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Electron affinity (data page)

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This page deals with the electron affinity as a property of isolated atoms or molecules (i.e. in the gas phase). Solid state electron affinities are not listed here.



Electron affinity can be defined in two equivalent ways. First, as the energy that is released by adding an electron to an isolated gaseous atom. The second (reverse) definition is that electron affinity is the energy required to remove an electron from a singly charged gaseous negative ion. The latter can be regarded as the ionization energy of the –1 ion or the zeroth ionization energy.[1] Either convention can be used.[2]

Negative electron affinities can be used in those cases where electron capture requires energy, i.e. when capture can occur only if the impinging electron has a kinetic energy large enough to excite a resonance of the atom-plus-electron system. Conversely electron removal from the anion formed in this way releases energy, which is carried out by the freed electron as kinetic energy. Negative ions formed in these cases are always unstable. They may have lifetimes of the order of microseconds to milliseconds, and invariably autodetach after some time.

Z Element Name Electron affinity (eV) Electron affinity (kJ/mol) References
1 1H Hydrogen 0.754 195(19) 72.769(2) [3]
1 2H Deuterium 0.754 67(4) 72.814(4) [4]
2 He Helium −0.5(2) −48(20) est.[5]
3 Li Lithium 0.618 049(22) 59.632 6(21) [6]
4 Be Beryllium −0.5(2) −48(20) est.[5]
5 B Boron 0.279 723(25) 26.989(3) [7]
6 12C Carbon 1.262 122 6(11) 121.776 3(1) [8]
6 13C Carbon 1.262 113 6(12) 121.775 5(2) [8]
7 N Nitrogen −0.07 −6.8 [5]
8 16O Oxygen 1.461 112 97(9) 140.975 970(9) [9]
8 17O Oxygen 1.461 108(4) 140.975 5(3) [10]
8 18O Oxygen 1.461 105(3) 140.975 2(3) [10]
9 F Fluorine 3.401 189 8(24) 328.164 9(3) [11][12]
10 Ne Neon −1.2(2) −116(19) est.[5]
11 Na Sodium 0.547 926(25) 52.867(3) [13]
12 Mg Magnesium −0.4(2) −40(19) est.[5]
13 Al Aluminium 0.432 83(5) 41.762(5) [14]
14 Si Silicon 1.389 521 2(8) 134.068 4(1) [15]
15 P Phosphorus 0.746 609(11) 72.037(1) [16]
16 32S Sulfur 2.077 104 2(6) 200.410 1(1) [15]
16 34S Sulfur 2.077 104 5(12) 200.410 1(2) [17]
17 Cl Chlorine 3.612 725(28) 348.575(3) [18]
18 Ar Argon −1.0(2) −96(20) est.[5]
19 K Potassium 0.501 459(13) 48.383(2) [19]
20 Ca Calcium 0.024 55(10) 2.37(1) [20]
21 Sc Scandium 0.179 380(23) 17.307 6(22) [21]
22 Ti Titanium 0.075 54(5) 7.289(5) [22]
23 V Vanadium 0.527 66(20) 50.911(20) [23]
24 Cr Chromium 0.675 928(27) 65.217 2(26) [21]
25 Mn Manganese −0.5(2) −50(19) est.[5]
26 Fe Iron 0.153 236(35) 14.785(4) [24]
27 Co Cobalt 0.662 255(47) 63.897 9(45) [25]
28 Ni Nickel 1.157 16(12) 111.65(2) [26]
29 Cu Copper 1.235 78(4) 119.235(4) [27]
30 Zn Zinc −0.6(2) −58(20) est.[5]
31 Ga Gallium 0.301 166(15) 29.058 1(15) [28]
32 Ge Germanium 1.232 676 4(13) 118.935 2(2) [29]
33 As Arsenic 0.804 8(2) 77.65(2) [30]
34 Se Selenium 2.020 604 7(12) 194.958 7(2) [31]
35 Br Bromine 3.363 588(3) 324.536 9(3) [11]
36 Kr Krypton −1.0(2) −96(20) est.[5]
37 Rb Rubidium 0.485 916(21) 46.884(3) [32]
38 Sr Strontium 0.052 06(6) 5.023(6) [33]
39 Y Yttrium 0.311 29(22) 30.035(21) [21]
