List of compositions by William Byrd
This is a list of the musical compositions by William Byrd, one of the most celebrated English composers of the Renaissance.
Vocal works
[edit]Masses (c. 1592–5)
[edit]- Mass for Three Voices (c. 1593–4)
- Mass for Four Voices (c. 1592–3)
- Mass for Five Voices (c. 1594–5)
Latin motets
[edit]Cantiones sacrae (Cantiones , quae ab argumento sacrae vocantur) (1575)
[edit]- Emendemus in melius á 5
- Libera me Domine et pone me á
- Peccantem me quotidie á 5
- Aspice Domine á 6
- Attollite portas á 6
- O lux beata Trinitas á 6
- Laudate pueri Dominum á 6
- Memento homo á 6
- Siderum rector á 5
- Da mihi auxilium á 6
- Domine secundum actum meum á 6
- Diliges Dominum á 8
- Miserere mihi Domine á 6
- Tribue Domine; Te deprecor; Gloria Patri á 6
- Libera me Domine de morte aeterna á 5
- Gloria patri á 6
- Te deprecor á 6
Liber primus sacrarum cantionum (Cantiones Sacrae I) (1589)
[edit](all for 5 voices)
- Defecit in dolore – Sed tu Domine
- Domine praestolamur – Veni Domine noli tardare
- O Domine adjuva me
- Tristitia et anxietas – Sed tu Domine
- Memento Domine
- Vide Domine afflictionem – Sed veni Domine
- Deus venerunt gentes – Posuerunt morticinia – Effuderunt sanguinem – Facti sumus opprobrium
- Domine tu jurasti
- Vigilate
- In resurrectione tua
- Aspice Domine de sede – Respice Domine
- Ne irascaris Domine – Civitas sancti tui
- O quam gloriosum est regnum – Benedictio et claritas
- Tribulationes civitatum – Timor et hebetudo – Nos enim pro peccatis
- Domine secundum multitudinem
- Laetentur coeli – Orietur in diebus
Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum (Cantiones Sacrae II) (1591)
[edit]for 5 voices:
- Laudibus in sanctis – Magnificum Domini – Hunc arguta
- Quis est homo – Diverte a malo
- Fac cum servo tuo
- Salve Regina – Et Jesum
- Tribulatio proxima est – Contumelias et terrores
- Domine exaudi orationem – Et non intres in judicium
- Apparebit in finem
- Haec dicit Dominus – Haec dicit Dominus
- Circumdederunt me
- Levemus corda
- Recordare Domine – Quiescat Domine
- Exsurge Domine
- Miserere mei Deus
for 6 voices:
- Descendit de coelis – Et exivit per auream portam
- Domine non sum dignus
- Infelix ego – Quid igitur faciam? – At te igitur
- Afflicti pro peccatis – Ut eruas nos
- Cantate Domino
- Cunctis diebus
- Domine salva nos
- Haec dies
Gradualia: ac cantiones sacrae, liber primus (Gradualia I) (1605)
[edit]for 5 voices:
Marian masses
[edit]For the Purification
[edit]- Suscepimus Deus
- Sicut audivimus
- Senex puerum portabat
- Nunc dimittis
- Responsum accepit Simeon
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
[edit]- Salve sancta parens
- Benedicta et venerabilis - Virgo Dei genitrix
- Felix es sacra
- Beata es Virgo
- Beata viscera
Lady Mass in Advent
[edit]- Rorate caeli desuper
- Tollite portas
- Ave Maria
- Ecce Virgo concipiet
Lady Mass in Christmastide
[edit]- Vultum tuum
- Speciosus forma
- Post partum
- Felix namque
[edit]- Gaudeamus omnes
- Diffusa est gratia
- Assumpta est Maria
- Optimam partem
All Saints
[edit]- Gaudeamus omnes
- Timete Dominum
- Justorum animae
- Beati mundo corde
Miscellaneous pieces
[edit]- Gaude Maria
- Alleluia – Ave Maria – Virga Jesse
- Adoramus te Christe (voice + 4 viols)
for 4 voices:
- Cibavit eos
- Oculi omnium
- Sacerdotes Domini
- Quotiescunque manducabitis
- Ave verum corpus
- O salutaris hostia
- O sacrum convivium
- [Pange lingua] – Nobis datus
Miscellaneous pieces
[edit]- Ecce quam bonum
- Christus resurgens
- Visita quaesumus
- In manus tuas
- Laetania
- Salve sola Dei genitrix
- Senex puerum portabat
- Hodie beata Virgo Maria
- Deo gratias
- Unam petii a Domino
- Plorans plorabit
for 3 voices:
