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List of certificates for operators of pleasure craft

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This article contains information about licences to operate pleasure craft. For the international licence also known as ICC, see International Certificate of Competence.


State Inland waters Close coastal waters Close offshore Extended offshore Offshore ICC included
Germany Germany Sportbootführerschein Binnen

valid on inland waters[1]

Sportbootführerschein See

valid for offshore up to 3 miles and the channels marked by lateral marks up to 12 miles from the coast[1]


valid for offshore up to 12 miles[1]


valid for offshore up to 30 miles and North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and English Channel, Bristol Channel, Irish Sea, Scottisch Seas[2]


valid for offshore[2]

Austria Austria Schiffsführerpatent [de] Befähigungsausweis für Tages- und Wattfahrt [de]

valid for offshore up to 3 miles

Befähigungsausweis für Küstenfahrt [de]

valid for offshore up to 20 miles

Befähigungsausweis für Küstennahe Fahrt [de]

valid for offshore up to 200 miles

Befähigungsausweis für Weltweite Fahrt [de]

valid for offshore

Spain Spain[3] Licencia de Navegación
  • Sailable Distance: Up to 2 nm from a port or place of shelter.
  • Boat Length: Up to 6 meters.
  • Water Scooter: Up to Type C.
  • Navigation Time: Daylight only.
Patrón de Navegación Básica
  • Sailable Distance: Up to 5 nm from a port or place of shelter.
  • Boat Length: Up to 8 meters.
  • Water Scooter: No limit.
  • Navigation Time: No limit.
Patron de Embarcaciones de Recreo
  • Sailable Distance: Up to 12 nm from the coast.
    • Expandable for navigation to the Balearic Islands.
  • Boat Length: Up to 15 meters.
    • Expandable up to 24 meters.
  • Water Scooter: No limit.
  • Navigation Time: No limit.
Patrón de Yate
  • Sailable Distance: Up to 150 nm from the coast.
  • Boat Length: Up to 24 meters.
  • Water Scooter: No limit.
  • Navigation Time: No limit.
Capitán de Yate
  • Sailable Distance: No limit.
  • Boat Length: Up to 24 meters.
  • Water Scooter: No limit.
  • Navigation Time: No limit.
Switzerland Switzerland Schiffsführerausweis [Schiffsführerausweis [de]]

valid for inland waters

Hochseeausweis [Schiffsführerausweis [de]]

valid for Offshore

United Kingdom United Kingdom Boat Masters License (BML) Day Skipper valid for Coastal Waters during daylight Yachtmaster Coastal

valid for Coastal Waters

Yachtmaster Offshore

valid for Offshore up to 150 miles

Yachtmaster Ocean

valid for offshore

Israel Israel Grade 30 Authorization to operate a boat in coastal waters

valid for coastal waters[4]

Grade 60 Authorization to operade a boat on international voyages

valid for offshore[4]

Netherlands Netherlands Klein Vaarbewijs I

valid for LOA > 15m max.25m

or speed > 15 km/h valid for channels and lakes except IJsselmeer, Markermeer, IJmeer, Waddenzee, Westerschelde, Oosterschelde, Eems and Dollard

Klein Vaarbewijs II

valid for LOA > 15m max.25m

or speed > 15 km/h
valid on all inland waters including IJsselmeer, Markermeer, IJmeer, Waddenzee, Westerschelde, Oosterschelde, Eems and Dollard[5]

GPb (Grootpleziersvaarbewijs)

valid for LOA max.40m

International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft issued by CBR


Klein Vaarbewijs II

LOA >15m max. 25m

or speed > 15 km/h

valid for offshore up to 3 miles



valid for LOA max.40m

International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft issued by CBR


Klein Vaarbewijs II

LOA >15m max. 25m

or speed > 15 km/h

valid for coastal waters

offshore up to 12 miles (territorial zone)



valid for LOA max.40m

To sail the Contiguous and the coastal Exclusive Economic zone an ICC certificate is not obligatory although comprehensive knowledge is strongly recommended To sail the International waters (outside territorial waters) an ICC certificate is not obligatory although extensive experience is strongly recommended yes
Czech Republic Czech Republic Vůdce malého plavidla (Small Boat Skipper) Mezinárodní průkaz vůdce malého plavidla (International Small Boat Skipper)

limits: within 3/4 mile from coastal line, wind below 4 bf, LOA < 20m

Yachtmaster grade C

limits: within 20 miles from coastal line, wind below 6 bf, LOA < 16m

Yachtmaster grade B

limits: within 200 miles from coastal line

Yachtmaster grade A


Romania Romania International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Class D

valid for:

  • I - Inland waterways;
  • M - Motorized crafts;
  • S - Sailing crafts.

Pleasure craft not exceeding 24 m in length.

International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft

Class C

valid for:

  • C - Coastal waters up to 6 Nm;
  • M - Motorized crafts;
  • S - Sailing crafts.

Pleasure craft not exceeding 24 m in length.

International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft

Class B

valid for:

  • M24 - Maritime waters up to 24 Nm;
  • M - Motorized crafts;
  • S - Sailing crafts.

Pleasure craft not exceeding 24 m in length.

International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft

Class A

valid for:

  • All Zones - unlimited;
  • M - Motorized crafts;
  • S - Sailing crafts.

Pleasure craft not exceeding 24 m in length.

