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Erotic fiction (genre)

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Illustration by Édouard-Henri Avril from the erotic novel Fanny Hill (1748)

Erotic fiction is a genre of fiction that portrays sex or sexual themes, generally in a more literary or serious way than the fiction seen in pornographic magazines. It sometimes includes elements of satire or social criticism. Such works have frequently been banned by the government or religious authorities. Non-fictional works that portray sex or sexual themes may contain fictional elements. Calling an erotic book 'a memoir' is a literary device that is common in this genre. For reasons similar to those that make pseudonyms both commonplace and often deviously set up, the boundary between fiction and non-fiction is broad.

Erotic fiction has been credited in large part for the sexual awakening and liberation of women in the 20th and 21st centuries.[where?][citation needed]

History of western erotic fiction


Ancient, medieval, and early modern periods


The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter (later made into a film by Fellini) is an ancient Roman novel, which has partially survived, narrating the misadventures of an impotent man named Encolpius, who has been cursed by the god Priapus. The novel is filled with bawdy and obscene episodes, including orgies, ritual sex, and other erotic incidents.[1] The discovery of several fragments of Lollianos's Phoenician Tale reveal that a genre of picaresque erotic novel also existed in ancient Greece.[2] Some of the ancient Greek romance novels, such as Daphnis and Chloe, also contain elements of sexual fantasy.[3]

From the medieval period, there is the Decameron (1353) by the Italian Giovanni Boccaccio (made into a film by Pasolini) which features tales of lechery by monks and the seduction of nuns from convents. This book was banned in many countries. Even five centuries after publication, copies were seized and destroyed by the authorities in the US and the UK. For instance, between 1954 and 1958 eight orders for destruction of the book were made by English magistrates.[4]

From the 15th century, another classic of Italian erotica is a series of bawdy folk tales called the Facetiae by Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini. The Tale of Two Lovers (Latin: Historia de duobus amantibus) written in 1444 was one of the bestselling books of the 15th century, even before its author, Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, became Pope Pius II. It is one of the earliest examples of an epistolary novel, full of erotic imagery. The first printed edition was published by Ulrich Zel in Cologne between 1467 and 1470.[5]

Illustration from I Modi, circa 1530

The 16th century was notable for the Heptameron of Marguerite de Navarre (1558), inspired by Boccaccio's Decameron and the notorious I Modi which married erotic drawings, depicting postures assumed in sexual intercourse, by Giulio Romano, with obscene sonnets by Pietro Aretino.[6]

Frontispiece and title page of the 1757 Latin edition of the Dialogues of Luisa Sigea (first published c. 1660) by Nicholas Chorier

Aretino also wrote the celebrated whore dialogue Ragionamenti, in which the sex lives of wives, whores and nuns are compared and contrasted.[7][8] Later works in the same genre include La Retorica delle Puttane (The Whore's Rhetoric) (1642) by Ferrante Pallavicino;[9][10] L'école des filles (The school for girls) (1655), attributed to Michel Millot and Jean L'Ange.[11][12] and The Dialogues of Luisa Sigea (c. 1660) by Nicolas Chorier.[13][14] Such works typically concerned the sexual education of a naive younger woman by an experienced older woman and often included elements of philosophising, satire and anti-clericalism.[15] Donald Thomas has translated L'École des filles, as The School of Venus, (1972), described on its back cover as "both an uninhibited manual of sexual technique and an erotic masterpiece of the first order".[16][17] In his diary Samuel Pepys records reading and (in an often censored passage) masturbating over this work.[18] Chorier's Dialogues of Luisa Sigea goes a bit further than its predecessors in this genre and has the older female giving practical instruction of a lesbian nature to the younger woman plus recommending the spiritual and erotic benefits of a flogging from willing members of the holy orders.[19] This work was translated into many languages under various different titles, appearing in English as A Dialogue between a Married Woman and a Maid in various editions.[20] The School of Women first appeared as a work in Latin entitled Aloisiae Sigaeae, Toletanae, Satyra sotadica de arcanis Amoris et Veneris. This manuscript claimed that it was originally written in Spanish by Luisa Sigea de Velasco, an erudite poet and maid of honor at the court of Lisbon and was then translated into Latin by Jean or Johannes Meursius. The attribution to Sigea and Meursius was a lie; the true author was Nicolas Chorier.

