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Joshua's Vision of St Michael

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Joshua's Vision of St Michael (13th century icon)

Joshua's Vision of St Michael or The Apparition of the Archangel Michael to Joshua is a 13th-century Russian icon. It is exhibited in Dormition Cathedral, Moscow. It shows an episode in Joshua 5.13-15 where "a man ... with a drawn sword in his hand" appeared to Joshua - that man was later interpreted as Michael the Archangel.



The icon seems to have originated in the church dedicated to St Michael on the site of the present-day Cathedral of the Archangel in Moscow. The earlier church was built by Mikhail Khorobrit, prince of Moscow.[1] According to Igor Grabar, "if [the author of the icon] was not Byzantine, he was Souzdalien",[2] although there is no precise attribution.

It and the Saviour with Gold Earrings were moved to the Cathedral of the Dormition in Moscow under Vasili III and Metropolitan Varlaam.[3] It was discovered in the 1920s by the researchers of the Russian Restoration Commission. In 1927 it appeared in the "Third Restoration Exhibition", organised by Igor Grabar Centre for Scientific and Artistic Restoration in Russia, followed by "Russian Art of the Scythians to the Present-Day" in Paris in 1966–1967.[2]


  1. ^ Victor Lazarev/Лазарев, Виктор Никитич|/ L'iconographie russe des origines au début du XVI s.. — М.: Искусство, 2000. — Стр. 169
  2. ^ a b Catalogue d'exposition sur la Rus' d'avant les mongols/ Живопись домонгольской Руси: Каталог выставки. — М.: Советский художник, 1974. — Стр. 118—120
  3. ^ (in French) Galina Kolpakova /Колпакова, Галина Сергеевна/, L'art de la vieille Russie période pré-mongole : Домонгольский период, Азбука, 2007, 456 p. (ISBN 978-5-352-02088-3)