Marian antiphons and hymns
[edit]- Quem terra pontus aethera
- O gloriosa Domina
- Memento salutis auctor
- Ave Maris stella
- Regina caeli
- Salve Regina
- Alma redemptoris mater
- Ave Regina caelorum
Holy Week and Easter
[edit]- Alleluia – [Vespere autem sabbathi] Quae lucescit
- Haec dies
- Angelus Domini descendit
- Post dies octo – Mane nobiscum
- Passio Domini secundum Johannem (Turbarum voces)
[edit]- Adorna thalamum tuum
Gradualia: seu cantionum sacrarum, liber secundus (Gradualia II) (1607)
[edit]for 4 voices:
[edit]- Puer natus est nobis
- Viderunt omnes
- Dies sanctificatus
- Tui sunt coeli
- Viderunt omnes
- Hodie Christus natus est
- O admirabile commertium
- O magnum misterium
- Beata Virgo
[edit]- Ecce advenit Dominator Dominus
- Reges Tharsis
- Vidimus stellam
- Surge illuminare
Corpus Christi and The Blessed Sacrament
[edit]- Ab ortu solis
- Venite comedite
- Alleluia – Cognoverunt discipuli
- Ego sum panis vivus
- O quam suavis
- Jesu nostra redemptio
for 5 voices:
[edit]- Resurrexi
- Haec dies
- Victimae paschali
- Terra tremuit
- Pascha nostrum
[edit]- Viri Galilei
- Alleluia – Ascendit Deus
- Dominus in Sina
- Ascendit Deus
- Psallite Domino
- O rex gloriae
[edit]- Spiritus Domini
- Alleluia – Emitte spiritum tuum
- Veni sancte spiritus
- Confirma hoc Deus
- Factus est repente
- Veni sancte spiritus
- Non vos relinquam orphanos
for 6 voices:
SS. Peter and Paul
[edit]- Nunc scio vere
- Constitues eos principes
- Solve jubente Deo
- Tu es Petrus
- Hodie Simon Petrus
- Tu es pastor ovium
- Quodcunque ligaveris
[edit]- Laudate Dominum
- Venite exultemus
Unpublished Latin settings
[edit]A majority of the unpublished works are found in private partbooks collections. A number of 5- and 6-voice works found in the Baldwin Partbooks are rendered incomplete, as the Tenor partbook has been lost.
for 3 voices:
- Sanctus (authenticity uncertain)
for 4 voices:
- Alleluia. Confitemini Domino
- Christe qui lux es
for 5 voices:
- Audivi vocem a5
- Benigne fac a5 [-1]
- Christe qui lux es
- Decantabat populus (authenticity uncertain)
- De lamentatione Jeremiæ prophetæ [-1]
- Domine Deus omnipotens
- Domine exaudi orationem
- Ne perdas cum impiis
- Omni tempore benedic Deum
- Peccavi super numerum
- Petrus beatus
- Reges Tharsis (authenticity uncertain)
- Sacris solemnuis (authenticity uncertain)
- Vide Domine quoniam tribulor (authenticity uncertain)
for 6 voices:
- Circumspice Jerusalem - Ecce enim veniunt
- Deus in adjutorium [-1]
- Domine ante te [-1]
- O salutaris hostia
for 8 voices:
- Ad Dominum cum tribularer
- Quomodo cantabimus
for 9 voices:
- Domine quis habitabit
Consort song:
- Quis me statim
English music
[edit]Psalmes, sonnets, and songs of sadness and pietie (1588)
[edit](all for 5 voices)
- O God give ear and do apply
- Mine eyes with fervency of sprite
- My soul oppressed with care and grief
- How shall a young man prone to ill
- O Lord how long wilt thou forget
- O Lord who in thy sacred tent
- Help Lord for wasted are those men
- Blessed is he that fears the Lord
- Lord in thy wrath
- Even from the depth
Sonnets and Pastorals
- I joy not in no earthly bliss
- Though Amaryllis dance in green
- Who likes to love let him take heed
- My mind to me a kingdom is
- Where fancy fond for pleasure pleads
- O you that hear this voice
- If women could be fair
- Ambitious love
- What pleasure have great Princes
- As I beheld I saw a herdman wild
- Although the heathen poets
- In fields abroad
- Constant Penelope
- La verginella
- Farewell false love
- The match that's made
Songs of sadness and piety
- Prostrate O Lord I lie
- All as a Sea
- Susanna fair
- If that a sinner's sighs
- Care for thy soul
- Lulla, Lullaby
- Why do I use?