A unique work of this time is Sodom, or the Quintessence of Debauchery (1684), a closet play by the notorious Restoration rake, John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester in which Bolloxinion, King of Sodom, authorises "that buggery may be used O'er all the land, so cunt be not abused", which order, though appealing to soldiery, has deleterious effects generally, leading the court physician to counsel: "Fuck women, and let Bugg'ry be no more".[21]

18th century


An early pioneer of the publication of erotic works in England was Edmund Curll (1675–1747), who published many of the Merryland books. These were an English genre of erotic fiction in which the female body (and sometimes the male) was described in terms of a landscape.[22] The earliest work in this genre seems to be Erotopolis: The Present State of Bettyland (1684) probably by Charles Cotton. This was included, in abbreviated form, in The Potent Ally: or Succours from Merryland (1741). Other works include A New Description of Merryland. Containing a Topographical, Geographical and Natural History of that Country (1740) by Thomas Stretzer, Merryland Displayed (1741) and set of maps entitled A Compleat Set of Charts of the Coasts of Merryland (1745). The last book in this genre appears to be a parody of Laurence Sterne's A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy (1768) entitled La souricière. The Mousetrap. A Facetious and Sentimental Excursion through part of Austrian Flanders and France (1794) by "Timothy Touchit".[22]

The rise of the novel in 18th-century England provided a new medium for erotica. One of the most famous in this genre was Fanny Hill (1748) by John Cleland. This book set a standard in literary smut and was often adapted for the cinema in the 20th century. Peter Fryer suggests that Fanny Hill was a high point in British erotica, at least in the eighteenth century, in a way that mainstream literature around it had also reached a peak at that time, with writers like Defoe, Richardson and Fielding all having made important and lasting contributions to literature in its first half. After 1750, he suggests, when the Romantic period began, the quality of mainstream writing and of smut declined in tandem. Writes Fryer: "sex was driven out of the English novel in the latter half of the eighteenth century. The castration of imaginative English literature made the clandestine literature of sex the most poverty stricken and boring in Europe".[23]

Frontispiece and title page of the first edition of Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue (1791) by Philippe Chéry

French writers kept their stride. One genre, which vies in oddness with the English "Merryland" productions, was inspired by the newly translated Arabian Nights and involved the transformation of people into objects which were in propinquity with or employed in sexual relationships: such as sofas, dildos and even bidets. The climax of this trend is represented in French philosopher Diderot's Les Bijoux indiscrets (1747) in which a magic ring is employed to get women's vaginas to give an account of their intimate sexual histories.[24]

Other works of French erotica from this period include Thérèse Philosophe (1748) by Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens which describes a girl's initiation into the secrets of both philosophy and sex;[25] The Lifted Curtain or Laura's Education, about a young girl's sexual initiation by her father, written by the French revolutionary politician Comte de Mirabeau; and Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, first published in 1782.

In the late 18th century, such works as Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue and 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade were exemplars of the theme of sado-masochism and influenced later erotic accounts of sadism and masochism in fiction. De Sade (as did the later writer Sacher-Masoch) lent his name to the sexual acts which he describes in his work.

19th century


In the Victorian period, the quality of erotic fiction was much below that of the previous century—it was largely written by 'hacks'[citation needed]. Some works, however, borrowed from established literary models, such as Dickens. The period also featured a form of social stratification. Even in the throes of orgasm, the social distinctions between master and servant (including form of address) were scrupulously observed. Significant elements of sado-masochism were present in some examples, perhaps reflecting the influence of the English public school, where flagellation was routinely used as a punishment.[26] These clandestine works were often anonymous or written under a pseudonym, and sometimes undated, thus definite information about them often proves elusive.

