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List of Verrucaria species

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Verrucaria is a large genus of lichens in the family Verrucariaceae. As of July 2022, Species Fungorum (in the Catalog of Life) accepts 149 species in the genus.[1] Historically, many more taxa than this have been placed in genus Verrucaria at some time in their taxonomic history. For example, the nomenclatural authority Index Fungorum has 4127 taxa with the genus name Verrucaria, including species, varieties, and forms.




Verrucaria bernaicensis


Verrucaria canella






Verrucaria funckii




Verrucaria hochstetteri, Portugal










Verrucaria muralis


Verrucaria nigrescens


Verrucaria ochrostoma


















  1. ^ Source dataset. Species Fungorum Plus: Species Fungorum for CoL+. "Verrucaria". Catalog of Life Version 2022-07-12. Retrieved 17 July 2022.
  2. ^ a b Acharius, Erik (1803). Methodus qua Omnes Detectos Lichenes Secundum Organa Carpomorpha ad Genera, Species et Varietates Redigere atque Observationibus Illustrare Tentavit Erik Acharius (in Latin). Stockholm: impensis F.D.D. Ulrich, typis C.F. Marquard. pp. 115, 123.
  3. ^ a b Zahlbruckner, A. (1941). "Lichenes Novae-Zelandiae a cl H. H. Allan eiusque collaboratoribus lecti". Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien) Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse (in German). 104: 249–380.
  4. ^ Nylander, W. (1875). "Liste des lichens recueillis par M. G. de l'Isle aux Saint-Paul et d'Amsterdam et description des espèces nouvelles". Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris (in French). 81: 725–726.
  5. ^ a b c Pykälä, Juha; Launis, Annina; Myllys, Leena (2017). "Verrucaria ahtii, V. oulankaensis and V. vitikainenii, three new species from the Endocarpon group (Verrucariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota)". The Lichenologist. 49 (2): 107–116. doi:10.1017/s0024282916000694.
  6. ^ McCarthy, P.M.; Kantvilas, G. (2015). "Verrucaria alborimosa, a new maritime lichen from Flinders Island, Tasmania". Muelleria. 34: 55–58. doi:10.5962/p.292266.
  7. ^ a b Harada, H. (1995). "Two new species of maritime lichens in the genus Verrucaria (Lichenes, Verrucariaceae) from Japan". Nova Hedwigia. 60 (1–2): 73–78.
  8. ^ Breuss, Othmar (2008). "Bemerkungen zu einigen Arten der Flechtengattung Verrucaria" [Notes on some species of the lichen genus Verrucaria]. Sauteria (in German). 15: 121–138.
  9. ^ Servít, M. (1950). "New lichens of the Pyrenocarpae-group. III". Studia Botanica Čechoslovaca. 11: 7–41.
  10. ^ a b c d Orange, Alan; Chhetri, Som G. (2022). "Verrucariaceae from Nepal". The Lichenologist. 54 (3–4): 139–174. doi:10.1017/s0024282922000160.
  11. ^ a b Garovaglio, Santo (1865). Tentamen dispositionis methodicae lichenum in Longobardia nascentium (in Latin). Mediolanum: Josephi Bernardoni. pp. 20, 31.
  12. ^ Mudd, William (1861). A Manual of British Lichens. Darlington: H. Penney. p. 285.
  13. ^ a b McCarthy, P.M. (1988). "New and interesting species of Verrucaria I". The Lichenologist. 20 (1): 1–10. doi:10.1017/s0024282988000039.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g Breuss, Othmar (2007). "Verrucaria". In Nash, Thomas H. III; Gries, Corinna; Bungartz, Frank (eds.). Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Tempe, Arizona: Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University. pp. 335–377. ISBN 978-0-9716759-0-2. OCLC 50120839.
