url)
  • Theodor Matham (1605–1676), 3 works : Man with Roemer and Pipe, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge (url)
  • Israhel van Meckenem (1445–1503), 8 works : The Artist and His Wife Ida, Staatliche Museen, Berlin (url)
  • Juste-Aurèle Meissonnier (1698–1750), 1 drawing : Design of a Couch for Count Bilenski, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Claude Mellan (1598–1688), 5 works : Frontispiece of a Bible, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Francesco Melzi (1493–1570), 4 works : Portrait of Leonardo, Royal Library, Windsor (url)
  • Matthäus Merian (1593–1650), 2 works : View of the Neuegebäude, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (url)
  • Charles Meryon (1821–1868), 1 etching : The Petit Pont, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Gabriël Metsu (1629–1667), 1 drawing : Woman Figure, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt (url)
  • Conrad Martin Metz (1749–1827), 1 engraving : The Triumph of Bacchus in India, British Museum, London (url)
  • Michelangelo (1475–1564), 168 works : Tomb of Julius II, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • Pierre Milan (1545–1557), 1 engraving : Nymph of Fontainebleau, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Jean-François Millet (1814–1875), 1 drawing : Catherine Lemaire, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (url)
  • Pierre-Etienne Moitte (1722–1780), 1 engraving : The Marquis de Beringhen, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Bernard de Montfaucon (1655–1741), 2 works : Old Testament figures, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Octavianus Montfort (17th century-), 2 works : Flowers, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (url)
  • Jean-Michel Moreau (1741–1814), 3 works : Banquet Given in the Presence of the King, Musée du Louvre, Paris (url)
  • Paulus Moreelse (1571–1638), 1 drawing : Design of Catharijnepoort in Utrecht, Municipal Archive, Utrecht (url)
  • Jean Morin (ca. 1590-1650), 2 works : Memento Mori, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Jan Harmensz. Muller (1571–1628), 1 engraving : Mercury and Psyche, viewed from three sides, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Christoph Murer (1558–1614), 1 drawing : Apollo and Daphne, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento (url)
  • Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617–1682), 1 drawing : Virgin and Child, Museum of Art, Cleveland (url)
  • Agostino dei Musi (c. 1490 – 1536), 1 engraving : The Academy of Baccio Bandinelli in Rome, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)


  • Robert Nanteuil (1623–1678), 2 works : Louis XIV, British Museum, London (url)
  • Christoph Nathe (1753–1806), 1 drawing : Village Street with Houses, Staatliche Museen, Berlin (url)
  • Reinier Nooms (1623–1664), 1 etching : The Prinsengracht and the Noorderkerk at Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)


  • Peter Oliver (painter) (1594–1647), 1 watercolour : Portrait of a Young Gentleman, Private collection (url)
  • Ferdinand Olivier (1785–1841), 3 works : Meadow before Aigen, Friday, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich (url)
  • John Opie (1761–1807), 1 engraving : Scene from Shakespeare's Winter's Tale, British Museum, London (url)
  • Bernard van Orley (1490–1541), 2 works : Count Henry I of Nassau with his Bride, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich (url)
  • Abraham Ortelius (1528–1598), 1 engraving : Image of the Pilgrimage of St Paul, - (url)
  • Adriaen van Ostade (1610–1685), 7 works : Scene in the Tavern, Graphic Cabinet, Dresden (url)
  • Michael Ostendorfer (c. 1494 – 1549), 1 woodcut : The Pilgrimage to the "Fair Virgin" in Regensburg, Kunstsammlung der Veste Coburg, Coburg (url)
  • Jean-Baptiste Oudry (1686–1755), 2 works : The Park at Arcueil, Musée du Louvre, Paris (url)
  • Jean Ouvrier (1725–1784), 1 engraving : The Two Confidantes, Musée du Louvre, Paris (url)
  • Friedrich Overbeck (1789–1869), 1 drawing : Christ Resurrects the Daughter of Jairus, Staatliche Museen, Berlin (url)


