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Scientific classification

Etayo (1992)
Type species
Lichenoverruculina sigmatospora
(Speg.) Etayo & Sharuddin (2011)

Metanectria sigmatospora Speg., Boln Acad. nac. Cienc. Córdoba 11(4): 528 (1889)
Verruculina sigmatospora (Speg.) Etayo, in Etayo & Rosato, Lichenologist 40(3): 230 (2008)

Lichenoverruculina is a fungal genus in the family Hyponectriaceae and order Amphisphaeriales.[1] This is a monotypic genus, containing the single species Lichenoverruculina sigmatospora.[2] which was published in Herzogia vol.24 (2) on page 274 in 2011.[3]

In a revision of lichenicolous fungi described by Spegazzini by botanists Etayo & Rosato in 2008, they proposed a new genus of Verruculina Etayo, unaware that this generic name was already used for an unrelated marine fungus group by Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer (in 1990), as Verruculina Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm. The name Lichenoverruculina Etayo & Sharuddin was then proposed to replace Verruculina Etayo.[3]



Lichenoverruculina is lichenicolous (a parasitic fungus that only lives on lichen as the host), with immersed perithecia under the thallus of various Heterodermia species (a genera of lichen in the family Physciaceae). The genus has abundant paraphyses (erect sterile filament-like support structures), 32-spored, cylindrical asci and fusoid-sigmoid, 2-celled, hyaline ascospores.[4]



It has only been found in Brazil, South America.[5]


  1. ^ Wijayawardene, Nalin; Hyde, Kevin; Al-Ani, Laith Khalil Tawfeeq; Somayeh, Dolatabadi; Stadler, Marc; Haelewaters, Danny; et al. (2020). "Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa". Mycosphere. 11: 1060–1456. doi:10.5943/mycosphere/11/1/8. hdl:10481/61998.
  2. ^ "Species Fungorum - GSD Species". www.speciesfungorum.org. Retrieved 11 February 2023.
  3. ^ a b Etayo, Javier; Sharuddin, Siti Sarah (December 2011). "Verruculina and Lichenoverruculina nom.nov". Herzogia. 24 (2): 271–274. doi:10.13158/heia.24.2.2011.379.
  4. ^ Chethana, Thilini (29 October 2022). "Lichenoverruculina - Facesoffungi number: FoF 13226". Faces Of Fungi. Retrieved 11 February 2023.
  5. ^ "Lichenoverruculina sigmatospora (Speg.) Etayo & Sharuddin". www.gbif.org. Retrieved 11 February 2023.