  15. ^ a b McCarthy, P.M. (1991). "Notes on Australian Verrucariaceae (Lichenes): 2". Muelleria. 7 (3): 317–332. doi:10.5962/p.198514.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g McCarthy, P.M. (1995). "Aquatic species of Verrucaria in Eastern Australia". The Lichenologist. 27 (2): 105–126. doi:10.1006/lich.1995.0010.
  17. ^ Malbranche, A. (1869). "Lichens de la Normandie (ou Catalogue descriptif des Lichens de cette région, classés d'après la méthode du docteur Nylander" [Lichens of Normandy (or Descriptive catalog of the Lichens of this region, classified according to the method of doctor Nylander)]. Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences Naturelles du Musée de Rouen. II (in French). 5: 335–369.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g Pykälä, Juha; Kantelinen, Annina; Myllys, Leena (2020). "Taxonomy of Verrucaria species characterised by large spores, perithecia leaving pits in the rock and a pale thin thallus in Finland". MycoKeys (72): 43–92. doi:10.3897/mycokeys.72.56223. PMC 7481264. PMID 32963488.
  19. ^ Diederich, Paul; van den Boom, Pieter (2011). "Verrucaria breussii, a new name for Verrucaria sorbinea Breuss". Herzogia. 24 (1): 145–146. doi:10.13158/heia.24.1.2011.145.
  20. ^ a b McCarthy, P.M. (1991). "Some pyrenocarpous lichens from Macquarie Island". Muelleria. 7 (3): 343–347. doi:10.5962/p.198516.
  21. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (2003). "A new parasitic species of Verrucaria in New South Wales" (PDF). Australasian Lichenology. 52: 3–5.
  22. ^ Szatala, O. (1930). "Beiträge zur Flechtenflora von Bulgarien. II" [Contributions to the lichen flora of Bulgaria. II]. Magyar Botanikai Lapok (in German). 29: 59–104 [60].
  23. ^ a b Servít, M. (1950). "New lichens of the Pyrenocarpae-group. IV". Studia Botanica Čechoslovaca. 11 (3): 101–144.
  24. ^ Nylander, W. (1883). "Addenda nova ad Lichenographiam Europaeam. Contin. XL". Flora (Regensburg) (in Latin). 66: 97–109.
  25. ^ Hutten, M.; Arup, U.; Breuss, O.; Esslinger, T.L.; Fryday, A.M.; Knudsen, K.; Lendemer, J.C.; Printzen, C.; Root, H.T.; Schultz, M.; Sheard, J.; Tønsberg, T.; McCune, B. (2013). "Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Yosemite National Park, California". North American Fungi. 8: 4. doi:10.2509/naf2013.008.011.
  26. ^ Zschacke, H. (1927). "Die mitteleuropäischen Verrucariaceen. V". Hedwigia (in German). 67: 45–85.
  27. ^ Nylander, W. (1879). "Addenda nova ad Lichenographiam Europaeam. Cont. XXXI". Flora (Regensburg). 62: 220–224.
  28. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (2002). "A new aquatic species of Verrucaria from alpine Australia". The Lichenologist. 34 (3): 207–210. doi:10.1006/lich.2002.0393.
  29. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (2008). "A new species and new combination of Australian Verrucariaceae" (PDF). Australasian Lichenology. 63: 17–19.
  30. ^ Fryday, A.M. (2015). "A Checklist of Lichenized, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi from South Africa". Bothalia. 45 (11): 1–4.
  31. ^ Santesson, R. (1939). "Amphibious pyrenolichens I". Arkiv før Botanik. 29A (10): 31.
  32. ^ Erichsen, C.F.E. (1937). "Weitere Beiträge zur Flechtenflora Schleswig-Holsteins und des Gebiets der Unterelbe" [Further articles on the lichen flora of Schleswig-Holstein and the Lower Elbe area]. Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein (in German). 22 (1): 89–116.
