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Draft:Buscemi nonlocality

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Buscemi nonlocality,[1][2] a concept proposed by Francesco Buscemi in 2012, refers to a type of quantum nonlocality that arises in Bell tests where the local measurement settings are determined not by classical programs but by quantum states. While, as the counterexample of Werner states shows, Bell nonlocality is known not to be equivalent to quantum entanglement, the latter instead turns out to be equivalent to Buscemi nonlocality: a quantum state is "Buscemi nonlocal" if and only if it is entangled.

Buscemi nonlocality has been given an operational interpretation similar to that of standard Bell nonlocality in the framework of quantum resource theories.[3] It also motivates the study of quantum entanglement based not on the LOCC framework, but rather on the Local Operations and Shared Randomness (LOSR) framework.[4]


  1. ^ Buscemi, Francesco (2012-05-14). "All Entangled Quantum States Are Nonlocal". Physical Review Letters. 108 (20): 200401. arXiv:1106.6095. Bibcode:2012PhRvL.108t0401B. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.200401. ISSN 0031-9007. PMID 23003127.
  2. ^ Massar, Serge; Pironio, Stefano (2012-05-14). "A Closer Connection Between Entanglement and Nonlocality". Physics. 5 (20): 56. arXiv:1106.6095. Bibcode:2012PhRvL.108t0401B. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.200401. PMID 23003127.
  3. ^ Lipka-Bartosik, Patryk; Ducuara, Andrés F.; Purves, Tom; Skrzypczyk, Paul (2021-04-01). "Operational Significance of the Quantum Resource Theory of Buscemi Nonlocality". PRX Quantum. 2 (2): 020301. doi:10.1103/PRXQuantum.2.020301. ISSN 2691-3399.
  4. ^ Schmid, David; Fraser, Thomas C.; Kunjwal, Ravi; Sainz, Ana Belen; Wolfe, Elie; Spekkens, Robert W. (2023-12-04). "Understanding the interplay of entanglement and nonlocality: motivating and developing a new branch of entanglement theory". Quantum. 7: 1194. arXiv:2004.09194. Bibcode:2023Quant...7.1194S. doi:10.22331/q-2023-12-04-1194. ISSN 2521-327X.