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Giulio Maria Lucchesi

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Giulio Maria Lucchesi (died after 1799) was an 18th-century Italian violinist and composer. He was born in Pisa, Italy, but was also active under the archbishop in Salzburg, Austria. He returned to Italy in 1799. Among his masters were Moriano, later Pietro Nardini. He helped train Filippo Gragnani. He left several pieces of vocal and instrumental music.




  • Boni, Filippo de' (1852). Biografia degli artisti ovvero dizionario della vita and delle opere dei pittori, degli scultori, degli intagliatori, dei tipografi and dei musici di ogni nazione che fiorirono da'tempi più remoti sino á nostri giorni. Seconda Edizione.. Venice; Googlebooks: Presso Andrea Santini and Figlio. p. 586.