  33. ^ Hepp, Philippe (1860). Die Flechten Europas. Vol. 12. Zürich: Zu beziehen bei dem Herausgeber.
  34. ^ Lamb, I.M. (1948). "New, rare or interesting lichens from the southern Hemisphere – I". Lilloa. 14: 203–251 [205].
  35. ^ Øvstedal, D.O.; Gremmen, N.J.M. (2007). "Additions and corrections to the lichen mycobiota of the subantarctic Prince Edward Islands". Nova Hedwigia. 85 (1–2): 249–257. doi:10.1127/0029-5035/2007/0085-0249.
  36. ^ Lee, Beeyoung Gun; Kondratyuk, Sergij Y.; Halda, Josef P.; Lőkös, László; Wang, Hai-Ying; Jeong, Min Hye; Han, Sangkuk; Oh, Soon-Ok; Hur, Jae-Seoun (2018). "Three new species of lichenized fungi from Qinghai Province, China". Mycotaxon. 133 (1): 113–125. doi:10.5248/133.113.
  37. ^ a b Brodo, Irwin M.; Santesson, Rolf (1997). "Lichens of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. 3. Marine species of Verrucaria (Verrucariaceae, Ascomycotina)". Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 82: 27–37.
  38. ^ Erichsen, C.F.E. (1928). "Die Flechten des Moränengebiets von Ostschleswig mit Berücksightigung der angrenzenden Gebiete" [The lichens of the moraine area of East Schleswig with consideration of the adjacent areas]. Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg (in German). 70: 128–223 [192].
  39. ^ Breuss, O.; Berger, F. (2012). "Die Validierung von Verrucaria finitima und Bemerkungen über den Formenkreis von Verrucaria tristis (lichenisierte Ascomyceten, Verrucariaceae)" [The validation of Verrucaria finitima and comments on the morphology of Verrucaria tristis (lichenized Ascomycetes, Verrucariaceae)] (PDF). Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde (in German). 21: 117–126.
  40. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (2000). "The lichens of Rarotonga, Cook Islands, South Pacific Ocean I: Pyrenocarpous Taxa". The Lichenologist. 32 (1): 15–47. doi:10.1006/lich.1999.0212.
  41. ^ Nylander, W. (1872). "Observata lichenologia in Pyranaeis orientalibus". Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie (in Latin). 6 (2): 266, 314.
  42. ^ a b Leighton, William Allport (1851). The British species of angiocarpous lichens, elucidated by their sporidia. London: C. and J. Adlard. pp. 42, 59.
  43. ^ Acharius, Erik (1810). Lichenographia Universalis (in Latin). Gottingen: Iust. Frid. Danckwerts. p. 675.
  44. ^ Grummann, Vitus Johannes (1963). Catalogus Lichenum Germaniae. Ein systematisch-floristischer Katalog d. Flechten Deutschlands [Catalogus Lichenum Germaniae. A systematic floristic catalog d. Lichens of Germany] (in German). Stuttgart: G. Fischer. p. 16.
  45. ^ a b c d Harada, H.; Wang, L.S. (2008). "Taxonomic study on the freshwater species of Verrucariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) of Yunnan, China (4). Genus Verrucaria". Lichenology. 7 (1): 1–24.
  46. ^ Leighton, William Allport (1871). The lichen-flora of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. Shrewsbury: Woodall and Venables. p. 461.
  47. ^ Fries, E.M. (1831). Lichenographia Europaea Reformata (in Latin). Lundin: Berlingianis, venditur apud E. Mauritium. p. 435.
  48. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (1990). "Notes on Australian Verrucariaceae (Lichenes): 1". Muelleria. 7 (2): 189–192. doi:10.5962/p.184022.
  49. ^ Thüs, Holger; Orange, A.; Gueidan, C.; Pykälä, J.; Ruberti, C.; Lo Schiavo, F.; Nascimbene, J. (2015). "Revision of the Verrucaria elaeomelaena species complex and morphologically similar freshwater lichens (Verrucariaceae, Ascomycota)". Phytotaxa. 197 (3): 161–185. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.197.3.1.