40 Zr Zirconium 0.433 28(9) 41.806(9) [34]
41 Nb Niobium 0.917 40(7) 88.516(7) [35]
42 Mo Molybdenum 0.747 23(8) 72.097(8) [21]
43 Tc Technetium 0.55(20) 53(20) est.[36]
44 Ru Ruthenium 1.046 27(2) 100.950(3) [21]
45 Rh Rhodium 1.142 89(20) 110.27(2) [26]
46 Pd Palladium 0.562 14(12) 54.24(2) [26]
47 Ag Silver 1.304 47(3) 125.862(3) [27]
48 Cd Cadmium −0.7(2) −68(20) est.[5]
49 In Indium 0.383 92(6) 37.043(6) [37]
50 Sn Tin 1.112 070(2) 107.298 4(3) [38]
51 Sb Antimony 1.047 401(19) 101.059(2) [39]
52 Te Tellurium 1.970 875(7) 190.161(1) [40]
53 127I Iodine 3.059 046 5(37) 295.153 1(4) [41]
53 128I Iodine 3.059 052(38) 295.154(4) [42]
54 Xe Xenon −0.8(2) −77(20) est.[5]
55 Cs Caesium 0.4715983(38) 45.5023(4) [43]
56 Ba Barium 0.144 62(6) 13.954(6) [44]
57 La Lanthanum 0.557 546(20) 53.795(2) [45]
58 Ce Cerium 0.600 160(27) 57.906 7(26) [46]
59 Pr Praseodymium 0.109 23(46) 10.539(45) [47]
60 Nd Neodymium 0.097 49(33) 9.406(32) [47]
61 Pm Promethium 0.129 12.45 [48]
62 Sm Samarium 0.162 15.63 [48]
63 Eu Europium 0.116(13) 11.2(13) [49]
64 Gd Gadolinium 0.212(30) 20.5(29) [21]
65 Tb Terbium 0.131 31(80) 12.670(77) [47]
66 Dy Dysprosium 0.015(3) 1.45(30) [50]
67 Ho Holmium 0.338 32.61 [48]
68 Er Erbium 0.312 30.10 [48]
69 Tm Thulium 1.029(22) 99(3) [51]
70 Yb Ytterbium −0.02 −1.93 est.[36]
71 Lu Lutetium 0.238 8(7) 23.04(7) [52]
72 Hf Hafnium 0.178 0(7) 17.18(7) [53]
73 Ta Tantalum 0.328 859(23) 31.730 1(22) [21]
74 W Tungsten 0.816 26(8) 78.76(1) [54]
75 Re Rhenium 0.060 396(64) 5.827 3(62) [55]
76 Os Osmium 1.077 661(24) 103.978 5(24) [21]
77 Ir Iridium 1.564 057(12) 150.908 6(12) [56]
78 Pt Platinum 2.125 10(5) 205.041(5) [57]
79 Au Gold 2.308 610(25) 222.747(3) [58]
80 Hg Mercury −0.5(2) −48(20) est.[5]
81 Tl Thallium 0.320 053(19) 30.880 4(19) [59]
82 Pb Lead 0.356 721(2) 34.418 3(3) [60]
83 Bi Bismuth 0.942 362(13) 90.924(2) [61]
84 Po Polonium 1.40(7) 136(7) calc.[62]
85 At Astatine 2.415 78(7) 233.087(8) [63]
86 Rn Radon −0.7(2) −68(20) est.[5]
87 Fr Francium 0.486 46.89 est.[64][36]
88 Ra Radium 0.10 9.648 5 est.[65][36]
89 Ac Actinium 0.35 33.77 est.[36]
90 Th Thorium 0.607 69(6) 58.633(6) [66]
91 Pa Protactinium 0.55 53.03 est.[67]
92 U Uranium 0.314 97(9) 30.390(9) [68]
93 Np Neptunium 0.48 45.85 est.[67]
94 Pu Plutonium −0.50 −48.33 est.[67]
95 Am Americium 0.10 9.93 est.[67]
96 Cm Curium 0.28 27.17 est.[67]
97 Bk Berkelium −1.72 −165.24 est.[67]
98 Cf Californium −1.01 −97.31 est.[67]
99 Es Einsteinium −0.30 −28.60 est.[67]
100 Fm Fermium 0.35 33.96 est.[67]
101 Md Mendelevium 0.98 93.91 est.[67]
102 No Nobelium −2.33 −223.22 est.[67]
103 Lr Lawrencium −0.31 −30.04 est.[67]
111 Rg Roentgenium 1.565 151.0 calc.[69]
113 Nh Nihonium 0.69 66.6 calc.[70]
115 Mc Moscovium 0.366 35.3 calc.[70]
116 Lv Livermorium 0.776 74.9 calc.[70]
117 Ts Tennessine 1.719 165.9 calc.[70]
118 Og Oganesson 0.080(6) 7.72(58) calc.[71]
119 Uue Ununennium 0.662 63.87 calc.[64]
120 Ubn Unbinilium 0.021 2.03 calc.[72]
121 Ubu Unbiunium 0.57 55 calc.[36]



The electron affinities Eea of some molecules are given in the table below, from the lightest to the heaviest. Many more have been listed by Rienstra-Kiracofe et al. (2002). The electron affinities of the radicals OH and SH are the most precisely known of all molecular electron affinities.

