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Gymnastics at the 2004 Summer Olympics – Women's artistic qualification

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These are the results of the women's qualification round, the preliminary round which decided the finalists for all six events for women in artistic gymnastics at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. The qualification round took place on August 15 at the Olympic Indoor Hall.

The top twelve teams from the 2003 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships completed for places in the team final. Each team was allowed to bring up to six gymnasts. During qualification, each team could have up to five gymnasts compete on each apparatus, and could count the four highest scores for the team total. The eight teams with the highest scores in the qualification round advanced to the team final.

Individual gymnasts, including those who were not part of a team, competed for places in the all-around and apparatus finals. The twenty-four gymnasts with the highest scores in the all-around advanced to that final, except that each country could only send two gymnasts to the all-around final. The eight gymnasts with the highest scores on each apparatus advanced to those finals, except that each country could only send two gymnasts to each apparatus final.

In total, 98 gymnasts from 32 countries competed in the qualification round.


Gymnast Country Vault Uneven
Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank
 Romania 37.925 1 37.750 6 38.599 1 38.162 1 152.436 1
Daniela Șofronie  Romania 9.425 9 9.625 6 9.487 12 9.525 8 38.062 2
Oana Ban 9.325 23 9.425 29 9.625 5 9.600 4 37.975 3
Cătălina Ponor 9.500 5   9.775 1 9.687 1 28.962 64
Monica Roșu 9.675 1 9.375 33   9.350 25 28.400 66
Alexandra Eremia   9.287 41 9.687 3 9.150 40 28.124 68
Silvia Stroescu 9.225 34 9.325 39 9.512 10   28.062 69
 United States 37.599 3 38.437 2 38.137 2 37.675 3 151.848 2
Carly Patterson  United States 9.512 3 9.600 8 9.725 2 9.500 10 38.337 1
Courtney Kupets 9.350 18 9.637 5 9.550 8 9.400 19 37.937 4
Mohini Bhardwaj 9.337 20 9.487 22 9.350 19 9.525 8 37.699 8
Courtney McCool 9.350 18 9.575 11 9.112 29 9.250 33 37.287 13
Terin Humphrey   9.625 6 9.512 10 9.225 34 28.362 67
Annia Hatch 9.387 13   9.387 94
 China 37.199 6 38.500 1 37.849 3 37.537 6 151.085 3
Zhang Nan  China 9.287 27 9.525 18 9.550 8 9.437 15 37.799 6
Wang Tiantian 9.400 11 9.512 20 9.262 24 9.475 12 37.649 9
Li Ya 9.137 51 9.675 3 9.600 6   28.412 65
Fan Ye   9.600 8 9.437 16 8.975 54 28.012 70
Cheng Fei 9.375 16   8.925 43 9.650 2 27.950 72
Lin Li 8.937 76 9.700 2   8.600 67 27.237 78
 Russia 37.786 2 37.612 7 37.298 4 36.724 9 149.420 4