The funeral songs of that honourable Gent., Sir Phillip Sidney, Knight
- Come to me grief for ever
- O that most rare breast
Songs of sundrie natures (1589)
[edit]for 3 voices:
- Lord in thy rage
- Right blest are they
- Lord in thy wrath correct me not
- O God which art most merciful
- Lord hear my prayer
- From depth of sin
- Attend mine humble prayer
- Susanna fair
- The nightingale
- When younglings first on Cupid fix their sight – But when by proof
- Upon a summer's day – Then for a boat
- The greedy hawk
for 4 voices:
- Is Love a boy? – Boy pity me
- Wounded I am – Yet of us twain
- From Cytheron the warlike boy is fled – There careless thoughts are freed – If Love be just
- O Lord my God
- While that the sun
- Rejoice rejoice [Chorus of From virgin's womb]
- Cast off all doubtful care [Chorus of An earthly tree]
for 5 voices:
- Weeping full sore
- Penelope that longed for the sight
- Compel the hawk
- See those sweet eyes
- When I was otherwise
- When first by force
- I thought that Love had been a boy
- O dear life
- Love would discharge
- From virgin's womb
- Of gold all burnished – Her breath is more sweet
for 6 voices:
- Behold how good a thing – And as the pleasant morning dew
- An earthly tree an heavenly fruit
- Who made thee, Hob, forsake the plough
- And think ye Nymphs to scorn at love – Love is a fit of pleasure
- If in thine heart
- Unto the hills mine eyes I lift
- Christ rising again – Christ is risen again
The first sett, of Italian madrigalls Englished (1590)
[edit]for 6 voices:
- This sweet and merry month of May
Psalmes, songs, and sonnets (1611)
[edit]for 3 voices:
- The eagle's force
- Of flatt'ring speech
- In winter cold – whereat an ant
- Who looks may leap
- Sing ye to our Lord
- I have been young
- In crystal towers
for 4 voices:
- This sweet and merry month of May
- Let not the sluggish sleep
- A feigned friend
- Awake mine eyes
- Come jolly swains
- What is life or worldly pleasure?