Molecule Name Eea (eV) Eea (kJ/mol) References
16OH Hydroxyl 1.827 6488(11) 176.3413(2) Goldfarb et al. (2005)
16OD 1.825 53(4) 176.137(5) Schulz et al. (1982)
C2 Dicarbon 3.269(6) 315.4(6) Ervin & Lineberger (1991)
BO Boron oxide 2.508(8) 242.0(8) Wenthold et al. (1997)
NO Nitric oxide 0.026(5) 2.5(5) Travers, Cowles & Ellison (1989)
O2 Dioxygen 0.450(2) 43.42(20) Schiedt & Weinkauf (1995)
32SH Sulfhydryl 2.314 7283(17) 223.3373(2) Chaibi et al. (2006)
F2 Difluorine 3.08(10) 297(10) Janousek & Brauman (1979)
Cl2 Dichlorine 2.35(8) 227(8) Janousek & Brauman (1979)
Br2 Dibromine 2.53(8) 244(8) Janousek & Brauman (1979)
I2 Diiodine 2.524(5) 243.5(5) Zanni et al. (1997)
IBr Iodine monobromide 2.512(3) 242.4(4) Sheps, Miller & Lineberger (2009)
LiCl Lithium chloride 0.593(10) 57.2(10) Miller et al. (1986)
FeO Iron(II) oxide 1.4950(5) 144.25(6) Kim, Weichman & Neumark (2015)
CN Cyano radical 3.862(4) [73]
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide 2.273(5) 219.3(5) Ervin, Ho & Lineberger (1988)
O3 Ozone 2.1028(25) 202.89(25) Novick et al. (1979)
SO2 Sulfur dioxide 1.107(8) 106.8(8) Nimlos & Ellison (1986)
Larger polyatomics
CH2CHO Vinyloxy 1.8248(+2-6) 176.07(+3-7) Rienstra-Kiracofe et al. (2002) after Mead et al. (1984)
C6H6 Benzene −0.70(14) −68(14) Ruoff et al. (1995)
C6H4O2 p-Benzoquinone 1.860(5) 179.5(6) Schiedt & Weinkauf (1999)
BF3 Boron trifluoride 2.65(10) 256(10) Page & Goode (1969)
HNO3 Nitric acid 0.57(15) 55(14) Janousek & Brauman (1979)
CH3NO2 Nitromethane 0.172(6) 16.6(6) Adams et al. (2009)
POCl3 Phosphoryl chloride 1.41(20) 136(20) Mathur et al. (1976)
SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride 1.03(5) 99.4(49) Troe, Miller & Viggiano (2012)
C2(CN)4 Tetracyanoethylene 3.17(20) 306(20) Chowdhury & Kebarle (1986)
WF6 Tungsten hexafluoride 3.5(1) 338(10) George & Beauchamp (1979)
UF6 Uranium hexafluoride 5.06(20) 488(20) NIST chemistry webbook after Borshchevskii et al. (1988)
C60 Buckminsterfullerene 2.6835(6) 258.92(6) Huang et al. (2014)

Second and third electron affinity

Z Element Name Electron affinity (eV) Electron affinity (kJ/mol) References
7 N Nitrogen -6.98 -673 [74]
7 N2− Nitrogen -11.09 -1070 [74]
8 O Oxygen -7.71 -744 [74]
15 P Phosphorus -4.85 -468 [74]
15 P2− Phosphorus -9.18 -886 [74]
16 S Sulfur -4.73 -456 [74]
33 As Arsenic -4.51 -435 [74]
33 As2− Arsenic -8.31 -802 [74]
34 Se Selenium -4.25 -410 [74]


  • Janousek, Bruce K.; Brauman, John I. (1979), "Electron affinities", in Bowers, M. T. (ed.), Gas Phase Ion Chemistry, vol. 2, New York: Academic Press, p. 53.
  • Rienstra-Kiracofe, J.C.; Tschumper, G.S.; Schaefer, H.F.; Nandi, S.; Ellison, G.B. (2002), "Atomic and molecular electron affinities: Photoelectron experiments and theoretical computations", Chem. Rev., vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 231–282, doi:10.1021/cr990044u, PMID 11782134.
  • Updated values can be found in the NIST chemistry webbook for around three dozen elements and close to 400 compounds.

Specific molecules



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  74. ^ a b c d e f g h i Rayner-Canham Appendix 5: Data summarised from, and see also, J. E. Huheey et al., Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ed. (New York: HarperCollins, 1993) [1]
  75. ^ According to NIST as concerns Boron trifluoride, the Magnetron method, lacking mass analysis, is not considered reliable.

See also
