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Draft:Shit Hi:Lo

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Shit Hi:Lo

not to be confused with the game shit ho; calling an anti in a repeating sequence: creating a system of measure

Shit Hi:Lo is really only defined by two premises The game shit hi; is played by constantly raising a new rule to shitlo in parry the game shit lo really doesn't have any rule; and theres really no winning condition

Classically the game shit hi and low is played as a 3-5 card draw, where a manuever never occupies more then 1-2 actual plays its easy to realize that losing entirely in shit:hi is an easier way to winning shit: lo

whereas every draw is considered a new shit hi: declareable and often involves an entirely new rule in terms of the condition upon which either can be played

Turns; plays, and manuevers can all be this so-called declared; however often is only considered a rule made up in shit hi

The card game is classically as stated a draw:by turn method, that often involves said rule being used for the play

Some will not play shit: hi knowing theres no rule for shit:lo (the obvious however get described by the draw of shit:hi

Some only play the shit: lo knowing how high the other games rulings get: said obviously being that often making up a rule is in fact only a game in shit:hi

Often the first rule in either game is sometimes the only rule being played turn to turn; the lacking stradegy prompted the game shit:hi into any rule being declarable; which often is not playing shit lo where-as any rule is only applicable (the declaration thereof) to said shit:hi, which often only ends up in someone literally only losing in said version of game shit:lo; where-as any is often none.

Neither shit: hi nor shit:lo often work off of more then that one rule that there aren't any realizing its a game

OFten someone will figure out every game rule possible declaring themself the winner of shit:hi who have in fact lost entirely to the very real game of shit:lo.

I leave the rest for any of you to understand that someone could try an enforce a timer on both manuevers in shit:hi and Shit:lo causing a speed match via the clock, whereas time already is; perhaps the opposite declared manuever being a game where each manuevers takes days; chess operates often in this way like either a timed match or a lengthy play; none of these games are Shit:ho which often is considering calling out what one bluffs as the other ho being called as anti by the rule of either shit:hi or shit:ho, never mind shit:lo

All of these are old card games and have as many rules as most would considered any card has like Omaha hi:lo; calling Omaha shit:ho is an entirely different topic altogether; as most do know the original game of calling either shit:hi, shit:lo or Shit:ho

Many would consider said knowledge of popular games such as this often a bet; or bid but is in fact just that:

Shit Hi:lo is often a 3-5 card draw, whereas the (ruling) often resulting and whoever plays out the last card; either winning or losing; on said 1-2 card draw.turn

Personally I have had to play all of these games choice or otherwise in said (rules/conditions); some of which are considered more popular games(bouts) in other words

As a non-disclosure statement, there really becuase of how many rules have been made up for shit hi: is just as many losers in shit:lo, wheres making up any rule has resulted in either shit.



Every casino on the planet thats played the game above it Hi:lo