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List of armed conflicts involving Poland against Ukraine

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  Polish or Polish-Lithuanian Victory

  Ukrainian victory

  Inconclusive/Victory for either Pro or Anti-Ukrainian forces

Armed conflicts between Poland (Civitas Schinesghe, Kingdom of Poland, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth) and Ukraine (Kievan Rus, Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, Cossacks)

Piast Poland

Date War Belligerents Belligerents Result
981 Vladimir the Great's Polish Campaign Civitas Schinesghe Kievan Rus' Kievan Rus' Victory
1018 Bolesław I's intervention in the Kievan succession crisis Civitas Schinesghe

Pro-Sviatopolk Kievan Rus'

Pro-Yaroslav Kievan Rus' Polish victory
1022 Yaroslav the Wise's attack on Brest Civitas Schinesghe Kievan Rus Polish victory
1030-1031 Yaroslav the Wise invasion in Poland[1] Kingdom of Poland Kievan Rus' Kievan Rus' victory[2]
1065–1069 Rebellion of Vseslav of Polotsk Principality of Kiev

Principality of Chernigov

Principality of Pereyaslavl

Kingdom of Poland (1069)

Principality of Polotsk Polish victory
1076–1077 Bolesław II the Generous's expedition on Kievan Rus'[3][4][5] Kingdom of Poland Kievan Rus' Polish victory
1124 Battle of Wilichów Kingdom of Poland Principality of Zvenyhorod Polish victory
1182–1183 War for Brest Kingdom of Poland Kievan Rus Polish victory
1194 Battle of Drohiczyn Kingdom of Poland Kievan Rus Polish victory

Kingdom of Poland versus Galicia–Volhynia (Ruthenia)

Date War Belligerents Belligerents Result
1199 Leszek the White's expedition to Halych[6] Duchy of Sandomierz

Duchy of Kraków

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Sandomierz victory
1205 Battle of Zawichost Duchy of Sandomierz

Duchy of Masovia

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Polish victory
1206 Leszek the White's expedition to Volodymyr[7] Duchy of Sandomierz

Duchy of Kraków

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Sandomierz victory
1207 Leszek the White's expedition to Volodymyr[8] Duchy of Sandomierz

Duchy of Kraków

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Sandomierz victory
1213–1214 Galician campaign of Leszek the White [ru][9] Duchy of Sandomierz

Duchy of Kraków

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Sandomierz victory
1218 Leszek the White's expedition to Ruthenia Duchy of Sandomierz

Duchy of Kraków

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Ruthenian victory
1219–1221 Polish–Hungarian–Ruthenian War[10] Kingdom of Hungary

Kingdom of Poland

Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia Ruthenian victory
1224 War between Leszek the White and Mstislav Mstislavich[9] Duchy of Sandomierz

Duchy of Kraków

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Sandomierz victory
1227 Battle of Zvenigorod [ru] Kingdom of Poland

Kingdom of Hungary

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Ruthenian victory
1236–1237 Mikhail's Volyn Campaign [ru] Principality of Volhynia

Cumans Duchy of Kraków

Duchy of Masovia

Principality of Galicia–Volhynia Ruthenian victory
1264 Battle of Brańsk Kingdom of Poland Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia


Polish victory
1280 Kraków campaign of Leo I of Galicia Kingdom of Poland Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia

 Golden Horde

Polish victory
1323 Polish–Hungarian expedition to Ruthenia[11][12][13][14] Kingdom of Poland

Kingdom of Hungary

Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia Polish–Hungarian victory[11][12][13]

Zaporozhian Cossacks

Date War Belligerents Belligerents Result
1591–1593 Kosiński Uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks Polish-Lithuanian victory
1594–1596 Nalyvaiko Uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks Polish-Lithuanian victory
1625 Zhmaylo uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks Polish-Lithuanian victory
1630 Fedorovych uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks Uprising suppressed
1635 Sulima Uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks Polish-Lithuanian victory
1637 Pavlyuk uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks Polish-Lithuanian victory
1638 Ostryanyn uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks Polish-Lithuanian victory
  • Political and military non-alignment
1648–1654 Khmelnytsky Uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Cossacks Military non-resolution
1702–1704 Paliy Uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth


