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List of Russian television series

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This is a list of TV series that were made and shown in the Soviet Union and Russia. It does not include foreign-made imports.


Year Channel Title Russian title Genre
1960–2003 CT USSR, C1 Ostankino, C1R Travelers' Club Клуб путешественников Travel
1960–1961 Animated Crocodile Мультипликационный Крокодил Adult animation
1961–present CT USSR, C1 Ostankino, C1R, KVN TV KVN КВН (Клуб весёлых и находчивых) Comedy
1962–present CT USSR, Russia-1 Little Blue Light Голубой огонёк Variety
1963–2008 Russia-1 Fitil Фитиль Comedy
1964–present Programme Two, C1 Ostankino, C1R, Russia-K, Russia-1 Good Night, Little Ones! Спокойной ночи, малыши! Children's
1965–present all channels Minute of Silence Минута молчания
1968–present Programme One, C1 Ostankino, Russia-1, C1R, Domashny, Russia-2, Carousel In the World of Animals В мире животных Zoology
1968–present Programme One, C1 Ostankino, C1R Time Время News
1969 CT USSR The Adjutant of His Excellency Адъютант его превосходительства Drama
1969–2006 CT USSR Well, Just You Wait! Ну, погоди! Animation


Year Channel Title Russian title Genre
1971–present P1, C1R, Russia-1 Song of the Year Песня года Music
1971–2003 CT USSR, C1R Investigation Held by ZnaToKi Следствие ведут ЗнаТоКи Crime
1972 Programme One Seventeen Moments of Spring Семнадцать мгновений весны Espionage
1973–1983 CT USSR Eternal Call Вечный зов Drama
1972 CT USSR Big School-Break Большая перемена Comedy
1974-1977 Born by the Revolution [ru] Рождённая революцией Drama[a]
1975 C5 For the Rest of His Life На всю оставшуюся жизнь Drama, war
1975 C1 Ostankino, C1R, NTV What? Where? When? Что? Где? Когда? Game show
1975 CT USSR, Russia-1, TV-6, C1R, Carousel Yeralash Ералаш Children's, comedy
1976 CT USSR The Twelve Chairs 12 стульев Musical, comedy
1978 CT USSR D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers д'Артаньян и три мушкетёра Musical
1979–1986 CT USSR The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона Crime
1979 CT USSR The Adventures of the Elektronic Приключения Электроника Children's, science-fiction
1979 CT USSR Little Tragedies Маленькие трагедии Drama
1979 CT USSR The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed Место встречи изменить нельзя Crime




  1. ^ here
  2. ^ "Zharikov Evgeny Ilyich: Biography, Career, Personal Life". Culture oeuvre. Retrieved 23 August 2022.
  3. ^ "производство и дистрибуция сериалов и художественных фильмов". Официальный сайт компании «Интра Фильм» (Series of historic and publicistic films). Retrieved 23 August 2022.


Year Channel Title Russian title Genre
1980–1999 CT USSR, C1 Ostankino, C1R Football Review Футбольное обозрение Sports
1983–2001 CT USSR, C1R Till 16 and older... До 16 и старше... Youth program
1983 CT USSR The Trust That Went Bust Трест, который лопнул Musical
1984 CT USSR Dead Souls Мёртвые души Comedy, drama
1984–present CT USSR, C1 Ostankino, C1R Good Morning Доброе Утро Morning news
1984 CT USSR TASS Is Authorized to Declare... ТАСС уполномочен заявить... Espionage
1985 CT USSR Sofia Kovalevskaya Софья Ковалевская Biopic
1985 P1 Guest from the Future Гостья из будущего Children's, science-fiction
1985 CT USSR Confrontation Противостояние Drama, war, crime
1986 P1 In Search for Captain Grant В поисках капитана Гранта Adventure
1987 CT USSR Visit to Minotaur Визит к Минотавру Crime
1987–1993 C5 600 Seconds 600 секунд News
1988 CT USSR The Life of Klim Samgin Жизнь Клима Самгина Drama


Year Channel Title Russian title Genre
1990–present CT USSR, C1 Ostankino, C1R The Field of Wonders Поле чудес Game show
1990 NTV Apartment Building Дом    10-Episode telenovela
1990–1995 CT USSR, C1 Ostankino, C1R Both to! Оба-на! Comedy
1991 ZDF The Alaska Kid Adventure
1992–1997 C1 Ostankino, C1R Trifles of Life Мелочи жизни Telenovela
1993–present C1 Ostankino, C1R Gusto Смак Cooking
1993–2002 C1 Ostankino, C1R Call of the Jungles Зов джунглей Children's, game show
1993 The White Horse Конь белый War, drama, biopic
1994–2002 NTV Puppets Куклы Comedy, politics
1995–present NTV, MTK, TV Centre, Russia-1 Hundred to One Сто к одному Game show
1996–2001 C1R, Russia-1 Calembour Каламбур Sketch comedy
1996–2007 NTV, STS Sesame Street Улица Сезам Children's
1997 The Intercept Перехват Game show
1998–present TNT, C1R, NTV, STS, Che Streets of Broken Lights Улицы разбитых фонарей Crime
1998 Russia-K Confession Повинность Documentary
1998 Russia-K The Dialogues with Solzhenitsyn Беседы с Солженицыным Documentary
1999 M1 The Naked Truth Голая правда News, nudity