  • Francisco Pacheco (1564–1644), 1 engraving : Pedro de Campaña (Pieter Kempeneer), Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid (url)
  • Anthonie Palamedesz. (1601–1673), 4 works : Seated Cavalier with a Sword and a Raised Glass, Prentenkabinet, University of Leiden, Leiden (url)
  • Samuel Palmer (1805–1881), 4 works : Self-Portrait, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (url)
  • Isabella Parasole (c. 1565 – 1625), 2 works : Il Teatro delle nobili et virtuose donne, Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge (url)
  • Luis Paret y Alcázar (1746–1799), 1 gouache : Zebra, Museo del Prado, Madrid (url)
  • Giulio Parigi (1571–1635), 1 drawing : Scenery with River Allegories, Private collection (url)
  • Parmigianino (1503–1540), 3 works : Circe and the Companions of Ulysses, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • William Pars (1742–1782), 1 watercolour : The Rhône Glacier and the Source of the Rhône, British Museum, London (url)
  • Crispijn van de Passe the Younger (1564–1637), 5 works : Backgammon Players, Universiteits-Bibliotheek, Amsterdam (url)
  • Hans Paur (1445–1472), 1 woodcut : The Martyrdom of St Sebastian, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich (url)
  • Georg Pencz (1500–1550), 1 engraving : Caritas, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg (url)
  • Gianfrancesco Penni (1488–1528), 2 works : The Battle at Pons Milvius, Musée du Louvre, Paris (url)
  • Gabriel Perelle (1603–1677), 7 works : Château de Choisy, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Perino del Vaga (1500–1547), 1 drawing : North Façade of the Villa Doria, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Paul Petau (1568–1614), 1 engraving : Saint-Riquier, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Johann Anton de Peters (1725–1795), 1 watercolour : The Happy Mother, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne (url)
  • Simone Peterzano (ca. 1540-ca. 1596), 2 works : Head of an Old Bearded Man, Musei Civici del Castello, Milan (url)
  • Ennemond Alexandre Petitot (1727–1801), 1 engraving : Greek Masquerade: The Bride, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Franz Pforr (1788–1812), 1 drawing : Raphael, Fra Angelico and Michelangelo over Rome, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt (url)
  • Giacomo Piccini (ca. 1617-ca. 1669), 1 engraving : Judith, British Museum, London (url)
  • Cipriano di Michele Piccolpasso (c. 1523 – 1579), 1 engraving : Putting into Oven and First Firing, - (url)
  • Pietro da Cortona (1596–1669), 3 works : Study for the Age of Silver, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • Isidore Pils (1813–1875), 1 watercolour : Study of Soldier, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge (url)
  • Giovanni Pinadello (active 1580s-), 1 engraving : Pope Sixtus V, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)
  • Pinturicchio (1452–1513), 2 works : Homage to Pope Eugenius IV in the Name of Emperor Frederick III, Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth (url)
  • Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778), 9 works : Carceri d'Invenzione, Various collections (url)
  • Pisanello (1395–1455), 25 works : The Luxury, Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna (url)
  • Camille Pissarro (1830–1903), 5 works : Study of Upper Norwood, London, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (url)
  • Wilhelm Pleydenwurff (c. 1460 – 1494), 1 woodcut : Nuremberg Chronicle, page XLI (recto), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich (url)
  • Simon de Poelenborch (ca1592), 1 etching : Banquet on a Terrace, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (url)
  • Cornelius van Poelenburgh (1595–1667), 1 drawing : Figures beneath the Arches of a Classical Ruin, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • François de Poilly (1623–1693), 1 engraving : View and Perspective of the Trianon at Versailles, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Polidoro da Caravaggio (1499–1543), 5 works : Design for a Vase, National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh (url)
  • Antonio del Pollaiuolo (1433–1498), 1 engraving : Battle of Ten Nudes, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • Paulus Pontius (1603–1658), 2 works : Portrait of Constantijn Huygens, British Museum, London (url)
  • Pontormo (1494–1556), 43 works : Study for the Lunette with Vertumnus and Pomona, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • Matthijs Pool (1676–1722), 4 works : The Holy Family with a Dove, Art Collection, University of Liège, Liège (url)
  • Il Pordenone (1483–1539), 1 drawing : The Martyrdom of St Peter, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • Pieter Post (1608–1669), 1 etching : Statenzaal van Holland, Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam (url)
  • Paulus Potter (1625–1654), 2 works : Deer in the Wood, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665), 5 works : Polyphemus Discovers Acis and Galatea, Royal Library, Windsor (url)
  • Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis (c.1455–after 1508), 2 works : Maximilian I, Staatliche Museen, Berlin (url)
  • Luigi Premazzi (1814–1891), 1 watercolour : The Room of Coins and Medals, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Francesco Primaticcio (1504–1570), 3 works : Ceres, Musée Condé, Chantilly (url)
  • Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (1758–1823), 1 drawing : Nude Viewed from Behind, Forsyth Wickes Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (url)
  • Pierre Puget (1620–1694), 7 works : Vessel Firing a Salvo, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Marseille (url)
  • Augustus Charles Pugin (1768–1832), 1 engraving : Specimens of Gothic Architecture (frontispiece), Private collection (url)








