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Draft:Environmental Pollution (journal)

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Air Pollution:

Among human-made sources of gaseous pollutants are, majorly, the burning of various flammable materials, for instance, fossil fuels, the uncontrollable nature of fire, for example, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions are the major natural catastrophes.

The air pollution is made up of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, issues involving nitrogen compounds, and photochemical smog produced by photochemical reaction.

The harm air pollution may cause to the natural world isn’t just bad, but may also cause poor visibility, as well as other health issues.

Water Pollution:

The pollutants that include chemicals, grease, sewage, and so on are mostly the mankind’s practices to a rush down oceans, lakes, and rivers.

The ways of pollution can range from industrial waste to agricultural runoff, hairdressing procedures, oil spills, and misplacing sewage systems.

Water pollution, on the other hand, is the conflict since it not only affects the ecosystem where all organisms live but also makes it almost impossible for animals, including people and wild creatures, to drink or reside.

Land Pollution:

Accordingly, we always have an improper landfill that is not disposed of correctly, a collection of uncontrolled accumulation of chemicals, as well as the misplacement of contaminants can cause for a rise in groundwater pollution.

Waster center, manufacturers, exploiters, and land for agriculture are the main sources in the area.

Toxic substances, penetrating the soil and groundwater, will contribute to contamination of the environment in which plants and animals can get faced with significant challenges to survive.

Other Types of Pollution:

The carbon dioxide emissions from transportation, industry and human life in general are the main reason of this greenhouse effect in the atmosphere as indicated above.

Nevertheless, brightening of the sky (imperfect dark sky or more specifically wrong aimed artificial lighting) is likely in addition to the existing problem.

A use of the artistic form, such as writing, music, visual arts, etc., is meant to help people to awaken by a meaning of drastic impacts that ecological wastes have on the environment.

Reduction on the amount of radiation exposure from nuclear energy sources and nuclear events.

The ionizing radiation mostly consists of the electromagnetic waves that are produced by the extremely high energy gamma-ray emitters that sometimes leads to a strong electric field.

Environmental pollution is merely a man-caused problem on the threshold of increasing in quantity not in time, owing to the phenomena of globalization and human overpopulation. This form is the corner stone of transportation particularly in as the form of pollution, human health threat or even economic challenges. They occupy, for example, regulation of actions, supervising habits of others, and continuous conscious contributions to the environment.

These four environmental basics which include transportation, manufacturing, farming and trash production play a significant role in this chapter hence this chapter analyzes them. The solution of the pollution problem should include both general comprehension on what pollution is and how it is being produced together with more specific approaches.

causes, types, effects and factors affecting:


Causes of Environmental Pollution:

Human activates such as transport, manufacturing, agricultural and waste management are the basic subjects of the overwhelming part of all kinds of pollution.

We have pollutants either as nature processes (for example volcano ash) or anthropogenic emissions like factory waste as well as car exhaust.

Pollutants leak globally through air and water flows all the way to the most depopulated place where it is not generated directly by human beings.

Types of Environmental Pollution:

Air pollution: Harmful gases, particles, and chemicals such as nitrogen oxide and Sulphur dioxide are responsible for the atmospheric pollution.

Water pollution: Resulting from the introduction of contaminants into waterways such as chemicals, oils and waste waters which are usually at the forefront of the list.

Land pollution: Requiring a responsible handling or deposition of solid and liquid wastes in the vicinity of human settlements.

The rest of them would be namely of noise, light, plastic, radioactive and electromagnetic pollution.

Effects of Environmental Pollution:

Air pollution is not just observed as one of the reasons for climate change but also it causes various diseases and destructs the ecosystem.

Water contamination makes the water no longer suitable for human consumption that is to drink and also poses a threat to the form of life that live in water bodies.

Terrestrial pollution is capable of spoiling the soil and water from underground sources, and negatively affecting flora and fauna.

The pollution may cause severe environmental problems, health diseases, and a disaster in economic systems.

Factors Affecting Pollution:

Resistance and hazard of pollutants, particularly the non-degradable heavy metals.

Ways a definite substance enters the system, for example, as an inhalation, ingestion, or dermal absorption.

Concentrations as for example, even some low but at the same time very toxic pollutants trace amounts also.

The condition of the environment thanks to wind streams, currents, and temperature that encourages the course of dispersal.

Addressing Environmental Pollution:

Is wished to be treated with multi-levels approach by addressing different causes of pollution.

It would consist of policy making, creature efforts, and the adopting of sustainable methods of operation to enterprises and individuals.

The issue has to be treated from a global perspective and cooperation between countries with higher and lower development is required.


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