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Draft:Visitor Recapture Rate (VRR)

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Visitor Recapture Rate (VRR) is a groundbreaking key performance indicator (KPI) developed by TRS (Traffic Recovery System), a pioneering company in the field of visitor recapture technologies. VRR measures how effectively businesses can recapture website visitors who leave without converting, allowing brands to re-engage them and encourage a return to complete actions such as making a purchase or signing up for services.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing and e-commerce, where up to 90% of visitors leave without taking any meaningful action, VRR has emerged as a critical metric for maximizing the value of existing traffic. By tracking and improving VRR, brands can optimize their overall marketing strategies, reducing the need to constantly drive new traffic while focusing on converting visitors who have already shown interest.

TRS is the only platform equipped to track and improve VRR, offering a range of advanced solutions, including proprietary identity pixels and behavior-based retargeting tools, that help brands reconnect with lost visitors in a highly personalized and effective manner.

History and Origin:

The origin of Visitor Recapture Rate (VRR) begins with the innovative vision of Mike Kolev, the head of TRS. After years of observing the limitations of traditional digital marketing metrics, Kolev recognized that most businesses were focusing too heavily on front-end KPIs like ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) and CPA (Cost per Acquisition), while neglecting the massive pool of lost visitors who had already shown interest but left without converting.

Kolev saw an opportunity to turn this challenge into a competitive advantage. In 2024, he and his team at TRS developed the concept of VRR as a solution for e-commerce brands struggling to improve their overall performance. The idea was simple: Instead of continually investing more money into acquiring new visitors, why not focus on recapturing those who were already halfway through the customer journey?

The concept of VRR quickly gained traction among digital marketing professionals, as it provided a way to unlock hidden revenue from previously abandoned visitors. Paired with TRS's proprietary technology, VRR became a core KPI that not only improved customer retention but also had a measurable impact on ROAS, CLV, and CRO. Under Mike Kolev's leadership, TRS emerged as the only platform capable of tracking, improving, and capitalizing on this powerful metric.

What is TRS (Traffic Recovery System)?

TRS (Traffic Recovery System) is the leading technology solution designed to help businesses identify and retarget visitors who leave their websites without converting. By utilizing TRS's proprietary identity pixels, businesses can track anonymous visitors and match them with a vast database of over 689 million high-intent users. This allows for highly personalized and behavior-driven retargeting strategies that bring back lost visitors and turn them into loyal customers.

TRS offers a seamless and privacy-compliant way to increase Visitor Recapture Rate (VRR), empowering e-commerce brands to engage with the visitors who matter most. Unlike traditional cookie-based tracking systems, TRS's technology focuses on high-intent visitors, ensuring that businesses only invest in retargeting those who are genuinely interested in their products or services.

Key Features of TRS:

  • Identity Pixels: These pixels track visitors who leave without converting and match them to TRS's extensive user database.
  • Real-Time Recapture: TRS identifies lost visitors in real-time and enables businesses to follow up with personalized messages almost immediately after they leave the site.
  • Behavior-Driven Retargeting: Visitors are retargeted with personalized ads or emails based on their specific interactions with the site, such as abandoned carts or viewed products.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: TRS helps businesses recapture up to 70% of their lost visitors, significantly boosting overall conversion rates and reducing customer acquisition costs.

VRR can only be effectively measured and improved using the unique tools and strategies offered by TRS, making it a must-have for any e-commerce brand looking to maximize the value of its existing traffic.

Formula and Calculation:

The Visitor Recapture Rate (VRR) formula is;


  • Visitors Recaptured represents the number of visitors who initially left the site without converting but were later recaptured and completed a desired action (e.g., making a purchase).
  • Total Visitors Who Left Without Converting is the total number of visitors who exited the site without engaging or com pleting a transaction.

Example Calculation:

Consider an e-commerce website with 10,000 visitors. Of these, 9,000 leave without converting. By utilizing TRS, the business recaptures 1,000 of these visitors, who return to complete a purchase.

In this case, the VRR is 11.1%, meaning the business successfully recaptured 11.1% of visitors who initially abandoned the site.

Importance of VRR in E-commerce:

In today’s highly competitive e-commerce landscape, focusing on Visitor Recapture Rate (VRR) offers a way to maximize the value of existing traffic rather than continuously increasing customer acquisition spend. Traditional metrics like ROAS, CPA, and CRO are essential for understanding the effectiveness of front-end marketing efforts, but they often overlook the majority of visitors who leave without converting.

By concentrating on VRR, businesses can:

  • Recover lost revenue from visitors who abandoned the site without converting.
  • Boost ROAS by getting more value from the traffic they’ve already paid for.
  • Increase CLV by turning initially hesitant visitors into long-term, loyal customers.
  • Lower CPA by converting existing traffic instead of spending more to acquire new visitors.

Recapturing Missed Opportunities:

The average e-commerce site experiences a cart abandonment rate of 70%, meaning most businesses are missing out on significant sales opportunities from visitors who showed interest but failed to complete a purchase. TRS provides the solution by improving VRR and converting these lost opportunities into actual sales, increasing the overall efficiency of marketing spend.

Methods of Improving VRR (Powered by TRS)

Improving Visitor Recapture Rate (VRR) is only possible through the sophisticated tools provided by TRS. These tools enable businesses to re-engage lost visitors using personalized, behavior-based methods that are tailored to each individual’s actions on the site.

Acquire (Identity Resolution)

  • Purpose: Acquire focuses on identifying previously anonymous visitors to your website, turning them into actionable leads.

How It Works

  • Identity Resolution: When visitors land on your website but don’t submit forms or engage in a way that captures their data, Acquire identifies these visitors by matching them to a publicly available database of 700 million emails in the U.S.
  • List Building: This process builds a high-quality list of visitor profiles. These profiles enable businesses to retarget these visitors through marketing platforms like Klaviyo and Meta.

Revive (Session Enrichment)

  • Purpose: Revive enriches the visitor’s session by tracking their activity (such as product views or cart abandonment), even after the cookie window has expired, enabling retargeting efforts afterward.

How It Works

  • Session Enrichment: Traditional tracking systems (e.g., cookies) typically expire after 24-72 hours, after which a visitor is treated as "new." Revive bypasses this limitation by tracking visitor behavior beyond the cookie window. This allows businesses to continue tracking actions like cart abandonment, product views, etc., even after the session would normally be lost.
  • Meta Audiences & iOS Tracking: This feature is especially valuable for Meta audiences (Facebook, Instagram) and iOS users, where cookie-based tracking is very limited. TRS ensures that these users can still be retargeted, making it possible to engage them long after they’ve left the site.
  • Benefit: Allows businesses to re-engage visitors who would otherwise be lost after their initial session, increasing conversions by tracking them beyond the standard cookie window.
  • Benefit: Businesses can capture up to 90% of previously untargetable visitors, dramatically increasing their pool of potential customers without increasing ad spend.

Fully Managed Service

  • Purpose: Use the data to its full potential by fully managing the retargeting process.

How It Works

  • Email Marketing: As the largest Klaviyo Elite partner in Europe and globally ranked in the top 0.2% of agencies, Underground Ecom offers comprehensive email marketing services. Once Acquire and Revive have gathered the visitor data, Underground Ecom crafts and executes targeted email campaigns designed to nurture leads and maximize conversions.
  • End-to-End Service: Underground Ecom takes care of the entire process, converting visitors into loyal customers through strategic email marketing efforts. This includes abandoned cart emails, product recommendations, and re-engagement campaigns.
  • Benefit: The managed service ensures that the captured leads are fully leveraged to drive conversions, with Underground Ecom’s expert team optimizing the entire email marketing strategy for maximum ROI.

Challenges and Privacy Concerns

As privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) evolve, tracking and recapturing visitors has become more challenging. TRS addresses these concerns by offering privacy-compliant tracking technologies that avoid the use of third-party cookies and instead rely on behavior-based identification techniques.

Consent-based retargeting and transparent data policies are central to the TRS platform, ensuring that businesses can improve their VRR while maintaining ethical data practices and complying with global privacy laws.

The Future of VRR and TRS

The future of Visitor Recapture Rate (VRR) is set to become even more integral to e-commerce and digital marketing as businesses continue to shift focus toward maximizing the value of their existing traffic. As customer acquisition costs rise and privacy regulations become stricter, focusing on recapturing lost visitors will provide a major competitive advantage for brands.

TRS is expected to remain at the forefront of this shift, continuously innovating its tools and techniques to help businesses improve their VRR while maintaining compliance with privacy regulations. Advancements in AI-driven personalization, multi-channel recapture, and real-time engagement will likely make VRR an even more important metric in the years to come.