  • Tanzio da Varallo (ca. 1580-ca. 1632), 2 works : Study for an Angel, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)
  • Nicolas-Henry Tardieu (1674–1749), 1 engraving : Watteau and his Friend Monsieur de Jullienne, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (url)
  • Agostino Tassi (1578–1644), 3 works : View of the Acqua Acetosa, Rome, Private collection (url)
  • Antonio Tempesta (1555–1630), 5 works : The Death of Adonis, Galleria Sabauda, Turin (url)
  • Johan Teyler (1648–1712), 2 works : Admiralty Shipyard, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • André Thevet (1516–1592), 1 engraving : Cosimo I de' Medici in His Study, Ryan Memorial Library, Wynnewood, Pa. (url)
  • Léonard Thiry (1490–1550), 1 drawing : Female Mask, Bibliothèque de l'École Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts, Paris (url)
  • Tintoretto (1518–1594), 3 works : Venus, Mars, and Vulcan, Staatliche Museen, Berlin
  • Hans Tirol (ca. 1505-ca. 1575), 1 coloured woodcut : Investiture of the Elector of Saxony in the Weinmarkt, Augsburg, Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Augsburg (url)
  • Titian (1485–1576), 6 works : Portrait of a Young Woman, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901), 35 works : Moulin Rouge: La Goulue, Civica Raccolta delle Stampe Bertarelli, Milan (url)
  • J. M. W. Turner (1775–1851), 2 works : San Giorgio Maggiore at Dawn, Tate Gallery, London (url)


  • Paolo Uccello (1396–1475), 1 drawing : Perspective Study, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (url)
  • Lucas van Uden (1595–1672), 1 drawing : Landscape with Tall Trees, Kunsthalle, Hamburg (url)
  • Ugo da Carpi (c. 1480 – 1523), 1 chiaroscuro woodcut : Hero and Sibyl, National Gallery of Art, Washington (url)
  • Carlo Urbino (1550–1585), 2 works : The Art of Cooking (recto), École Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts, Paris (url)




  • Joseph Wagner (1706–1780), 1 etching : Charlatan, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • George Walker (1781–1856), 1 lithograph : Yorkshire Miner, British Museum, London (url)
  • Antoine Watteau (1684–1721), 13 works : Sitting Couple, Armand Hammer Collection, Los Angeles (url)
  • Johann Wilhelm Weinmann (1683–1741), 4 works : Illustration from Phytanthoza iconographia, - (url)
  • Rogier van der Weyden (1400–1464), 7 works : Young Man, Staatliche Museen, Berlin (url)
  • James McNeill Whistler (1834–1903), 3 works : Lady in Grey, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)
  • Hieronymus Wierix (1553–1619), 4 works : Acedia, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)
  • Jan Wierix (1549–1625), 1 engraving : The Painter Jan Mabuse, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • David Wilkie (artist) (1785–1841), 1 watercolour : Sotiri, Dragoman of Mr Colquhoun, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (url)
  • Johann Georg Wille (1715–1808), 3 works : Paternal Instruction, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Hugh William Williams (1773–1829), 1 watercolour : View of the Plain of Troy from One of the Tumuli on the Citadel, Private collection (url)
  • Heinrich Wirrich (ca. 1515-ca. 1572), 2 works : Proper description of the Christian wedding, Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna (url)
  • Jacob de Wit (1695–1754), 1 drawing : Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, Amstelkring Museum, Amsterdam (url)
  • Jan Witdoeck (1615-after 1642), 1 engraving : Abraham and Melchizedech, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Gaspar van Wittel (1653–1736), 2 works : Piazza San Marco: Looking South, Biblioteca Nazionale, Rome (url)
  • Michael Wolgemut (1434–1519), 3 works : Sermon of the Antichrist, Various collections (url)
  • Joachim Wtewael (1566–1638), 1 drawing : Danaë, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich (url)


  • Anton Maria Zanetti II (1706–1778), 1 etching : Standing Female Nude, British Museum, London (url)
  • Mihály Zichy (1827–1906), 14 works : Coronation of Alexander II, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Johann Ziegler (1749–1812), 1 coloured engraving : English landscape garden, Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna (url)
  • Giuseppe Zocchi (1711/1717–1767), 2 works : Canto dei Carnesecchi, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)
  • Aleksey Fyodorovich Zubov (c. 1682 – 1751), 3 works : Battle of Grengam on 27 July 1720, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (url)
  • Federico Zuccari (1541–1609), 6 works : Portrait of Giambologna, National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh (url)
  • Taddeo Zuccari (1529–1566), 1 drawing : Study of a Male Nude, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (url)

See also