  50. ^ Acharius, Erik (1814). Synopsis Methodica Lichenum (in Latin). Lundin: Svanborg et Soc. p. 94.
  51. ^ a b c d Orange, Alan (2013). "Four new species of Verrucaria (Verrucariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) from freshwater habitats in Europe". The Lichenologist. 45 (3): 305–322. doi:10.1017/s0024282912000898.
  52. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (2010). "New and interesting foliicolous lichens from Australia" (PDF). Australasian Lichenology. 66: 4–15.
  53. ^ a b c d e f Pykälä, J.; Launis, A.; Myllys, L. (2019). "Taxonomy of the Verrucaria kalenskyiV. xyloxena species complex in Finland". Nova Hedwigia. 109 (3–4): 489–511. doi:10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2019/0553.
  54. ^ Gasparayan, Arsen; Aptroot, André (2016). "Verrucaria juglandis, a new corticolous lichen species from Armenia". Herzogia. 29 (1): 103–107. doi:10.13158/heia.29.1.2016.103.
  55. ^ a b Harada, H. (2001). "Taxonomic notes on the lichen family Verrucariaceae in Japan (XIII). Verrucaria kiyosumiensis sp. nov. and V. takagoensis sp. nov. from Chiba". Hikobia. 13 (3): 405–409.
  56. ^ Breuss, Othmar; Spribille, Toby (2001). "Verrucaria kootenaica, a new pyrenocarpous lichen from the northern Rocky Mountains". The Bryologist. 104 (3): 453–455. doi:10.1639/0007-2745(2001)104[0453:vkanpl]2.0.co;2.
  57. ^ Orange, Alan (2014). "Two new or misunderstood species related to Verrucaria praetermissa (Verrucariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota)". The Lichenologist. 46 (5): 605–615. doi:10.1017/s0024282914000176.
  58. ^ a b c d Pykälä, Juha; Launis, Annina; Myllys, Leena (2017). "Four new species of Verrucaria from calcareous rocks in Finland". The Lichenologist. 49 (1): 27–37. doi:10.1017/s0024282916000542.
  59. ^ Körber, G.W. (1855). Systema lichenum Germaniae (in German). Breslau: Trewendt & Granier. p. 349.
  60. ^ Erichsen, C.F.E. (1943). "Neue Flechtenfunde aus Schleswig-Holstein und dem nordwestdeutschen Tiefland" [New lichen finds from Schleswig-Holstein and the north-west German lowlands]. Annales Mycologici (in German). 41: 196–213.
  61. ^ Orange, Alan (2004). "A remarkable new freshwater Verrucaria from Europe". The Lichenologist. 36 (6): 349–354. doi:10.1017/s002428290401446x.
  62. ^ Dodge, C.W. (1948). Lichens and Lichen Parasites. British Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition Scientific Reports. Vol. 7. p. 40.
  63. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (1994). "Notes on Australian Verrucariaceae (lichenised Ascomycotina): 3". Muelleria. 8 (2): 99–105. doi:10.5962/p.198470.
  64. ^ a b Nylander, W. (1863). "Circa Lichenes Armoricae et Alpium Delphinatus observationes". Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France (in Latin). 8: 753–759. doi:10.1080/00378941.1861.10829659.
  65. ^ a b c Harada, Hiroshi (2000). "Three new maritime species of Verrucaria (lichenized Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) from Japan". The Bryologist. 103 (3): 555–562. doi:10.1639/0007-2745(2000)103[0555:TNMSOV]2.0.CO;2. JSTOR 3244143.
  66. ^ Mackay, James Townsend (1836). Flora Hibernica. Vol. 2. Dublin: W. Curray jun. and company. p. 97.
  67. ^ Persoon, C.H. (1795). Botanische Beobachtungen. Usteri's Annalen der Botanik (in German). Vol. 14. Leipzig: Peter Philip Wolfischen Buchhandlung. p. 36.