- [Instrumental] Fantazia
- Come let us rejoice unto our Lord
for 5 voices:
- Retire my soul
- Arise Lord into thy rest
- Come woeful Orpheus
- Sing we merrily unto God – Blow up the trumpet
- Crowned with flowers
- Wedded to will is witless
- Make ye joy to God
for 6 voices:
- Have mercy upon me
- [Instrumental] Fantazia
- This day Christ was born
- O God that guides the cheerful sun
- Praise our Lord, all ye Gentiles
- Turn our captivity
- Ah silly soul
- How vain the toils
Teares or Lamentacions of a Sorrowfull Soule (1614)
[edit]for 4 voices:
- Look down, O Lord, on me a poor man
- Be unto me, O Lord, a tower of strength
for 5 voices:
- I laid down to rest and sleep
- Come help O God
Unpublished English settings
[edit]Byrd wrote at least five services.[1][2]
- Short ('First') Service, for 6 voices
- Venite
- Te Deum
- Benedictus
- Kyrie
- Creed
- Magnificat
- Nunc Dimittis
- Second Service, for 5 voices
- Magnificat
- Nunc Dimittis
- Third Service, for 5 voices
- Magnificat
- Nunc Dimittis
- Great Service, for 10 voices
- Venite
- Te Deum
- Benedictus
- Kyrie
- Creed
- Magnificat
- Nunc Dimittis
- Short Morning Service (fragment)
Full anthems
[edit]- Arise O Lord (6vv)
- Exalt thyself O God (6vv)
- How long shall mine enemies triumph? (5vv)
- O God the proud are risen (6vv)
- O God whom our offences have displeased (5vv)
- O Lord make thy servant Elizabeth (6vv)
- O praise our Lord (5vv)
- Out of the deep (6vv)
- Prevent us O Lord (5vv)
- Save me O God (5vv) (authenticity uncertain)
- Sing joyfully (6vv)
Verse anthems
[edit]- Alack when I look back
- Behold O God the sad and heavy case
- Christ rising again/Christ is risen
- Hear my prayer O Lord
- O Lord rebuke me not
- Thou God that guid'st
Consort songs
[edit]- An aged dame
- Ah golden hairs
- As Cæsar wept
- Blame I confess
- Come pretty babe
- Content is rich
- Crowned with flowers and lilies
- Delight is dead
- E'en as the seas
- Fair Britain isle
- Have mercy on us Lord
- He that all earthly pleasure scorns
- In angel's weed
- I will not say
- The Lord is only my support
- Lord to thee I make my moan
- The man is blest
- Mount Hope
- My freedom
- My mistress had a little dog
- O God but God
- O Lord bow down
- O Lord how vain
- O Lord within thy tabernacle
- O that we woeful wretches
- Out of the orient crystal skies
- Rejoice unto the Lord
- Sith death at length
- Sith that the tree
- Though I be brown
- Thou poets' friend
- Triumph with pleasant melody
- Truce for a time
- Truth at the first
- What steps of strife
- Where the blind
- While Phœbus used to dwell
- With lilies white
- Wretched Albinus
- Ye sacred muses
Keyboard works
[edit]BK numbers refer to Musica Britannica: William Byrd Keyboard Music, ed. Alan Brown (London: Stainer & Bell, 2 vols, 1969/71)
- My Ladye Nevells Booke (1591)
- My Ladye Nevells Grownde, BK57
- Qui Passe; for my Ladye Nevell, BK19
- The Marche before the Battell, BK93
- The Battell, BK94: The souldiers sommons; The marche of footemen; The marche of horsmen; The trumpets; The Irishe marche; The bagpipe and the drone; The flute and the droome; The marche to the fighte; The retreat
- The Galliarde for the Victorie, BK95
- The Barleye Breake, BK92
- A Galliards Gygge, BK18
- The Huntes upp, BK40
- Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La, BK64
- The Firste Pavian, BK29a
- The Galliarde to the Firste Pavian, BK29b
- The Seconde Pavian, BK71a
- The Galliarde to the Seconde Pavian, BK71b
- The Third Pavian, BK14a
- The Galliarde to the Third Pavian, BK14b
- The Fourth Pavian, BK30a
- The Galliarde to the Fourth Pavian, BK30b
- The Fifte Pavian, BK31a
- The Galliarde to the Fifte Pavian, BK31b
