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Draft:Dániel Horogszegi Szilágyi-Landeck

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Dániel Horogszegi Szilágyi-Landeck is a Hungarian diplomat. Since 13 March 2024, he serves as the Ambassador of Hungary to the Netherlands.

Education and career


Dániel Horogszegi Szilágyi-Landeck studied in Germany and Austria between 2006 and 2009 and obtained a BA degree from the University of Vienna in Governance (Staatswissenschaften). He completed his MA studies at the Andrássy University in Budapest in International Relations.

He started his professional career at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Kingdom of Belgium, where he worked in the field of press, public diplomacy and cultural affairs. Between 2013 and 2018 he served at the Hungarian Parliament as foreign affairs adviser and cabinet secretary. In 2018, he joined the Foundation for a Civic Hungary where he was the appointed Director of Foreign Affairs and then Head of the foundation’s Brussels Office. In 2023 he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary. Since 13 March 2024, he is the Ambassador of Hungary to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and also Permanent Representative to the international organisations in the Netherlands, like the OPCW.

Media articles


Bástyákat és hidakat építenek a balliberális álhírekkel szemben (Magyar Hírlap, 24 June 2023)