English erotic novels from this period include The Lustful Turk (1828); The Romance of Lust (1873); The Convent School, or Early Experiences of A Young Flagellant (1876) by Rosa Coote [pseud.]; The Mysteries of Verbena House, or, Miss Bellasis Birched for Thieving (1882) by Etonensis [pseud.], actually by George Augustus Sala and James Campbell Reddie; The Autobiography of a Flea (1887); Venus in India (1889) by 'Captain Charles Devereaux';[27][28][29] Flossie, a Venus of Fifteen: By one who knew this Charming Goddess and worshipped at her shrine (1897).[30] A novel called Beatrice, once marketed as another classic of Victorian erotica from the pen of the ubiquitous "Anon", now appears to be a very clever 20th-century pastiche of Victorian pornography. It first appeared in 1982 and was written by one Gordon Grimley, a sometime managing director of Penthouse International.[31]

Clandestine erotic periodicals of this age include The Pearl, The Oyster and The Boudoir, collections of erotic tales, rhymes, songs and parodies published in London between 1879 and 1883.

The centre of the trade in such material in England at this period was Holywell Street, off the Strand, London. An important publisher of erotic material in the early 19th century was George Cannon (1789–1854), followed in mid-century by William Dugdale (1800–1868) and John Camden Hotten (1832–1873).[32]

An evaluation of 19th-century (pre-1885) and earlier underground erotica, from the author's own private archive, is provided by Victorian writer Henry Spencer Ashbee, using the pseudonym "Pisanus Fraxi", in his bibliographical trilogy Index Librorum Prohibitorum (1877), Centuria Librorum Absconditorum (1879) and Catena Librorum Tacendorum (1885). His plot summaries of the works he discusses in these privately printed volumes are themselves a contribution to the genre. Originally of very limited circulation, changing attitudes have led to his work now being widely available.[33][34]

Notable European works of erotica at this time were Gamiani, or Two Nights of Excess (1833) by Frenchman Alfred de Musset and Venus in Furs (1870) by the Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch.[35][36] The latter erotic novella brought the attention of the world to the phenomenon of masochism, named after the author.

Toward the end of the 19th century, a more "cultured" form of erotica began to appear by poets such as Algernon Charles Swinburne, who pursued themes of paganism, lesbianism and sado-masochism in such works as Lesbia Brandon and in contributions to The Whippingham Papers (1888) edited by St George Stock, author of The Romance of Chastisement (1866). This was associated with the Decadent movement, in particular, with Aubrey Beardsley and the Yellow Book. But it was also to be found in France, amongst such writers as Pierre Louys, author of Les chansons de Bilitis (1894) (a celebration of lesbianism and sexual awakening).

Pioneering works of gay male erotica from this time were The Sins of the Cities of the Plain (1881),[37] which features the celebrated Victorian transvestite duo of Boulton and Park as characters,[38] and Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal (1893).[39][40][41]

Coverpage of a catalogue of books published by Charles Carrington (Paris, 1906)

Two important publishers of erotic fiction at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th were Leonard Smithers (1861–1907)[39] and Charles Carrington (1867–1921),[42] both of whom were subject to legal injunctions from the British authorities in order to prohibit their trade in such material. Because of this legal harassment the latter conducted his business from Paris.[43] Erotic fiction published by Carrington at this period includes Raped on the Railway: a True Story of a Lady who was first ravished and then flagellated on the Scotch Express (1894)[44][45][46][47] and The Memoirs of Dolly Morton (1899) set on a slave-plantation in the Southern States of America.[48][49][50]