Year Channel Title Russian title Genre
2000 C1R Empire under Attack Империя под ударом History, drama
2000–2003 NTV, TNT, TV-6, TVS Turn off the Light! Тушите свет! Animation
2000–present NTV, TV-6, Russia-1, House of Cinema Secrets of Investigation Тайны следствия Crime
2000–2006 C1R, REN TV Deadly Force Убойная сила Crime
2000–2007 NTV Bandit Petersburg Бандитский Петербург Crime
2008–2014 C1R Big Difference Большая разница Sketch comedy
2001–2009 C1R Last Hero Последний герой Reality
2001–present C1R Let Them Talk Пусть говорят Talk show
2001–2008 C1R, C5 The Weakest Link Слабое звено Game show
2001–present C1R, Russia-1, Russia-24, RTR-Planeta, Mir, RT, PTR Direct Line with Vladimir Putin Прямая линия с Владимиром Путиным Annual Q&A
2002 C1R Azazel Азазель Crime
2002 Russia-1 Law of the Lawless Бригада Crime
2002–2011 C1R Star Factory Фабрика звёзд Talent show
2002–2005 STS, TNT Windows Окна Talk show
2002–2003 C1R Spetsnaz Спецназ War
2003–2013 Russia-1, STS The Cleverest Самый умный Game show
2003 Russia-1 Lines of Fate Линии судьбы Drama
2003 Russia-1 The Idiot Идиот Drama
2003–present NTV Let's Eat at Home! Едим дома! Cooking
2003–2004 STS Poor Nastya Бедная Настя Telenovela
2003–2006 Russia-1 People's Artist Народный Артист Talent show
2004–2007 STS You are a Supermodel Ты – супермодель Reality
2004 C1R Children of the Arbat Дети Арбата Drama
2004–present TNT House-2 Дом-2 Reality
2004 Russia-1 The Cadets Курсанты War
2004–2012 STS, Russia-1 Kikoriki Смешарики Animation
2004 C1R Moscow Saga Московская сага Drama
2004–present Russia-1, NTV Mukhtar. The New Trace Мухтар. Новый след Crime
2004–2009 STS My Fair Nanny Моя прекрасная няня Sitcom
2004–2005 C1R All or Nothing Пан или пропал Game show
2005 C1R Female Novel Женский роман Telenovela
2005 STS Londongrad Лондонград Crime, comedy
2005 RTVi They Chose Freedom Они выбирали свободу Documentary
2005–present TNT Comedy Club Comedy Club Comedy
2005 NTV The Case of "Dead Souls" Дело о «Мёртвых душах» Fantasy
2005–2006 C1R Adjutants of Love Адъютанты любви Telenovela
2005–2006 STS Not Born Beautiful Не Родись Красивой Telenovela
2005 TNT Big Brother Большой брат Reality
2005 C1R Brezhnev Брежнев Biopic, politics
2005 C1R The Fall of the Empire Гибель империи Drama
2005–2008 TNT Inexplicable, yet a Fact Необъяснимо, но факт Documentary
2005 Russia-1 The Master and Margarita Мастер и Маргарита Fantasy
2005 C1R Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno Девять жизней Нестора Махно Biopic, politics
2005 C1R Yesenin Есенин Biopic
2005–2007 Russia-1 Secret of Success Секрет Успеха Talent show
2005–present Russia-1 Yiddishkeit Идишкайт Documentary
2006 NTV U.E. У.Е. Crime
2006–2016 Carousel,

Russia-1, Russia-K, Mult

The Adventures of Luntik and his friends Приключения Лунтика и его друзей Animation
2006 Russia-1 Filipp's Bay Бухта Филиппа Crime
2006 Russia-1 The First Circle В круге первом Drama
2006–2013 TNT Happy Together Счастливы вместе Sitcom
2006 TNT Bunker, or Scientists Underground Бункер, или учёные под землёй Science-fiction
2006–2011 TNT Our Russia Наша Russia Sketch comedy
2006–2007 Fenix-Art Gold Field Прииск Drama
2006 REN TV Deal!? Сделка!? Game show
2006–2007 NTV Young Wolfhound Молодой Волкодав Fantasy
2006–2007 C1R Russian Translation Русский перевод Crime, politics
2007 Russia-1 Liquidation Ликвидация Crime
2007–present C1R, C5 Trace След Crime
2007–present C1R A Minute of Fame Минута славы Talent show
2007–2012 STS Daddy's Daughters Папины дочки Sitcom
2007 C1R A Second Before... Секунда до... Fantasy
2007–present TNT The Battle of Extrasensory Битва экстрасенсов Reality
2008–present Russia-1, Carousel Masha and the Bear Маша и Медведь Animation
2008 Russia-1 Name of Russia Имя Россия Greatest nationals
2008 STS One Night of Love Одна ночь любви Telenovela
2008–present C1R Prozhektorperiskhilton Прожекторперисхилтон Comedy, talk show
2008–2011 TNT Univer Универ Sitcom
2008–2011 C1R Wedding Ring Обручальное кольцо Telenovela
2008–2015 RT, PTR, Russia-1, Russia 24, C1R Talk with Dmitry Medvedev Разговор с Дмитрием Медведевым Annual Q&A
2009 C1R The Admiral Адмиралъ Biopic, drama, politics
2009 C1R Hot Ice Жаркий лёд Drama, sports
2009 REN TV Top Gear Russia Top Gear: Русская версия Cars
2009–2012 STS Infomania Инфомания News


