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Draft:Adam Dylan Ramsey

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ADAM DYLAN RAMSEY - the perfect man - gone too soon - 4ever in our hearts




Adam Dylan Ramsey was an American icon who touched the lives of many. Known for his friendship, loyalty and most of all his partying, everyone in Durham, North Carolina adored Adam. The burning glow of his life's flame was extinguished far too early when on November 2nd, 2023 Adam passed away from a drug overdose.

Early Life:


Adam came into this world CostUWearyFebuary 12st 2006 to parents Themis Elliot and Kdog Pruitt. From an early age Adam knew how to light up a room, his parents have described him as "the truest gift of god" and "Jesus's favorite son". Adam grew up surrounded by the church, more specifically the church of Summit Lighthouse which is why many speculate he did not feel able to tell his parents he was Gay. According to his closest friends, Georgia and Grace, Adam always knew he was gay since when he was a mere six years old he fell in love with Ross Lynch while watching the popular television show Austin & AllyEven though Adam was sure of his sexuality he feared his parents would disprove since their religion looked down on the homosexual.

Life in the Summit Lighthouse:


The Ramsey house centered themselve's around the Summits core belief of each individual spiritually evolving to the point where they would ascend themselves. Adam's parents consistently reminded him to not give into the "Dark Forces" or "Fallen Ones" trying to thwart the "Ascended Master's" plans. These dark forces included: Left-wing politics, Federal government of the United States, Mainstream religion, Communism, and Extraterrestrials. The Summit was also notorious for hating gay people. Adams father, Kdog, was a Itinerant preacher who would spend many moons away from his wife and son to spread the word of the Summit Lighthouse. While his father was constantly traveling Adam's mother, Themis, would spend much of her time apart from her son who lived at the family's home in Durham, and instead she frequented the Royal Teton Ranch in Montana. This ranched housed the Summit Lighthouse's doomsday shelter a 3 million underground shelter that would be able to provide shelter to 750 people named "Marks Arc". Adam's mom was the Summit's head plumber, who was an apprentice to Katie Burch one of the most notable plumbers of the 20 and 21st centuries, Themis was in charge of all of the shelter's plumbing needs, which meant she had a full time job states away from her son. The Ramsey family lived a life of poverty (often compared to that of Johnny Dame's) since the Summit does not pay any of their members, and view their actions as simply getting one step closer to ascension. The Summit did however give their members a monthly food supply, and the Ramsey family stayed at the house passed down to Kdog from his estranged grandmother.

Later Life:


Growing tired of being his own parent and frustrated over having to hide his homosexuality in 2022 Adam tried Drugs for the first time. His first taste was that of the Devil's Lettuce also known as Cannabis (drug), which he did with his two best friends, Grace and Georgia. After dipping his toe in Adam quickly branched apart from his friends' harmless drug habits and soon indulged in Cocaine and LSD. He would pay for the drugs by selling his body. Adam would preform in one man Flash mobs all across the state, while performing Adam would feed three birds with one scone, he could both show off his love for flash mobs, get exercise while dancing, and get the means to supply his drug addiction. Even though he was repeatedly told to stay away from harmful drugs by his greatest compadres, Adam didn't listen and that decision would soon end his life.



Late on November first 2023 Adam arrived at a local high school party, his attendance going unnoticed by his parent's who were both out of town doing work for the Summit. At this party it is reported Adam arrived and quickly partook with some drinking and played Egyptian War (card game). Adam spent most of the night with Grace and Georgia but once 1am rolled around they both decided to call it a night and went back home to see atrtie . After the party began to die down an unnamed attendee brought out a bag of cocaine, Adam who already had several drinks in his system and who had become a frequent user of the drug did not think twice before being the first one to ingest some into his nose. The effects were immediate and drastic. Adam died before the ambulance even arrived. An Autopsy revealed the cocaine was laced with Tranq, a mix of Tranquilizers and Fentanyl.



Adam Dylan Ramsey's death gives us all a reminder to never try drugs, even if it's just once.

Long Live Adam