Cossacks Polish-Lithuanian victory
  • Political and military non-alignment
1734 1734 Haidamak Uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth


Haidamaks Polish-Lithuanian-Russian victory
1750 1750 Haidamak Uprising Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth


Haidamaks Polish-Lithuanian-Russian victory
1768 Koliivshchyna Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth


Haidamaks Polish-Lithuanian-Russian victory

The Inter-War Period and the UPA

Date War Belligerents Belligerents Result
1918–1919 Polish-Ukrainian War  Second Polish Republic
Regional support:
Strategic support:


Polish victory[15]
1939-1947 Polish-Ukrainian conflict link Second Polish Republic

link Polish Underground State

link Home Army

link Peasant Battalions

National Armed Forces

link Polish People’s Republic

People's Army

Polish People's Army

link Soviet Union

link Soviet partisans


link Ukrainian State

link Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists

Revolutionary OUN

link Ukrainian Insurgent Army

link Ukrainian People's Revolutionary Army

link Third Reich

link Ukrainian Auxiliary Police

link Ukrainian National Committee

Ukrainian National Army

link Ukrainian Legion of the Self–Defense

Polish victory over UPA
  • Liquidation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army on Polish territory
  • Population exchange between the USSR and Poland
  • Establishment of the Polish–Soviet border by the Curzon Line


  1. ^ Dimnik M. Yaroslav Vladimirovich (англ.) // Encyclopedia of Russian History / Ed.-in-Chief J. R. Millar. — New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. — P. 1702. — ISBN 0-02-865907-4.
  2. ^ Королюк В.Д. Западные славяне и Киевская Русь в X—XI вв. — М.: Наука, 1964. — 383 с.
  3. ^ "Jak król Bolesław niewierne żony ukarał". CiekawostkiHistoryczne.pl (in Polish). 2020-05-25.
  4. ^ po/PAP (2011-12-24). "Trochę historii: 935 lat temu Bolesław Szczodry został królem Polski". Newsweek (in Polish).
  5. ^ "Bolesław Śmiały i Stanisław ze Szczepanowa. Krwawa rozprawa króla z biskupem zdrajcą | HISTORIA.org.pl - historia, kultura, muzea, matura, rekonstrukcje i recenzje historyczne". HISTORIA.org.pl (in Polish). 2021-03-04.
  6. ^ Włodarski 1927, p. 15-16.
  7. ^ Włodarski 1927, p. 87.
  8. ^ Włodarski 1927, p. 39.
  9. ^ a b Włodarski 1927, p. 50.
  10. ^ Włodarski 1927, p. 88.
  11. ^ a b Nowak, A. (2010). Historia Polski. Kalendarium dziejów: Pradzieje-1655. p. 183.
  12. ^ a b Leszczyńscy, A.; Leszczyńscy, M. Najważniejsze wydarzenia w historii Polski i świata. p. 35.
  13. ^ a b "Stosunki polsko-węgierskie za panowania dynastii piastowskiej | HISTORIA.org.pl - historia, kultura, muzea, matura, rekonstrukcje i recenzje historyczne". HISTORIA.org.pl (in Polish). 2009-12-14.
  14. ^ a b "Jak Kazimierz Wielki przyłączył do Królestwa Polskiego Ruś Halicką ze Lwowem (fragment książki prof. Krzysztofa Ożoga "Narodziny potęgi")". Kresy24.pl - Wschodnia Gazeta Codzienna (in Polish).
  15. ^ Aistė Kučinskienė; Viktorija Šeina; Brigita Speičytė (2021). Literary Canon Formation as Nation-Building in Central Europe and the Baltics. Koninklijke Bril. p. 140. doi:10.1163/9789004457713_008. ISBN 978-90-04-45771-3. As a result, on 1st November 1918 the Polish-Ukrainian war of Eastern Galicia broke out. It spread throughout the entire province and ended with a Polish victory only in mid-July 1919.


  • Włodarski, Bronisław (1927), Polityka ruska Leszka białego, vol. III, Lviv: Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu