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Draft:Silvestre Gómez Xurxo

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Silvestre Gómez Xurxo

Silvestre Gómez Xurxo, (born 1951 in Beba, Mazaricos) is a Galician teacher and writer.[1] He is the writer of many educational materials intended for teaching the Galician language.[2]



With a degree in teaching, geography and history, from the University of Santiago de Compostela and in Psychopedagogy from the University of A Coruña, he has always been professionally dedicated to teaching, in primary and secondary schools. He has been part of Editorial SEPT since 1976 and has published several articles in Encrucillada, a Galician magazine of Christian thought. He is now retired. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Penzol Foundation.[3][4]

Published work

  • Conversas do Pai Seixas (Editorial SEPT 1985)
  • Déixao medrar (Collection Merlín, Xerais 2000)
  • Ith (Collection Merlín, Xerais 2001)
  • Todo vai ir ben (Collection Fóra de Xogo, Xerais 2005)
  • Ti non jogas! (Collection Merlín, Xerais 2011)
  • O Novo Testamento para a xente nova. (Editorial SEPT 2012). With Xosé María Pin Millares.
  • Made of glass (Out of Game Collection, Xerais 2015).[1]


  1. ^ a b "Silvestre Gomez Xurxo - Books, Biography, Contact Information". www.jacketflap.com. Retrieved 2024-12-09.
  2. ^ "Silvestre Gómez Xurxo - Editorial Xerais". www.xerais.gal (in Galician). Retrieved 2024-12-10.
  3. ^ Consello da Cultura Galega
  4. ^ galegos.galiciadigital.com