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Englynion Gwydion

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Englynion Gwydion is the name sometimes used to refer to a series of three englyn (Welsh plural englynion) composed by Gwydion to call to him the wounded Lleu Llaw Gyffes.[1] It appears in the fourth branch of the Mabinogi, the tale of Math fab Mathonwy.[2]

Derwen a dyf rhwng dau lyn
yn cysgodi'n dawel awyr a glyn
oni ddywedaf i gelwydd
o flodau Lleu y mae hyn.
Derwen a dyf mewn maes uchel
nis gwlych glaw, nis tawdd gwres
cynhaliodd ugain dawn
ar ei brig Lleu Llaw Gyffes.
Derwen a dyf dan lechwedd
noddfa tywysog hardd
oni ddywedaf i gelwydd
fe ddaw Lleu i'm harffed.
Oak that grows between two lakes;
Darkening gently sky and glen
Unless I tell a lie,
From the flowers of Lleu are these.
Oak that grows in upland ground,
Rain wets it not, heat burns it not
It contained twenty gifts
It bears in its branches Lleu of the Skillful Hand.
Oak that grows beneath the slope
Shelter of a fair prince
Unless I tell a lie
Lleu will come to my lap.


  1. ^ Telyndru, Jhenah (2021-07-31). Pagan Portals - Blodeuwedd: Welsh Goddess of Seasonal Sovereignty. John Hunt Publishing. ISBN 978-1-78535-922-4.
  2. ^ McKenna, Catherine (2017). "Cyfarwydd as poet in the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi". North American Journal of Celtic Studies. 1 (2): 107–120. ISSN 2472-7490.