- Pavana the Sixte; Kinbrugh Goodd, BK32a
- The Galliarde to the Sixte Pavian, BK32b
- The Seventh Pavian, BK74
- The Eighte Pavian, BK17
- The Passinge Mesures; the Nynthe Pavian, BK2a
- The Galliarde to the Nynthe Pavian, BK2b
- A Voluntarie; for my Ladye Nevell, BK61
- Will Yow Walke the Woods soe Wylde, BK85
- The Maidens Songe, BK82
- A Lesson of voluntarie, BK26
- The Second Grownde, BK42
- Have with Yow to Walsingame, BK8
- All in a Garden Grine, BK56
- Lord Willobies Welcome Home, BK7
- The Carmans Whistle, BK36
- Hughe Ashtons Grownde, BK20
- A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK25
- Sellingers Rownde, BK84
- Munsers Almaine (II), BK88
- The Tennthe Pavian; Mr. W. Peter, BK3a
- The Galliarde to the Tennthe Pavian, BK3b
- A Fancie, BK46
- A Voluntarie, BK27
- 69 pieces in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book
- 8 pieces in Parthenia
- The French coranto, BK21a
- The second French coranto, BK21b
- The 3rd French coranto, BK21c
- A Horne Pipe, BK39
- Miserere I, BK66
- Miserere II, BK67
- Parludam, BK115
- A Pavin, BK33a
- Galliard, BK33b
- Eccho paven, BK114a
- The Galliard, BK114b
- A Preludium, BK116
- Christe qui lux, BK121
- Gloria tibi trinitas, BK50
- A Verse of Two Parts, BK28
- A Ground, BK43
- A Grounde, BK9
- Clarifica me pater a 2, BK47
- Salvator mundi I, BK68
- Salvator mundi II, BK69
- Ut, Re, Mee, Fa, Sol, La, The playnesong Breifs To Be played By a second person, BK58
- Go from my window, BK79
- A Ground, BK86
- O quam gloriosum est regnum
- If my complaints, or Pyper's Galliard, BK118
- A Pavion, BK23a
- The Galliard, BK23b
- Pavin, BK76
- A Galliard, BK77
- An Alman, BK117
- Paven, BK73a
- Galiard, BK73b
- A Pavyn, BK16a
- A Galliard, BK16b
- A Pavion, BK72a
- The Galliard to it, BK72b
Consort works (unpublished)
[edit]- 3 fantasias, 3vv
- 4 fantasias, 4vv
- Prelude and ground, 5vv
- Fantasia, 5vv ('2 parts in 1')
- Browning, 5vv
- Pavan, 5vv
- 2 fantasias, 6vv
- Pavan and galliard, 6vv
[edit]Lost or fragmentary works
[edit]- Ad punctum in modico á 2 (BB) – Fragmentary
- Ah, youthful years – Fragmentary
- Behold, how good – Fragmentary
- Cease Cares – Fragmentary
- Depart ye furies – Fragmentary
- Litany á 4 (SATB) – Fragmentary, and a doubtful work
- If trickling tears – Fragmentary
- In tower most high – Fragmentary
- I will give laud – Fragmentary
- Jubilate Deo, omnis terra – Fragmentary, and a doubtful work
- Look and bow down – Fragmentary
- Oh happy thrice – Fragmentary
- O trifling days – Fragmentary
- Preces Deo fundamus – Fragmentary
- Service in F – Fragmentary, and a doubtful work
- Sponsus amat sponsam á 2 (ST) – Fragmentary, and a doubtful work
- What wights are these? – Fragmentary
- While that a cruel fire – Fragmentary
- With sighs and teares – Fragmentary
Works believed to be by Byrd
[edit]- Ave regina caelorum á 5 (ATTBarB) – Claimed to be by "Mr Byrde" in the Paston Lute Book, however the editors of the Tudor Church Music Book attributed the work to John Taverner.
Joint commissions
[edit]- In exitu Israel á 4 (TTTB) – A joint work with John Sheppard and William Mundy.
[edit]Further reading
[edit]- Byrd, William; H. Fellowes, Edmund (1976). The Byrd Edition. London: Stainer & Bell. ISBN 978-08524-9-363-2. (17 volumes)
- Byrd, William; Brown, Alan (1971). William Byrd: Keyboard music. London: Stainer & Bell for the Royal Musical Association. OCLC 972085688. (2 volumes)
External links
[edit]- Free scores by William Byrd at the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)
- Free scores by William Byrd in the Choral Public Domain Library (ChoralWiki)
- A complete list of works by William Byrd from Stainer & Bell