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List of Eresidae species

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This page lists all described species of the spider family Eresidae accepted by the World Spider Catalog as of January 2021:[1]



Adonea Simon, 1873



Dorceus C. L. Koch, 1846



Dresserus Simon, 1876



Eresus Walckenaer, 1805

  • E. adaleari Zamani & Szűts, 2020 — Iran
  • E. albopictus Simon, 1873 — Italy (Sicily), Morocco?, Algeria?
  • E. bifasciatus Ermolajev, 1937 — Russia (South Siberia)
  • E. crassitibialis Wunderlich, 1987 — Canary Is.
  • E. granosus Simon, 1895 — Russia (West Siberia), China
  • E. hermani Kovács, Prazsák, Eichardt, Vári & Gyurkovics, 2015 — Hungary
  • E. kollari Rossi, 1846 — Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Iran, Russia (Europe, to Far East?), Central Asia?
    • E. k. frontalis Latreille, 1817 — Spain
    • E. k. ignicomis Simon, 1914 — France (Corsica)
    • E. k. latefasciatus Simon, 1911 — Algeria
    • E. k. tricolor Simon, 1873 — France (Corsica)
  • E. lavrosiae Mcheidze, 1997 — Turkey, Georgia
  • E. moravicus Řezáč, 2008 — Austria, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece
  • E. pharaonis Walckenaer, 1837 — Egypt
  • E. robustus Franganillo, 1918 — Spain
  • E. rotundiceps Simon, 1873 — Ukraine, Turkmenistan
  • E. ruficapillus C. L. Koch, 1846 — Italy (Sicily)
  • E. sandaliatus (Martini & Goeze, 1778) — Europe
  • E. sedilloti Simon, 1881 — Portugal, Spain
  • E. solitarius Simon, 1873 — Mediterranean
  • E. tristis Kroneberg, 1875 — Kazakhstan
  • E. walckenaeri Brullé, 1832 — Mediterranean
    • E. w. moerens C. L. Koch, 1846 — Greece, Syria, Afghanistan



Gandanameno Lehtinen, 1967



Loureedia Miller, Griswold, Scharff, Řezáč, Szűts & Marhabaie, 2012



Paradonea Lawrence, 1968

  • P. parva (Tucker, 1920) — Namibia, Botswana, South Africa
  • P. presleyi Miller, Griswold, Scharff, Řezáč, Szűts & Marhabaie, 2012 — Zimbabwe, South Africa
  • P. splendens (Lawrence, 1936) — Botswana, South Africa
  • P. striatipes Lawrence, 1968 (type) — Namibia, South Africa
  • P. variegata (Purcell, 1904) — Namibia, Botswana, South Africa



Seothyra Purcell, 1903


African social spider
(Stegodyphus dumicola)

Stegodyphus Simon, 1873


  1. ^ "Family: Eresidae C. L. Koch,1845". World Spider Catalog Version 20.0. Natural History Museum Bern. 2021. doi:10.24436/2. Retrieved 2021-02-23.