Year Channel Title Russian title Genre
2010–2012 Muz-TV Crocodile Крокодил Game show
2010–2016 TNT Interns Интерны Medical, sitcom
2010–2012 Disney Channel As the Bell Rings Приколы на переменке Sitcom
2011 Russia-1 Peter the Great: The Testament Пётр Первый. Завещание Biopic, drama, politics
2010–2015 2×2, STS, Carousel,
Disney Channel, 360
Novators Новаторы Animation, science-fiction
2011 C1R The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik Жизнь и приключения Мишки Япончика Crime
2011–present Carousel, STS Qumi-Qumi Куми-Куми Animation
2011–present Muz-TV, You-TV Top Model Russian-style Топ-модель по-русски Reality
2011–2014 TV Centre, C1R Heavenly Court Небесный суд Courtroom drama, fantasy
2011–present Carousel, Russia-1 The Barkers Барбоскины Animation
2011–present TNT Univer. New Dorm Универ. Новая общага Sitcom
2012 Russia-1 The White Guard Белая гвардия Drama
2012–present C1R The Voice Голос Talent show
2012–2016 STS Kitchen Кухня Sitcom
2012 C1R Brief Guide To A Happy Life Краткий курс счастливой жизни Drama
2012–present C1R The Dark Side of the Moon Обратная сторона Луны Speculative fiction, crime
2012–present C1R Evening Urgant Вечерний Ургант Talk show
2012 RT World Tomorrow Talk show
2013 C1R Pyotr Leschenko. Everything That Was... Пётр Лещенко. Всё, что было… Biopic, drama, musical
2013 C1R The Thaw Оттепель Drama
2013–present C1R, Russia-1 One to One! Один в один! Talent show
2013–present TV-3 The Invisible Man Человек-невидимка Game show
2013 C1R Ex-Wife Бывшая жена Crime
2013–present STS The Junior Team Молодёжка Sports
2013–2016 STS, Carousel Alisa Knows What to Do! Алиса знает, что делать! Animation
2013–present TNT SashaTanya СашаТаня Sitcom
2013 Russia-1 Sherlock Holmes Шерлок Холмс Crime
2013–present STS Two Fathers, Two Sons Два отца и два сына Sitccom
2014–present C1R Silver Spoon Мажор Crime
2014 C1R The Three Musketeers Три мушкетёра Adventure
2014 C1R House with Lilies Дом с лилиями Telenovela
2014–present Russia-1 Ekaterina Екатерина Biopic, drama, politics
2014–present Friday! Revizorro Ревизорро Documentary
2014–2017 TNT, TV-3 Chernobyl: Zone of Exclusion Чернобыль: Зона отчуждения Science-fiction
2014–present C1R, Carousel The Voice Kids Голос. Дети Talent show
2015–present Russia-1 Homeland Родина Thriller, espionage, politics
2015–present Russia-1, Muz-TV Faktor A Фактор А Talent show
2015 C1R Catherine the Great Великая Biopic, drama, politics
2015 C1R The Method Метод Crime
2015–present Che Utilizator Утилизатор Game show
2015 C1R Vasilisa Василиса War
2016 C1R Locust Саранча Thriller
2016–present C1R Klim Клим Crime
2016 Russia-1 Sophia София Drama
2016 C1R The Dawns Here Are Quiet А зори здесь тихие War
2016–present Che The Running Thousand Бегущий косарь Game show
2016–present Che Man vs Fly Человек против мухи Game show
2016 Che Name That Movie Угадай кино Game show
2017 NTV The Road to Calvary Хождение по мукам War epic
2017 C1R Trotsky Троцкий Biopic, drama, politics
2017–present C1R Raid Налёт Crime
2017–present Russia-1 Doctor Richter Доктор Рихтер Medical
2017 C1R Mata Hari Мата Хари Biopic, drama
2017 Russia-1 Anna Karenina: Vronsky's Story Анна Каренина. История Вронского Drama
2017 STS You All Infuriate Me Вы все меня бесите Sitcom
2017–present NTV The Bridge Мост Crime