20th century


20th-century erotic fiction includes such classics of the genre as: Suburban Souls (1901), published by Carrington and possibly written by him also;[51] The Confessions of Nemesis Hunt (issued in three volumes 1902, 1903, 1906),[52] attributed to George Reginald Bacchus,[53][54] printed by Duringe of Paris for Leonard Smithers in London;[39] Josephine Mutzenbacher (1906) by Anon. (presumably Felix Salten); Sadopaideia (1907) by Anon. (possibly Algernon Charles Swinburne);[55] Les Mémoires d'un jeune Don Juan (1907) and the somewhat disturbing Les onze mille verges (1907) by Guillaume Apollinaire;[56] The Way of a Man with a Maid (1908)[57] and A Weekend Visit by Anon.; Pleasure Bound Afloat (1908), Pleasure Bound Ashore (1909) and Maudie (1909) by Anon. (probably George Reginald Bacchus), and My Lustful Adventures (1911) by the pseudonymous 'Ramrod'; Manuel de civilité pour les petites filles à l'usage des maisons d'éducation (1917) and Trois filles de leur mère (1926) by Pierre Louys;[58][59] Story of the Eye (1928) by Georges Bataille; Tropic of Cancer (1934) and Tropic of Capricorn (1938) by Henry Miller; The Story of O (1954) by Pauline Réage; Helen and Desire (1954) and Thongs (1955) by Alexander Trocchi; Ada, or Ardor (1969) by Vladimir Nabokov; Journal (1966), Delta of Venus (1978)[60] and Little Birds (1979) by Anaïs Nin[61] and The Bicycle Rider (1985) by Guy Davenport and Lila Says (1999) by an anonymous author.

A study found that the most popular of the Armed Services Editions paperbacks distributed to American soldiers during World War II "are novels that deal frankly with sexual relations (regardless of tone, literary merit and point of view, no matter whether the book is serious or humorous, romantically exciting or drably pedestrian)".[62]

Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita is usually described as an erotic novel, but in the view of some it is a literary drama with elements of eroticism.[citation needed] Like Nabokov's Lolita, Johannes Linnankoski's The Song of the Blood-Red Flower is also often described as erotic novel, only a little explicit and cleverly cloaked in gentler romance.[63]

Lolita and The Story of O were published by Olympia Press, a Paris-based publisher, launched in 1953 by Maurice Girodias as a rebadged version of the Obelisk Press he inherited from his father Jack Kahane. It published a mix of erotic fiction and avant-garde literary works. The Girls of Radcliff Hall is a roman à clef novel in the form of a lesbian girls' school story written in the 1930s by the British composer and bon-vivant Gerald Berners, the 14th Lord Berners, under the pseudonym "Adela Quebec", published and distributed privately in 1932.[64]

Another trend in the twentieth century was the rise of the lesbian pulp fiction. Works such as The Price of Salt (1952), Spring Fire (1952), Desert of the Heart (1964), and Patience and Sarah (1969) were only a few examples of this subgenre. Many of the authors were women themselves, such as Gale Wilhelm and Ann Bannon. Many gay men also enjoyed gay pulp fiction, which borrowed the same sexploitation format as the lesbian books.[65]

Asian erotic fiction

The title page from the first volume of a Ming dynasty edition of The Embroidered Couch, one of the most notorious and controversial erotic novels

Chinese literature has a rich catalogue of erotic novels that were published during the mid-Ming to early-Qing dynasties. Some well-known erotic novels with explicit sexuality during this period include Ruyijun zhuan (The Lord of Perfect Satisfaction), The Embroidered Couch, Su'e pian, Langshi, Chipozi zhuan, Zhulin yeshi, and The Carnal Prayer Mat. The critic Charles Stone has argued that pornographic technique is the "union of banality, obscenity, and repetition", and contains just the "rudiments" of plot, style, and characterization, while anything that is not sexually stimulating is avoided. If this is the case, he concluded, then The Lord of Perfect Satisfaction is the "fountainhead of Chinese erotica", but not pornography.[66] The novel Jin Ping Mei (or The Plum in the Golden Vase), written by an author who used only a pseudonym (as his real name is unknown), is generally regarded as the greatest of all Chinese erotic novels. Its literary status is unparalleled among erotic fiction and it has been described by critic Stephen Marche in the Los Angeles Review of Books as "one of the world's great novels, if not simply the greatest."[67]

There is also a tradition of erotic fiction in Japan. Jun'ichirō Tanizaki often touches on erotic themes in his novels, eg. obsession in Naomi, lesbianism in Quicksand or sexuality in The Key. Some portion of this is doujinshi, or independent comics, which are often fan fiction. The sharebon (洒落本) was a pre-modern Japanese literary genre. Plots revolved around humor and entertainment at the pleasure quarters. It is a subgenre of gesaku.

