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IT Park Uzbekistan, a technopark in the field of information technology, was established in 2019 under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This project signifies the country’s ambition to emerge as a leading regional IT hub, providing an extensive array of services aimed at fostering startups, advancing IT entrepreneurship and digital education.

Establishment History


The initiative to establish IT Park Uzbekistan was officially established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 30, 2017. This decree not only outlined the creation of the technopark, but also envisioned the development of favorable conditions for the advancement of the IT sector within the nation. The formal inauguration of IT Park occurred on July 24, 2019, subsequent to the adoption of a resolution by the Cabinet of Ministers, delineating its operational framework and structure.

By the end of 2023, IT Park Uzbekistan underwent a transformation aimed at bolstering local companies on the global stage and attracting foreign enterprises to Uzbekistan. Aligned with this strategy, the organization redefined its vision, mission, and core values, undertook comprehensive automation of business processes, implemented international corporate standards, and endorsed English as the primary language of communication. These changes empower IT Park to more purposefully pursue the development exportation of IT services and products.

Mission and Goals


The primary mission of IT Park is to cultivate an ecosystem conducive to the development of the IT industry in Uzbekistan. The goals of the technopark are multifaceted, encompassing support for startups, educational initiatives, attracting investment and the creation of new employment opportunities within the IT sector.

Tax benefits and preferences for IT companies in Uzbekistan


As part of economic reforms and endeavors to create a conducive business environment, Uzbekistan has notably enhanced the tax regime for entrepreneurs and companies. The country has instituted the following main tax rates:

  • Corporate Tax: Ranging from 4% to 15%, contingent upon the type of the company’s activities.
  • Social Tax: 12%, levied on employers.
  • Value-Added Tax (VAT): 12%.
  • Personal Income Tax (PIT): 12%.

Preferences for IT Park residents


For IT companies aspiring to streamline their tax expenditures and secure supplementary preferences, the government of Uzbekistan presents a special tax regime within the framework of IT Park resident status. Attainment of such designation unlocks access to a suite of notable tax benefits:

  • Corporate tax: 0%.
  • Social tax: 0%.
  • Value-added tax (VAT): 0%.
  • Personal income tax (PIT): Reduced rate at 7.5%.

This implies that residents of IT Park are relieved from paying corporate tax, social tax, and VAT, while the personal income tax rate for their employees is decreased. The only remaining tax for companies is a monthly contribution amounting to 1% of the total income.

IT Park Management
Position Name, surname
General Director Farhod Ibragimov
Executive Director Abdulahad Kuchkarov
Deputy Director for Regional Development Fayzulla Aripjanov
Deputy Director for Education and IT Schools Makhliyo Muksinova
Deputy Director for Innovation Jakhongir Radjabov



IT Park boasts an extensive infrastructure with 14 branches across the country and international representations in the USA, Germany, and Latvia. In Tashkent, the technopark occupies an area of over 6 hectares, comprising 17 high-rise buildings equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and amenities for residents and visitors.’

Key dates in the history of IT Park




January 10: The Technological Park of Software Products and Information Technologies (IT Park) was established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 17.

July 15: The Regulation on the organization of activities of IT Park was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 589.

July 24: Opening of the IT Park Directorate in Tashkent.

November 20: President Shavkat Mirziyoyev laid the foundation stone for the new stage of construction of the IT Park complex.

November 20: Establishment of IT centers in the districts of Andijan region.

December 3: The “Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Center” was abolished, and its residents transferred to IT Park.



March 2: Decree of the President No. DP-5953 introduces special courses on digital technology training.

April 28: The “Roadmap” for the development of IT Park activities was approved.

October 5: Decree of the President No. DP-6079 expands the powers of the IT Park.

October 6: Implementation of a reward system for computer science teachers.

2021 год


February 17: Program of measures on AI learning and implementation.

May 19: Establishment of an IT Park branch in the Kashkadarya region.

June 15: Introduction of the “Share of IT Park Residents” indicator into the Rating Assessment System.

August 31: Establishment of the venture fund “AloqaVentures”.

November 29: Approval of the Regulation on the special regime of AI application.

December 11: Visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to IT Park.



January 27: Reduction of monthly contributions for residents with high service exports.

April 15: Implementation of “IT-VISA”.

June 1: Establishment of “IT Park University”.

June 1: Victory of the “Tumaris.Tech” project at WSIS 2022.

August 27: Opening of new buildings in the IT Park complex by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.



February 23: Video conference meeting on accelerating digitalization.

March 31: Visit of the President to the Khorezm branch of IT Park.

July 7-9: Conducting the Digital Leadership Forum in Tashkent.

IT Park Uzbekistan representations abroad


As part of the strategy aimed at positioning Uzbekistan as a leading nation in the realm of information technology on the global stage, IT Park Uzbekistan is diligently pursuing the augmenting of IT service exports and the enhancement the international standing of the country. In alignment with this objective, IT Park has established representations in multiple countries across the globe:



United States: The representation in Delaware was inaugurated on August 18, 2020. The primary objective is to facilitate the export of IT products and services, as well as to foster communication between Uzbek IT companies and potential clients from the USA.

Latvia: In Riga, the representation officially represents the company “Shipleart” from the “AP Holding” group. The company is dedicated to developing the export potential of Uzbek IT companies within the European Union and attracting venture financing.

Germany: The representation opened in Heidelberg is focused on fostering collaboration with German IT and logistics companies to enhance the export of IT services.

Projects and Initiatives


IT Park Uzbekistan has undertaken a series of measures to support the local IT industry and foster the development of the startup ecosystem.

Key initiatives include:


Incubation Centers: By 2023, 46 incubation centers had been established, providing startups with necessary resources and support.

Startup Events: Organizing over 700 events, including hackathons and workshops, have facilitated knowledge sharing and fostered innovation.

One Million Uzbek Coders (OMUC): A program aimed at training one million Uzbeks in programming to prepare highly skilled workforce for the IT industry.

Tumaris Tech Project: An initiative supporting and nurturing technological startups in Uzbekistan through the provision of financial backing and consulting services.

President Tech Award: The Presidential award in the field of technology honors outstanding innovations and achievements within the IT sector.

Mgovaward: A program designed to support projects aimed at enhancing the quality of government services through the adoption of modern technologies.

Future plans


By the end of 2023, IT Park Uzbekistan underwent substantial transformation, reinforcing its position as a pivotal player in supporting local enterprises on the international stage and attracting foreign IT companies to Uzbekistan. As part of a strategic revision, IT Park redefined its vision, mission, and corporate values, making steps towards full business process automation and the adoption of international management standards.

The key aspects of strategic development:


Automation and Standardization: Implementation of automated management systems and international corporate standards to ensure efficient operations and services for residents.

Export Focus: Repositioning towards the development of IT service and product exports, expansion of presence in international markets.

Goals for the Upcoming Decade:


Export: Achieving export targets of $5 billion by 2030.

Resident Growth: Increasing the number of residents to 10,000.

Job Creation: Ensuring the creation of over 300,000 new jobs within the IT sector.

Infrastructure Expansion: Development of IT Park infrastructure to encompass 1 million square meters, ensuring requisite conditions for the growth and advancement of IT companies.

These plans mirror IT Park Uzbekistan’s commitment to fortifying Uzbekistan’s standing as a frontrunner in information technology within Central Asia, thereby fostering the nation’s economic growth and the creation of new high-tech jobs.