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A ballad is a slow sentimental song or a romantic song. It can also be a poem or sonf narrating a story in short stanzas. Korean Ballad is also known as the K ballad and it is a style of music in South Korea and a genre in which soul and rhythm and blues music is transformed to suit Korean sentiment. It became popular in the 1980s.

The word ballad comes from the Latin ballare,which means to dance . In the middle Ages ,it is referred to a song to accompany dancing but the element of dance disappeared over time and ballads came to be known as songs that tells a story. In Korea, on the other hand,the ballad genre covers a wide range of mellow,slow tempo love songs .Naturally the lyrics are mostly about romance and melodies are sweet and sentimental.

The origin of Korean Ballads can be found in the jazz songs of the 1930s,a domestic genre rooted in western pop;or in the American style.A ballad is largely composed of verse and chorus,beginning slowly and building to an emotional climax before coming down again. Singing styles and emotional expression have changed with the times. For instance,ballad lyrics are more colloquial today than in the earlier songs of the 1980s.Roughly speaking ,two vocal styles tend to be unemployed:clear and sweet or growling and raspy .A typical Korean Ballad singer uses the former,while rock ballad singers often use the latter.


1 They are usually slow ,solemn and complex in their intertwining and long ,elaborate melodic lines.2 Its structures is ABCB or ABAB rhyme scheme is maintained.

3 It generally takes the form of quatrain form of four lined stanzas.

4 The first and the third lines are written in iambic transfer.

5 The second and fourth lines are in trimester.

6 It is in narrative poetic form.

7On some occassions it is sung as a song.


MELODY - Naturally the lyrics are mostly about romance and the melodies are sweet and sentimental. PITCH_ is the highness or lowness of sound. In the Ballad we discuss pitch given by vocals,instruments ,harmony,modulation .

*vocal pitch - In Korean Ballads,vocal pitch is carefully controlled to convey the emotional depth of the lyrics. Singers often employ a wide range of pitches, moving fluidly between low and high notes to express a variety of emotions. In melodic lines may feature leaps and intervals that enhance the dramatic impact of the song, with singers showcasing their vocal range.

*Instrumental pitch *Traditional Traditional Korean instruments like the gayageum and geomungo are capable of producing a wide range of pitches,adding depth and complexity to the music. These instruments may play melodic lines that complement the vocal melodies or provide harmonic support through chordal accompaniment. The pitch range of traditional Instruments contribute to the overall texture and timbre of Korean Ballads,enriching the sonic palette of the music.

*Harmonic pitch *In addition to melodic pitch ,pitch harmony plays a significant role in Korean Ballads. Harmonic pitch refers to the combination of different pitches sounded simultaneously to create chords and harmonies whether sung by backing vocalists or played by instruments,harmonies add depth and complexity to the music, enriching the overall sonic experience of the ballad.

*Pitch modulation *Korean Ballads often features modulation techniques that enhance the expressiveness of the music. Singers may add subtle variations in pitch such as bending or sliding between notes to add nuance and emotions to the performance. These pitch modulation help convey the subtle of the lyrics and connect with listeners on a deeper level.

TIMBRE- In Korean Ballad timbre refers to the unique quality or color of sound produced by voices or instruments . Here's how the timbre is typically experienced in korean ballad:

*vocal timbre*Singers In Korean Ballads often strive for a warm,resonant vocal timbre that conveys emotions and depth. Each singer brings their own distinctive timbral qualities to their performances,whether it's a clear,crystalline tone or a husky soulful quality. Vocal timbre is carefully cultivated to match the mood and lyrics of the song,adding richness and authenticity to the emotional delivery.

*Instrumental timbre*Traditional Korean instruments like the gayageum and geomungo have their own unique timbre that contribute to the overall sonic palette of Korean Ballads. These instruments produce rich,nuanced tones that reflects sections of traditions and craftsmanship.

*Timbre Contrast *Korean Ballads often features timbral contrast to add depth and interests to the music .For example the bright shimmering timbre of the gayageum may be contrasted with the dark,earthly tones of the geomungo;creating a balanced and harmonious blend of sound.Timbral contrast enhances the complexity of the music,drawing listeners in keeping them engaged throughout the song.

DYNAMICS_dynamics in korean ballad refer to the variation in volume and intensity throughout the music ,which add depth and emotions to the performance .Dynamics are outlined as gradual build up whereby the begin slowly then increase getting to the climax.

HARMONY- Harmonies in Korean Ballad are typically rich and lush,adding depth and texture to the music .Vocal harmonies may be used to enhance certain sections in a song.

TEXTURE-The texture is monophonic (single melody without chordal accompaniment)

This is my research on the Korean Ballad. I love Korean music and am happy knowing more about it and I would like to visit Korea one day and experience this .