Contemporary erotic fiction


In the 21st century, a number of female authors, including Alison Tyler, Rachel Kramer Bussel, and Carol Queen, rose to prominence. Mitzi Szereto is an editor and author who said she wants to see the term erotica removed from novels and anthologies that include depictions of sexual activities. Other authors celebrate the term but also question why literature featuring sexual activity should be considered outside literary fiction.

The debate was rekindled in 2012 by the release of the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy written by E. L. James. The success of her erotica for every woman, dubbed 'mommyporn', gave rise to satires like Fifty Shames of Earl Grey by 'Fanny Merkin' (real name Andrew Shaffer), a book of essays called Fifty Writers on Fifty Shades (ed. Lori Perkins) and editors of erotic imprints re-evaluating the content and presentation of the genre.[68]

One development in contemporary erotica is the knowledge that many women, and not just men, are aroused by it. This is regardless of whether it is traditional pornography or tailor-made women's erotica. Romantic novels are sometimes marketed as erotica—or vice versa—as "mainstream" romance in recent decades has begun to exhibit blatant (if poetic) descriptions of sex. Erotic romance is a relatively new genre of romance with an erotic theme and very explicit love scenes, but with a romance at the heart of the story. Erotic fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy fiction and utilizes erotica in a fantasy setting. These stories can essentially cover any of the other subgenres of fantasy, such as high fantasy, contemporary fantasy, or even historical fantasy. The extents of the genre to break existing conventions and limits in subject matter have managed to shock popular audiences, with genres such as monster erotica emerging with the ease of digital publishing.

Erotic fantasy fiction has similarities to romantic fantasy but is more explicit. Erotic fantasy can also be found in fan fiction, which uses plot elements and characters from popular fiction such as television, film, or novels. Erotic fan fiction may use characters from existing works in non-canon relationships, such as slash (homoerotic) fan fiction. Fan fiction and its Japanese counterpart, doujinshi, account for an enormous proportion of all erotica written today.[citation needed]

Internet erotic fiction


The Internet and digital revolution in erotic depiction has changed the forms of representing scenes of a sexual nature.

Erotica was present on the Internet from its earliest days, as seen from rec.arts.erotica on Usenet. This news group was a moderated forum for the exchange of erotic stories that predated the creation of the World Wide Web. Most of this migrated to the alt.* hierarchy forums by the 1990s, including alt.sex.stories. The bandwidth/speeds available to end users on the internet influenced usage, and during early days of dial-up internet connections, the limited speeds, especially in developing countries, limited the number of users trying to access visual forms of erotica including images and videos, and might have created a niche for erotic literature. Platforms such as nifty.org presented a vast library of erotic literature categorized according to the narrative, including heterosexual, gay, bisexual and transgender themes. The vast majority of Internet erotica is written by amateurs for the enjoyment of the author and readers instead of for profit. The increased interactivity and anonymity allows casual or hobby writers the opportunity not only to author their own stories but also to share them with a world-wide audience. Many authors adopt colorful pseudonyms and can develop cult followings within their genre, although a small number use their real names. Among transgender or non-binary authors, it is a common practice to adopt a feminine or masculine alter-ego, although a writer may use their own given name.

Erotic memoirs

Medallion portrait of Casanova, engraving by Berka, used as frontispiece for Icosameron (1788)

Erotic memoirs include Casanova's Histoire de ma vie, from the 18th century. Notable English works of this genre from the 19th century include The Ups and Downs of Life (1867) by Edward Sellon and My Secret Life by "Walter". Edward Sellon was a writer, translator and illustrator of erotic literature who wrote erotica for the pornographic publisher William Dugdale, including such works as The New Epicurean (1865).[69] The true identity of "Walter" is unknown. Ian Gibson, in The Erotomaniac speculates that My Secret Life was actually written by Henry Spencer Ashbee and therefore it is possible that "Walter" is a fiction.