Svetlana Khorkina  Russia 9.512 3 9.750 1 9.137 27 9.437 15 37.836 5
Anna Pavlova 9.437 8 9.237 46 9.637 4 9.400 19 37.711 7
Elena Zamolodchikova 9.462 6 9.150 51 9.062 31 9.200 35 36.874 20
Natalia Ziganchina 9.375 16 9.087 55 8.962 39 8.687 60 36.111 35
Liudmila Ezhova   9.475 23 9.462 15   18.937 84
Maria Krioutchkova 9.200 42   7.975 79 17.175 92
 Ukraine 37.461 4 36.699 11 36.874 6 37.874 2 148.908 5
Alina Kozich  Ukraine 9.387 13 9.237 46 9.300 23 9.562 6 37.486 10
Irina Yarotska 9.262 29 9.037 59 9.475 14 9.375 22 37.149 15
Alona Kvasha 9.412 10 8.850 65 8.987 37 9.462 14 36.711 21
Mirabella Akhunu 9.237 31 8.187 80 8.350 71 9.475 12 35.249 49
Iryna Krasnianska   9.575 11 9.112 29   18.687 86
Olga Sherbatykh 9.400 11   9.087 44 18.487 87
 France 37.262 5 38.049 3 36.424 7 37.024 7 148.759 6
Marine Debauve  France 9.150 50 9.500 21 9.425 17 9.362 23 37.437 11
Émilie Le Pennec 9.325 23 9.662 4 8.900 44 9.425 17 37.312 12
Soraya Chaouch 9.125 53 9.550 16 8.962 39 8.200 78 35.837 39
Isabelle Severino 9.337 20 9.137 52   9.175 38 27.649 76
Coralie Chacon 9.450 7   8.650 58 9.062 46 27.162 79
Camille Schmutz   9.337 37 9.137 27   18.474 89
 Spain 36.899 9 37.925 4 35.486 11 37.611 4 147.921 7
Elena Gómez  Spain 9.212 39 9.525 18 8.737 54 9.500 10 36.974 18
Patricia Moreno 9.162 48 9.375 33 7.850 79 9.587 5 35.974 37
Tania Gener 9.300 25 9.575 11   9.112 43 27.987 71
Mónica Mesalles 9.225 34   9.037 33 9.412 18 27.674 75
Laura Campos 8.725 79 9.262 44 8.225 72   26.212 82
Sara Moro   9.450 26 9.487 12   18.937 84
 Australia 36.574 12 37.461 8 36.948 5 36.436 11 147.419 8
Allana Slater  Australia 9.212 39 8.875 63 9.587 7 9.337 26 37.011 17
Monette Russo 9.050 67 9.437 27 8.887 46 9.062 46 36.436 25
Stephanie Moorhouse 8.875 77 9.337 37 9.162 26 8.850 57 36.224 30
Melissa Munro 9.225 34   9.312 22 9.187 36 27.724 73
Karen Nguyen 9.087 63 9.300 40   8.725 59 27.112 80
Lisa Skinner   9.387 31 8.700 55   18.087 90
 Brazil 36.924 8 37.162 9 36.261 8 36.998 8 147.345 9
Daniele Hypólito  Brazil 8.987 73 9.575 11 9.337 20 9.187 36 37.086 16
Camila Comin 9.200 42 9.412 30 8.662 57 9.137 41 36.411 26
Ana Paula Rodrigues 9.087 63 9.375 33 8.887 46 9.037 50 36.386 27
Laís Souza 9.387 13 8.762 69 9.375 18 8.675 62 36.199 34
Daiane dos Santos 9.250 30 8.800 67   9.637 3 27.687 74
Caroline Molinari   7.512 83   7.512 98
 Canada 36.749 10 36.912 10 35.675 10 37.611 4 146.947 10
Kate Richardson  Canada 9.212 39 9.275 42 9.175 25 9.562 6 37.224 14
Melanie Banville 9.200 42 9.062 57 9.025 34 9.362 23 36.649 22
Amelie Plante 9.112 58 9.475 23 8.075 76 9.287 31 35.949 38
Heather Purnell 9.200 42 8.712 70 8.500 67 9.400 19 35.812 40
Kylie Stone 9.137 51   8.975 38 8.912 56 27.024 81