Russia Russia Удостоверение на право управления маломерным судном / Certificate for operators of small craft [[[Категории_транспортных_средств#Удостоверение_(права)_на_управление_водным_транспортом]] [ru]]

Certificate is issued by subdivisions of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

if there is the mark "внутренние воды" in the certificate - it's valid on inland waters without organized navigation

if there is the mark "внутренние водные пути" in the certificate - it's valid on inland waterways (inland waters with organized navigation) and inland waters without organized navigation

Categories (types of small crafts):

  • personal watercraft (water scooter)
  • motorized craft (motorboat with inboard or outboard engine)
  • sailing boat
  • motor-sailing boat
  • hovercraft
  • special craft (airboat, submarine, wing-in-surface-effect ship and others)

Small craft should not exceeding 20 meters in length (regardless of the type). [[[Маломерное_судно]] [ru]]

Удостоверение на право управления маломерным судном / Certificate for operators of small craft

Certificate is issued by subdivisions of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

if there is the mark "внутренние морские воды и территориальное море" in the certificate - it's valid on internal maritime waters and territorial sea (limits: within 12 nautical miles from coastal line)

Categories (types of small crafts):

  • personal watercraft (water scooter)
  • motorized craft (motorboat with inboard or outboard engine)
  • sailing boat
  • motor-sailing boat
  • hovercraft
  • special craft (airboat, submarine, wing-in-surface-effect ship and others)

Small craft should not exceeding 20 meters in length (regardless of the type).

Удостоверение на право управления маломерным судном / Certificate for operators of small craft

Certificate is issued by subdivisions of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

if there is the mark "внутренние морские воды и территориальное море" in the certificate - it's valid on internal maritime waters and territorial sea (limits: within 12 nautical miles from coastal line)

Categories (types of small crafts):

  • personal watercraft (water scooter)
  • motorized craft (motorboat with inboard or outboard engine)
  • sailing boat
  • motor-sailing boat
  • hovercraft
  • special craft (airboat, submarine, wing-in-surface-effect ship and others)

Small craft should not exceeding 20 meters in length (regardless of the type).

Удостоверение на право управления маломерным судном / Certificate for operators of small craft

Certificate is issued by subdivisions of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

if there is the mark "морские воды IV категории сложности I разряда" in the certificate - it's valid on marine coastal waters (limits: within 20 nautical miles from coastal line)

Categories (types of small crafts):

  • personal watercraft (water scooter)
  • motorized craft (motorboat with inboard or outboard engine)
  • sailing boat
  • motor-sailing boat
  • hovercraft
  • special craft (airboat, submarine, wing-in-surface-effect ship and others)

Small craft should not exceeding 20 meters in length (regardless of the type).

The sailing in marine waters over 20 nautical miles from coastal line requires the professional certificate.

The sailing in marine waters over 20 nautical miles from coastal line requires the professional certificate. no
Hungary Hungary Nemzetközi kedvtelési célú hajóvezetői bizonyítvány (International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft)


valid for:

  • I - Inland waterways;
  • M - Motorized crafts;
  • S - Sailing crafts.[6]

Pleasure craft not exceeding 20 m in length.

Nemzetközi kedvtelési célú hajóvezetői bizonyítvány (International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft)

Class IV: 3 nm from coastal line

valid for:

  • C - Coastal waters;
  • M - Motorized crafts;
  • S - Sailing crafts.

Pleasure craft not exceeding 20 m in length.[citation needed]

Nemzetközi kedvtelési célú hajóvezetői bizonyítvány (International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft)

Class III: 12 nm from coastal line

valid for:

  • C - Coastal waters;
  • M - Motorized crafts;
  • S - Sailing crafts.

Pleasure craft not exceeding 20 m in length.

Nemzetközi kedvtelési célú hajóvezetői bizonyítvány (International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft)

Class II: 200 nm from coastal line

Pleasure craft not exceeding 20 m in length.

Nemzetközi kedvtelési célú hajóvezetői bizonyítvány (International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft)

Class I: unlimited

Pleasure craft not exceeding 20 m in length.

Canada Canada Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC)

Valid for operating all recreational motorized vessels in Canada. No limit to the pleasure craft size or power that can be operated with the Canadian PCOC. Can be obtained online from a Transport Canada accredited Pleasure Craft Operator Card provider.[7]

No limit to pleasure craft size or distance from shore. No limit to pleasure craft size or distance from shore. No limit to pleasure craft size or distance from shore. No limit to pleasure craft size or distance from shore. no

East Asia


Non ICC included

  •  Mainland China
    • Yacht Driving License
  •  Hong Kong
    • Pleasure Vessel Operator Certificate of Competence
  •  Macau
    • Pleasure Boat Driver License


  1. ^ a b c Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung: Sicherheit auf dem Wasser. Wichtige Regeln und Tipps für Wassersportler. Archived 2011-10-05 at the Wayback Machine, p. 8 and 9.
  2. ^ a b Elektronisches Wasserstraßen-Informationssystem: Verordnung über den Erwerb von Sportsee- und Sporthochseeschifferscheinen und die Besetzung von Traditionsschiffen (Sportseeschifferscheinverordnung - SportSeeSchiffV)
  3. ^ "BOE.es - BOE-A-2014-10344 Real Decreto 875/2014, de 10 de octubre, por el que se regulan las titulaciones náuticas para el gobierno de las embarcaciones de recreo". www.boe.es. Retrieved 2021-05-27.
  4. ^ a b Syllabus for small craft operators, State of Israel, Ministry of Transport, Administration of Shipping & Ports
  5. ^ Information for Vaarbewijs
  6. ^ 15/2001. (IV. 27.) KöViM rendelet a hajózási képesítésekről
  7. ^ "Official Boating License Canada | Get Certified Today - [ $20 OFF ]". MyBoatCard.com® | Official Canadian Boating License. Retrieved 2024-04-13.