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The EAPTC[1] is a loose association of European training institutes, think tanks, universities, and organisations fostering training cooperation and coordination in the area of peace operations and crisis management.

It also promotes a "comprehensive approach", the cooperation among military, police and civilian experts and institutes in the development and implementation of training activities.

The EAPTC was founded in 2013 in Lübeck, Germany, and meets annually at the EAPTC conference and the EAPTC annual meeting. The EAPTC is associated with the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centers (IAPTC).

Past EAPTC conferences:

| Year | Date |Location | Host | |------|----------|--------------|---------------------------| |2021|19th to 20th May|Online Berlin Center Intern. P.O. (ZIF) |2020|17th December | Online European Security and Defence College (ESDC) | | 2019 | 16th to 18th April | Belgrade, Serbia | Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Mediation (CONFLUX) | | 2018 | 22nd to 24th May | Geneva, Switzerland | Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) | | 2017 | 2nd to 4th May | Helsinki, Finland | Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT) | | 2016 | 3rd to 4th May | Vicenza, Italy | Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) |

