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List of Greek and Latin roots in English/F

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Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
fa-, fa (FA)[1] say, speak Latin fārī, see also fatērī affable, bifarious, confess, defamation, fable, fame, fascinate, fate, ineffability, infamy, infancy, infant, infantry, nefarious, preface, profess
fab- bean Latin faba faba bean
fac-, fact-, -fect-, -fic- (FAC)[2] do, make Latin facere, factus affair, affect, affectation, amplify, artifact, artifice, benefactor, benefice, benefit, confection, counterfeit, defeat, defect, disaffect, edifice, effect, effectible, effection, effective, effectivity, effector, effectual, effectuality, effectuate, effectuation, efficacious, efficacity, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, enface, enfacement, facade/façade, face, facet, facette, facial, faciend, facient, facile, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facilitatory, facility, facinorous, facsimile, fact, faction, factional, factionary, factious, factitious, factor, factorable, factorial, factory, factotum, factual, fake, fashion, feasible, feat, feature, feckless, fiat, forfeit, infect, inofficious, interoffice, laissez-faire, malefaction, manufacture, modify, nonofficial, office, official, officiant, officiary, officiate, officious, olfaction, omnificence, omnificent, parfait, perfect, perfecta, perfectibility, perfectible, perfection, perfective, perfector, pluperfect, prefect, prefectural, prefecture, prequalification, proficiency, proficient, profit, profitability, profitable, profiteer, profiterole, prolific, qualification, quasiperfect, rarefy, refactorable, refashion, refect, refection, refectory, reinfect, remanufacture, resurface, reunification, sacrifice, scientific, semelfactive, suboffice, subprefect, suffice, sufficiency, sufficient, superficial, superficiality, surface, surfeit, surficial, transfection, trifacial, trifecta, uniface, unifacial, unifactorial, unification
falc- sickle Latin falx, falcis defalcation, falcate, falciform, falchion, falcon
fall-, fallac-, fals- false, deceive Latin fallere, falsus, fallāx, fallācis default, fail, fallacious, fallacy, fallible, false, falsetto, falsify, falsity, fault
famili- a close attendant Latin famulus familiarity, family
fasc- bundle Latin fascis fajita, fasciculation, fascism
fatu- foolish, useless Latin fatuus fatuous, infatuation
feder- treaty, agreement, contract, league, pact Latin foederāre, from foedus (genitive foederis); see also fides "faith" confederacy, confederation, federal, federate, federation
fel- cat Latin fēlēs, fēlis Felinae, feline
felic- happy, merry Latin fēlīx, fēlīcis felicity
fell- suck Latin fellāre fellation
femin- women, female Latin fēmina femininity
femor- thigh Latin femur (genitive femoris) femoral, femur
fend-, fens- strike Latin fendere, -fensus defend, fend, offend, offense
fenestr- window Latin fenestra defenestration
fer- wild, fierce Latin ferus feral, fierce
-fer- to bear, carry Latin ferre aquifer, circumference, confer, conifer, defer, differ, ferry, fertile, infer, Lucifer, offer, prefer, refer, suffer, transfer, vociferous
ferv- boil, glow Latin fervēre ferment, fervent, fervid, fervor, perfervid
feroc- fierce Latin ferōx, ferōcis ferocity
ferr- iron Latin ferrum ferrous
fet- stink Latin fētēre fetid, fetor
fic- fig Latin fīcus Ficus, fig
fid-, fis- faith, trust Latin fidēs "faith, trust", from fidere "to trust" confidante, confidence, confident, diffident, faith, fealty, fidelity, fiduciary, infidel, perfidious, perfidy
fig-, fing-, fict- (FIG)[3] to form, shape Latin fingere "to touch, handle; devise; fabricate, alter, change" configure, disfigure, effigy, feign, fiction, fictitious, figment, figurine, nonfiction, transfigure
fil- thread Latin fīlum defile, filament, file, filigree, fillet, profile
fili- son Latin filius affiliation
fin- end Latin fīnis affinity, confine, define, final, finale, finance, fine, finish, finite, infinite, refine
find-, fiss- (FID)[4] cleave, split Latin findere, fissus fission, fissure
firm- firm, strong Latin firmus, firmāre affirm, confirm, confirmation, firm, firmament, infirm
fistul- hollow, tube Latin fistula fistula
fix- attach Latin fīxāre, frequentative of fīgere affix, fix, fixation, fixture, prefix, suffix, transfix
fl-, fla- (FLA)[5] blow Latin flāre, flātus afflatus, conflate, deflate, flatulence, flatus, flavor, flute, inflate, insufflation, soufflé, sufflate
flacc- flabby Latin flaccus, flaccere flaccid
flav- yellow Latin flāvus flavonoid
flect-, flex- bend Latin flectere, flexus circumflex, deflect, flex, flexible, flexile, flexion, flexor, genuflection, inflect, inflection, reflect, reflection, reflex
flig-, flict- strike Latin flīgere, -flīctus afflict, conflict, inflict, profligacy, profligate
flor- flower Latin flōs, flōris floral, florid
flu-, fluv-, flux- flow Latin fluere, fluxus affluent, confluence, effluent, fluctuate, fluctuation, fluency, fluent, fluid, fluidity, flush, fluvial, flux, influence, influx, superfluous
foc- hearth Latin focus bifocal, focal, focus
fod-, foss- dig Latin fodere, fossus fossil
foen- hay Latin foenum Foeniculum
foli- leaf Latin folium defoliant
font- spring Latin fōns, fontis font, fontal, fontanelle
for- bore, drill Latin forāre, forātus foralite, foramen, foraminifer, perforation
form- shape Latin fōrma conform, deform, form, formal, formation, formula, formulate, inform, perform, reform, uniform
formic- ant Latin formīca formaldehyde, formic acid
fornic- vault Latin fornix, fornicis fornication
fort- strong Latin fortis force, fort, forte, fortify, fortitude, fortress
fove- shallow round depression Latin fovea fovea
frag-, frang-, -fring-, fract- break Latin frangere, frāctus defray, diffract, fractal, fraction, fractious, fracture, fragile, fragment, frangible, fray, infraction, infringe, refract, refractory, refrain
frater-, fratr- brother Latin frāter fraternal, fraternity
fric-, frict- rub Latin fricāre, frictus dentifrice, friction
frig- cold Latin frīgere frigid, frigorific
front- forehead Latin frōns, frontis confront, frontage, frontal
fruct-, frug- fruit Latin frūx, frūgis; frū̆ctus fructose, frugivorous
fug-, fugit- flee Latin fugere centrifuge, fugacious, fugitive, refuge
fum- smoke Latin fūmus fume, fumigation
fund- bottom Latin fundāre "to found", from fundus "bottom, foundation" found, founder, foundation, fund, fundament, fundamental, fundamentalism, profound, profundity
fund-, fus- pour Latin fundere, fūsus confound, diffusion, effusion, effusive, found, fusion, infusion, perfusion, profuse, profusion, refund, suffusion, transfusion
fulmin-, fulgur- flash Latin fulmen "lightning flash" fulminant, fulminate, fulmination, fulgurite
fung-, funct- do Latin fungī, fūnctus function, fungibility
fur-, furt- thief, steal Latin fūr (genitive fūris) "thief", fūrāre ferret, furtive
furc- fork Latin furca bifurcation
fusc- dark Latin fuscus fuscous, infuscate, infuscation, obfuscate, obfuscation


  1. ^ for. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  2. ^ faciō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  3. ^ fingō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  4. ^ findō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
  5. ^ flō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.