The Candidate for Goddess is a manga series created by Yukiru Sugisaki. Taking place in the year 4084, the plot centers around Zero Enna, a candidate for piloting the massive mechanized weapons called "Ingrids" (or "Goddesses"), humanity's only defense against extraterrestrial beings known as "Victim".
The Candidate for Goddess was originally serialized in Comic Gum, a monthly Japanese manga magazine published by Wani Books. The 26 chapters that comprise the series were compiled into five tankōbon (volumes) and released between August 1997 and November 2001.[1][2] All five volumes of the series were re-published in 2005 as part of the "Gum Comics Plus" imprint.[3][4]Tokyopop acquired the series in early 2003 for an English distribution in North America.[5] The series was adapted by Marv Wolfman and published between April 14 and December 7, 2004.[6][7]