A famous German erotic work of this time, published in two parts in 1868 and 1875 entitled Pauline the Prima Donna purports to be the memoirs of the opera singer Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient. Various discrepancies with known facts of the singer's life, however, have led many to doubt the veracity of this book and the erotic adventures contained in the second volume, at least, appear to be implausible. These include the author indulging in lesbian sadomasochism, group sex, sodomy, bestiality, scatology, necrophilia, prostitution, and vampirism all before she had reached the age of 27.[70] 20th-century contributions to the genre include Frank Harris's My Life and Loves (1922–27) and the convicted Austrian sex criminal Edith Cadivec's Confessions and Experiences and its sequel Eros, the Meaning of My Life (published together 1930-1).[71] A 21st-century example is One Hundred Strokes of the Brush Before Bed (2004) by Melissa Panarello.

See also



  1. ^ Petronius, Arbiter. "The Satyricon". Project Gutenberg. Retrieved June 5, 2017.
  2. ^ Reardon, Bryan P. (1989). Collected Ancient Greek Novels. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 809–810. ISBN 0-520-04306-5. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
  3. ^ Garland, Robert (2008). Ancient Greece: Everyday Life in the Birthplace of Western Civilization. New York City, New York: Sterling. pp. 184–185. ISBN 978-1-4549-0908-8.
  4. ^ Hyde (1964); pp. 71–72
  5. ^ Morrall, E. J. (1996). "Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pius II), Historia de duobus amantibus". Library. s6-XVIII, 3: 216–29. doi:10.1093/library/s6-XVIII.3.216.
  6. ^ Hyde (1964); pp. 75–76
  7. ^ Hyde (1964); pp. 76
  8. ^ Ian Frederick Moulton, Before Pornography: erotic writing in Early Modern England (Studies in the History of Sexuality.) Oxford: Oxford University Press 404, 2004, ISBN 0-19-517982-X, p. 130
  9. ^ Wendy Beth Heller, Emblems of Eloquence: opera and women's voices in seventeenth-century Venice, Berkeley: University of California Press 404, 2003, ISBN 0-520-20933-8, p.75
  10. ^ James Turner, Libertines and Radicals in Early Modern London: sexuality, politics, and literary culture, 1630–1685. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 404, 2002, ISBN 0-521-78279-1, p.3
  11. ^ Mitchell Greenberg, Baroque Bodies: psychoanalysis and the culture of French absolutism, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 404, 2001, ISBN 0-8014-3807-1, pp.78–79
  12. ^ Muchembled, (2008) p. 90
  13. ^ Sarah Toulalan, Imagining Sex: pornography and bodies in seventeenth-century England. Oxford: Oxford University Press 404, 2007, ISBN 0-19-920914-6, p. 100
  14. ^ Alastair J. L. Blanshard, Sex: Vice and Love from Antiquity to Modernity, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 2010, ISBN 1-4051-2291-9, p. 51
  15. ^ Kronhausen (1969), pp. 7–8
  16. ^ The original title is L'escole des filles, ou: la philosophie des dames; later editions sometimes ascribe it to M. Mililot (sic). Pascal Durand edited it in 1959.
  17. ^ The School of Venus (orig: L'École des filles, ou la Philosophie des dames) by Michel Millot et Jean L'Ange (New American Library 404 1971) (Panther 1972) ISBN 0-586-03674-1
  18. ^ Hyde (1964); p. 19
  19. ^ Muchembled (2008) p. 77
  20. ^ Patrick J. Kearney (1982) A History of Erotic Literature. Parragon: 34–46
  21. ^ Kronhausen (1969); pp. 26–32
  22. ^ a b Patrick J Kearney (1982) A History of Erotic Literature. Parragon: 53-7
  23. ^ Peter Fryer (1966) Public Case-Private Scandal, Secker & Warburg, p. 84
  24. ^ Patrick J. Kearney (1982) A History of Erotic Literature. Parragon: 60-5
