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Martin Andree (2020)

Martin Andree (* 1971) is a German scientist, founder, and manager in the field of digital media and marketing.



Andree studied at the University of Cologne, the University of Münster, and the University of Cambridge. He completed his studies in 1998 with a Master of Arts. In 2003, he received his PhD from the University of Cologne. Between 2011 and 2015, he completed an executive education program at Harvard Business School in the United States. Andree qualified as a Habilitated Doctor in 2018 at the University of Cologne in the field of Media Studies. He teaches with a focus on digital media.

From 1999 to 2018, Andree worked in international marketing at Henkel in the cosmetics division. During this time, he served as Marketing Director in Los Angeles and as Managing Director in the Middle East. From 2012 to 2018, he was Corporate Vice President of International Marketing. In 2019, Andree founded the start-up AMP Digital Ventures, which specializes in AI application software and data analytics. The company develops its own digital concepts, such as the NLP-based AI platform MachineStorming.[1]"Screenforce - The Magic of TV - Events - 1st Expert Forum 2020". Retrieved 2024-10-04.

Martin Andree is a guest author and interview partner as a digital expert in various german media (including ARD, ZDF, NDR, WDR, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung) as well as a speaker at international digital conferences (including Media Congress, DMEXCO, Digital Summit 2022 of the german goverment,[2] and Gamescom).[3][4][5][6][7][8][9]


  • Archäologie der Medienwirkung. Faszinationstypen von der Antike bis heute ("Archaeology of media impact. Types of fascination from antiquity to the present day"), Wilhelm Fink Verlag (in German), Munich 2005, ISBN 978-3-7705-4160-7.
  • Wenn Texte töten. Über Werther, Medienwirkung und Mediengewalt ("When texts kill: On Werther, media impact and media violence"), Wilhelm Fink Verlag (in German), Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-7705-4316-8.
  • Medien machen Marken. Eine Medientheorie des Marketing und des Konsums ("Media make brands. A media theory of marketing and consumption"), Campus Verlag (in German), Frankfurt am Main 2010, ISBN 978-3-593-39267-7.
  • Placebo-Effekte. Heilende Zeichen, toxische Texte, ansteckende Informationen ("Placebo effects. Healing signs, toxic texts, contagious information"), Wilhelm Fink Verlag (in German), Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-7705-6275-6.
  • With Timo Thomsen: Atlas der digitalen Welt ("Atlas of the Digital World"), Campus Verlag (in German), Frankfurt am Main 2020, ISBN 978-3-593-51271-6.
  • „Big Tech muss weg!" ("Big Tech Must Go!"). Campus Verlag (in German), 288 pages, August 2023, reviewed in the FAZ[10] (additional material on the book's website: bigtechmustgo.com[11])


  1. ^ "Screenforce - The Magic of TV - Events - 1st Expert Forum 2020". www.screenforce.de (in German). Retrieved 2024-10-04.
  2. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=7SNxCXwFRYc&ab_channel=BMDV
  3. ^ "Dr. Martin Andree | Expert for Digital / Media / Marketing". martinandree.com. Retrieved 2024-10-04.
  4. ^ NDR (2023-09-02). "Andree: "Big Tech muss weg": Wie Tech-Riesen unsere Demokratie abschaffen". www.ndr.de (in German). Retrieved 2024-10-04.
  5. ^ SZ (2024-07-26). "Andree: "Trumps Kampf um die Medienherrschaft"". Süddeutsche.de (in German). Retrieved 2024-10-04.
  6. ^ Andree, Martin. "Big Tech must go!". Big Tech must go!. Retrieved 2024-10-04.
  7. ^ DW (2023-10-13). "Andree: How tech giants are hijacking the internet". dw.com. Retrieved 2024-10-04.
  8. ^ FAZ (2019-02-23). "Die Macht der Einbildung: Ein Placebo ist die beste Medizin". FAZ.NET (in German). Retrieved 2024-10-04.
  9. ^ "Dr. Martin Andree's schedule for Gamescom Congress DE 2020". gamescomcongressde2020.sched.com (in German). Retrieved 2024-10-04.
  10. ^ https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/buecher/rezensionen/sachbuch/digitale-monopole-im-netz-der-plattformen-19095976.html?printPagedArticle=true#pageIndex_2
  11. ^ https://www.bigtechmustgo.com