Gael Mackie   9.100 54   9.100 95
 Great Britain 36.724 11 36.449 12 35.937 9 36.687 10 145.797 11
Beth Tweddle  Great Britain 9.012 71 9.575 11 9.025 34 9.300 30 36.912 19
Katy Lennon 9.237 31 8.850 65 9.025 34 9.125 42 36.237 28
Vanessa Hobbs 9.237 31 8.437 73 8.937 42 9.087 44 35.698 44
Nicola Willis 9.025 70 8.937 60 7.625 81 9.175 38 34.762 53
Cherrelle Fennell 9.225 34 9.087 55   9.012 52 27.324 77
Elizabeth Line   8.950 41   8.950 96
 North Korea 37.037 7 37.812 5 34.286 12 35.237 12 144.372 12
Pyon Kwang-Sun  North Korea 9.200 42 9.600 8 9.062 31 8.650 65 36.512 23
Kim Un-Jong 9.125 53 9.475 23 8.412 70 9.050 48 36.062 36
Hong Su-Jong 9.075 65 9.200 48 8.212 73 8.475 72 34.962 50
Ri Hae-Yon 8.762 78 8.862 64 8.600 61 8.687 60 34.911 52
Kang Yun-Mi 9.637 2   8.850 57 18.487 87
Han Jong-Ok   9.537 17 8.000 78   17.537 91
Stefani Bismpikou  Greece 9.100 60 9.387 31 9.337 20 8.662 64 36.486 24
Aagje Vanwalleghem  Belgium 9.275 28 9.200 48 8.825 51 8.925 55 36.225 29
Leyanet González  Cuba 9.337 20 8.787 68 8.775 53 9.325 28 36.224 30
Jana Komrsková  Czech Republic 9.225 34 9.275 42 8.700 55 9.012 52 36.212 32
Manami Ishizaka  Japan 9.125 53 9.187 50 8.637 59 9.262 32 36.211 33
Lisa Brüggemann  Germany 9.100 60 9.250 45 8.837 50 8.612 66 35.799 41
Suzanne Harmes  Netherlands 9.125 53 9.137 52 8.162 74 9.337 26 35.761 42
Melanie Marti  Switzerland 9.112 58 9.050 58 8.525 65 9.050 48 35.737 43
Yvonne Musik  Germany 9.125 53 8.887 62 8.562 64 9.037 50 35.611 45
Laura van Leeuwen  Netherlands 9.037 69 9.437 27 8.600 61 8.412 73 35.486 46
Zuzana Sekerová  Slovakia 9.162 48 8.912 61 8.787 52 8.512 69 35.373 47
Maria Teresa Gargano  Italy 9.100 60 8.287 78 8.612 60 9.325 28 35.324 48
Kyoko Oshima  Japan 8.662 82 9.362 36 8.437 69 8.500 70 34.961 51
Monica Bergamelli  Italy 9.300 25 8.250 79 8.862 49 8.300 76 34.712 54
Veronica Wagner  Sweden 8.975 75 8.350 74 8.900 44 8.250 77 34.475 55
Celeste Carnevale  Argentina 9.050 67 8.325 75 8.525 65 8.362 74 34.262 56
Maria Apostolidi  Greece 9.075 65 7.712 84 8.450 68 8.675 62 33.912 57
Brenda Magaña  Mexico 9.200 42 8.575 71 7.625 81 8.487 71 33.887 58
Yulia Tarasenka  Belarus 8.987 73 7.925 83 7.837 80 8.537 68 33.286 59
Zandre Labuschagne  South Africa 9.012 71 8.312 76 8.075 76 7.525 83 32.924 60
María José de la Fuente  Bolivia 8.625 83 8.312 76 7.387 85 8.325 75 32.649 61
Park Kyung-Ah  South Korea 8.512 84 7.937 82 7.437 84 7.812 80 31.698 62
Krisztina Szarka  Hungary 8.712 80 7.012 85 8.150 75 7.787 81 31.661 63
Laura Moreno  Mexico   8.512 72 8.575 63 7.700 82 24.787 83
Evgeniya Kuznetsova  Bulgaria   8.150 81 8.887 46   17.037 93
Oksana Chusovitina  Uzbekistan 8.675 81   8.675 97