  25. ^ Mark Steel (2003) Vive la Révolution. London, Scribner; pp. 39–40
  26. ^ Ronald Pearsall (1969) "The Worm in the Bud: the world of Victorian sexuality", Macmillan; pp. 404–22
  27. ^ Hyam, Ronald (1990) "Empire and sexuality: the British experience", in: Studies in Imperialism, Manchester University Press ISBN 0-7190-2504-4; p. 135
  28. ^ Jarman, Francis (2005) White Skin, Dark Skin, Power, Dream: collected essays on literature and culture (I. O. Evans studies in the philosophy and criticism of literature; vol. 27.) Holicong, Pa.: Borgo Press ISBN 0-8095-1188-6, p. 25
  29. ^ İrvin Cemil Schick (1999) The Erotic Margin: sexuality and spatiality in alteritist discourse. London: Verso ISBN 1-85984-732-3; pp.117–18
  30. ^ Donald Thomas, A long time burning: the history of literary censorship in England, Routledge & Kegan Paul 404, 1969, p.284
  31. ^ "Introduction" to Beatrice (2001) by Gordon Grimley 404. London, The Scarlet Library (illustrated).
  32. ^ Hyde (1964): 167–68
  33. ^ Henry Spencer Ashbee (1969) Index of Forbidden Books. Sphere
  34. ^ Steven Marcus (1969) The Other Victorians. London, Corgi; pp. 34–77
  35. ^ Kendall-Davies, Barbara (2003). The Life and Work of Pauline Viardot Garcia. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 45–46. ISBN 1-904303-27-7.
  36. ^ Livia, Anna; Hall, Kira (1997). Queerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality. Oxford University Press US. p. 157. ISBN 0-19-510470-6.
  37. ^ Harford Montgomery Hyde, "The love that dared not speak its name: a candid history of homosexuality in Britain", Little, Brown, 1970, pp.121–123
  38. ^ Ronald Pearsall (1971) The Worm in the Bud: The World of Victorian Sexuality. London, Penguin: 561-8
  39. ^ a b c Nelson, James. Publisher to the Decadents: Leonard Smithers in the Careers of Beardsley, Wilde, Dowson. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000
  40. ^ Robert Gray and Christopher Keep, "An Uninterrupted Current: Homoeroticism and collaborative authorship in Teleny", in Marjorie Stone, Judith Thompson (edd) "Literary Couplings: Writing Couples, Collaborators, and the Construction of Authorship", University of Wisconsin Press, 2007, ISBN 0-299-21764-7, p.193
  41. ^ Edouard Roditi, "Oscar Wilde", New Directions Publishing, 1986, ISBN 0-8112-0995-4, p.168
  42. ^ Rachel Potter, "Obscene Modernism and the Trade in Salacious Books", Modernism/modernity 404, Volume 16, Number 1, January 2009, pp.87–104 doi:10.1353/mod.0.0065
  43. ^ Hyde (1964): 177–80
  44. ^ Lee Grieveson, Peter Krämer, The Silent Cinema Reader, Routledge, 2004, ISBN 0-415-25284-9, p. 59
  45. ^ Ronald Pearsall (1969) The Worm in the Bud: the world of Victorian sexuality, Macmillan; pp. 321, 364
  46. ^ Peter Mendes, "Clandestine erotic fiction in English, 1800–1930: a bibliographical study", Scolar Press, 1993, ISBN 0-85967-919-5, p. 319
  47. ^ Alan Norman Bold 404, "The Sexual Dimension in Literature", Vision Press, 1983, ISBN 0-389-20314-9, pp.94,97,102
  48. ^ Emma Goldman, Candace Falk, Barry Pateman, Jessica M. Moran, "Emma Goldman: Making speech free, 1902–1909" (Volume 2 of Emma Goldman: A Documentary History of the American Years, Jessica M. Moran) Emma Goldman Series, University of California Press, 2004, ISBN 0-520-22569-4, p.514
  49. ^ Lisa Z. Sigel, "International exposure: perspectives on modern European pornography, 1800–2000", Rutgers University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8135-3519-0, p.98
  50. ^ Joseph W. Slade, "Pornography and sexual representation: a reference guide", Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001, ISBN 0-313-31519-1, p.55
  51. ^ Martha Cornog, ed. (1991) Libraries, Erotica, Pornography. Phoenix: Oryx Press 404 ISBN 0-89774-474-8, p. 189