  68. ^ Knudsen, Kerry; Kocourková, Jana (2012). "The annotated checklist of lichens, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Channel Islands National Park". Opuscula Philolichenum. 11: 278.
  69. ^ Arnold, F. (1880). "Lichenologische Ausflüge in Tirol. XXI. A. Berichtigungen und Nachträge. B. Verzeichnis der Tiroler Lichenen". Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft Wien (in German). 30: 95–154 (146].
  70. ^ Arnold, F. (1874). "Lichenologische Fragmente. XVII". Flora (Regensburg) (in German). 57: 376–384.
  71. ^ Massalongo, A.B. (1856). "Sertulum lichenologicum". Lotos Prague (in Latin). 6: 74–83.
  72. ^ Øvstedal, D.O. (2018). "Maritime species of the genus Verrucaria in Kerguelia" (PDF). Australasian Lichenology. 82: 147–155.
  73. ^ Alstrup, V.; Hansen, E.S. (2001). "New lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Greenland". Graphis Scripta. 12 (2): 41–50.
  74. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (2008). "A new species of Porina (Porinaceae) from Queensland" (PDF). Australasian Lichenology. 62: 29–31.
  75. ^ Lumbsch, H. T.; Ahti, T.; Altermann, S.; De Paz, G. A.; Aptroot, A.; Arup, U.; et al. (2011). "One hundred new species of lichenized fungi: a signature of undiscovered global diversity". Phytotaxa. 18 (1): 1–127 [112]. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.18.1.1. hdl:11336/4198.
  76. ^ Schrader, Henry Adolf (1794). Spicilegium Florae Germanicae (in Latin). Hannover: Ritscher. p. 109.
  77. ^ Bouly de Lesdain, M. (1911). "Notes lichénologiques. XIV". Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France (in French). 58 (6): 660–662. Bibcode:1911BSBF...58..660D. doi:10.1080/00378941.1911.10832369.
  78. ^ Lamb, I.M. (1948). "Antarctic pyrenocarp lichens". Discovery Reports. 25: 1–30.
  79. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (1991). "A new species and new records of Verrucaria (lichenized Ascomycotina, Verrucariaceae) from New Zealand". New Zealand Journal of Botany. 29 (3): 283–286. doi:10.1080/0028825X.1991.10416606.
  80. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (1988). "New and interesting species of Verrucaria II". The Lichenologist. 20 (3): 245–251. doi:10.1017/s0024282988000283.
  81. ^ McCarthy, P.M. (1996). "Verrucaria solicola, a new soil-inhabiting lichen from alpine Australia". Mycotaxon. 59: 475–477.
  82. ^ Boom, P.P.G. van den; Brand, A.M. (2003). "Verrucaria squamulosa, a new species from Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands (lichenized ascomycetes, Verrucariales)" (PDF). Linzer Biologische Beiträge. 35: 547–553.
  83. ^ Pykälä, Juha; Launis, Annina; Myllys, Leena (2018). "Verrucaria tenebrosa (Verrucariaceae), a new lichen species from Finland and Norway, and notes on the taxonomy of epiphytic taxa belonging to the V. hydrophila complex". Phytotaxa. 361 (2): 211–221. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.361.2.6.
  84. ^ Crombie, J.M. (1875). "New lichens from Kerguelen Land". Journal of Botany, British and Foreign. 13: 333–335.
  85. ^ Lendemer, J.C.; Breuss, O. (2009). "Verrucaria thujae (Verrucariaceae, Lichenized Ascomycetes), a new corticolous species from the Great Lakes Region of North America". Opuscula Philolichenum. 7: 13–16.
  86. ^ Norman, J.M. (1867). "Novae Lichenum species". Botaniska Notiser (in Latin). 1867: 86–88.
  87. ^ Harada, H. (2011). "Taxonomic study on the freshwater species of Verrucariaceae of Japan (1). Verrucaria praetermissa and V. yoshimurae sp. nov". Lichenology. 10 (1): 33–41.