Team all-around

Rank Team Vault Uneven
1  Romania (ROU) 37.925 37.750 38.599 38.162 152.436
2  United States (USA) 37.599 38.437 38.137 37.675 151.848
3  China (CHN) 37.199 38.500 37.849 37.537 151.085
4  Russia (RUS) 37.786 37.612 37.298 36.724 149.420
5  Ukraine (UKR) 37.461 36.699 36.874 37.874 148.908
6  France (FRA) 37.262 38.049 36.424 37.024 148.759
7  Spain (ESP) 36.899 37.925 35.486 37.611 147.921
8  Australia (AUS) 36.574 37.461 36.948 36.436 147.419

Individual all-around

Rank Team Vault Uneven
1  Carly Patterson (USA) 9.512 9.600 9.725 9.500 38.337
2  Daniela Șofronie (ROU) 9.425 9.625 9.487 9.525 38.062
3  Oana Ban (ROU)** 9.325 9.425 9.625 9.600 37.975
4  Courtney Kupets (USA) 9.350 9.637 9.550 9.400 37.937
5  Svetlana Khorkina (RUS) 9.512 9.750 9.137 9.437 37.836
6  Zhang Nan (CHN) 9.287 9.525 9.550 9.437 37.799
7  Anna Pavlova (RUS) 9.437 9.237 9.637 9.400 37.711
9  Wang Tiantian (CHN) 9.400 9.512 9.262 9.475 37.649
10  Alina Kozich (UKR) 9.387 9.237 9.300 9.562 37.486
11  Marine Debauve (FRA) 9.150 9.500 9.425 9.362 37.437
12  Émilie Le Pennec (FRA) 9.325 9.662 8.900 9.425 37.312
13  Kate Richardson (CAN) 9.212 9.275 9.175 9.562 37.224
14  Irina Yarotska (UKR) 9.262 9.037 9.475 9.375 37.149
15  Daniele Hypólito (BRA) 8.987 9.575 9.337 9.187 37.086
16  Allana Slater (AUS) 9.212 8.875 9.587 9.337 37.011
17  Elena Gómez (ESP) 9.212 9.525 8.737 9.500 36.974
18  Beth Tweddle (GBR) 9.012 9.575 9.025 9.300 36.912
19  Melanie Banville (CAN) 9.200 9.062 9.025 9.362 36.649
20  Pyon Kwang-Sun (PRK) 9.200 9.600 9.062 8.650 36.512
21  Stefani Bismpikou (GRE) 9.100 9.387 9.337 8.662 36.486
22  Monette Russo (AUS)** 9.050 9.437 8.887 9.062 36.436
23  Camila Comin (BRA) 9.200 9.412 8.662 9.137 36.411
24  Katy Lennon (GBR) 9.237 8.850 9.025 9.125 36.237
25  Aagje Vanwalleghem (BEL) 9.275 9.200 8.825 8.925 36.225
26  Leyanet González (CUB) 9.337 8.787 8.775 9.325 36.224
27  Stephanie Moorhouse (AUS) 8.875 9.337 9.162 8.850 36.224

**Oana Ban and Monette Russo had to withdraw from the all-around final due to injury, and were replaced with the next qualifying gymnasts, Leyanet González and Stephanie Moorhouse.


Rank Gymnast Score
1  Monica Roșu (ROU) 9.675
2  Kang Yun-Mi (PRK) 9.637
3  Elena Zamolodchikova (RUS) 9.462
4  Coralie Chacon (FRA) 9.450
5  Anna Pavlova (RUS) 9.437
6  Alona Kvasha (UKR) 9.412
7  Wang Tiantian (CHN) 9.400
8  Annia Hatch (USA) 9.387

Uneven bars

Rank Gymnast Score
1  Svetlana Khorkina (RUS) 9.750
2  Lin Li (CHN) 9.700
3  Li Ya (CHN) 9.675
4  Émilie Le Pennec (FRA) 9.662
5  Courtney Kupets (USA) 9.637
6  Daniela Șofronie (ROU) 9.625
 Terin Humphrey (USA) 9.625
8  Pyon Kwang-Sun (PRK) 9.600

Balance beam

Rank Gymnast Score
1  Cătălina Ponor (ROU) 9.775
2  Carly Patterson (USA) 9.725
3  Alexandra Eremia (ROU) 9.687
4  Anna Pavlova (RUS) 9.637
5  Li Ya (CHN) 9.600
6  Allana Slater (AUS) 9.587
7  Courtney Kupets (USA) 9.550
 Zhang Nan (CHN) 9.550

Floor exercise

Rank Gymnast Score
1  Cătălina Ponor (ROU) 9.687
2  Cheng Fei (CHN) 9.650
3  Daiane dos Santos (BRA) 9.637
4  Patricia Moreno (ESP) 9.587
5  Kate Richardson (CAN) 9.562
 Alina Kozich (UKR) 9.562
7  Daniela Șofronie (ROU) 9.525
 Mohini Bhardwaj (USA) 9.525