  52. ^ Frank A. Hoffmann (1973)Analytical Survey of Anglo-American Traditional Erotica, Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University 404 Popular Press ISBN 0-87972-055-7'; p. 34
  53. ^ Tracy C. Davis (1989) "The Actress in Victorian Pornography", in: Theatre Journal 404; Vol. 41, No. 3: Performance in Context (October 1989), pp. 294–315 [1]
  54. ^ Kristine Ottesen Garrigan, ed. (1992) Victorian Scandals: representations of gender and class. Annual meeting on "Victorian scandals: decorum and its enemies": Extended papers., Athens OH: Ohio University Press 404 ISBN 0-8214-1019-9, pp. 113, 131
  55. ^ Kearney (1981), p. 215
  56. ^ Kearney (1982), pp. 163–64
    Karín Lesnik-Oberstein (2006) The Last Taboo: women and body hair. Manchester: Manchester University Press 404 ISBN 0-7190-7500-9; p. 94
    Neil Cornwell (2006) The Absurd in Literature. Manchester: Manchester University Press ISBN 0-7190-7410-X; pp. 86–87
    Roger Shattuck (1961) The Banquet Years: the arts in France, 1885–1918; Alfred Jarry, Henri Rousseau, Erik Satie, Guillaume Apollinaire, Garden City: Doubleday; p. 268
  57. ^ Clifford J. Scheiner (1996) The Essential Guide to Erotic Literature, Part One: Before 1920. Ware: Wordsworth; pp. 326–29
  58. ^ Kearney (1982), p. 171
  59. ^ Pascal Pia 404 (1978) Les Livres de l'Enfer: bibliographie critique des ouvrages érotiques dans leurs différentes éditions du XVIe siècle à nos jours, C. Coulet et A. Faure ISBN 2-902687-01-X, pp. 425, 426, 778
  60. ^ Andrew Gibson (1999) Postmodernity, Ethics and the Novel: from Leavis to Levinas. London: Routledge ISBN 0-415-19895-X, p. 177
  61. ^ Elizabeth Kowaleski-Wallace, Encyclopedia of Feminist Literary Theory, Taylor & Francis 404, 1997, ISBN 0-8153-0824-8, p. 190
    Helen Tookey, Anaïs Nin, Fictionality and Femininity: playing a thousand roles, Oxford: Oxford University Press 404, 2003, ISBN 0-19-924983-0, p.87
    Joseph W. Slade, Pornography and Sexual Representation: a reference guide, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001, ISBN 0-313-31521-3, p. 819
  62. ^ Appelbaum, Yoni (2014-09-10). "Publishers Gave Away 122,951,031 Books During World War II". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2023-05-08.
  63. ^ Erotica, pp. 102–103
  64. ^ Still, Judith; Worton, Michael (1993). Textuality and Sexuality: Reading Theories and Practices. Manchester University Press. p. 190. ISBN 0-7190-3605-4.
  65. ^ Forrest, Katherine V. (2005). Lesbian Pulp Fiction: The Sexually Intrepid World of Lesbian Paperback Novels 1950–1965. Cleis Press. p. 440. ISBN 1-57344-210-0.
  66. ^ Charles R. Stone. The Fountainhead of Chinese Erotica: The Lord of Perfect Satisfaction (Ruyijun Zhuan) with a Translation and Critical Edition. (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2003), pp. 13–14. ISBN 0824824121.
  67. ^ Marche, Stephen (October 21, 2013). "At Last, an English Translation of "The Plum in the Golden Vase"". Los Angeles Review of Books. ...the first complete English translation of the Chin Ping Mei, one of the world's great novels, if not simply the greatest, was released only last month.... It's a masterpiece an epic scholarly achievement.... Like all the great works of humanistic realism, the Chin Ping Mei relishes its own contradictions.
  68. ^ "Sexual Seduction Stories". Storify. Retrieved 2017-07-16.>
  69. ^ H. Montgomery Hyde (1964) A History of Pornography: 113-5
  70. ^ Clifford J. Scheiner (1996) The Essential Guide to Erotic Literature, Part One: Before 1920. Ware: Wordsworth: 91–113
  71. ^ Armand Coppens (1973) The Memoirs of an Erotic Bookseller. St Albans, Panther: 66–69