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Draft:(Hrh) Ekens Azubuike

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(Hrh) Ekens Azubuike (Igbo: born 13 Feb 1972) is a Nigerian politician and businessman, phylontropist, and independence human rights commissioner from Imo State.





(Hrh) Ekens Azubuike, A Nigerian politician born phylantropist and activist. He is a member of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, a group canvassing for the independence and sovereignty of Eastern Nigeria, born in Orlu Imo State,

Migrated to Canada on a political asylum as a refugee, who was conferred a refugeessatatus by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada under the Geneva Convention of 1951 but letter vacated on the request of the Canadian minister of public safety and emergency preparedness. according to source, from Vlex reference https://ca.vlex.com/vid/azubuike-v-can-681275017, and the Supreme court of Canada, reference https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/info/dock-regi-fra.aspx?cas=39974

Early life:


Born in Orlu, Imo State of Nigeria.



International Security and Intelligence, expert



Academic background and graduated with First Class Honors with Distinction from Prestiguse institutions in Canada and the United Kingdom, Ireland. In Criminology, Criminal Psychology, Diploma in Police Science and Law Enforcement and Protection, Behavioral Psychology, Political Ideologies, International Convention and Maritime Law, Diploma in Ethical Hacking, Diploma in Legal Studies, Diploma in Journalism  Certificate of Completion: Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)  Certification Law for LLB Students Comprehensive digital and computer criminal justice certification: Corporate and Business Law  Criminal Law: Certificate: Application of human rights frameworks International Human Rights Law and Education  Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights and Competitive Law Certificate in Legal Studies Laws and Judicial System Diploma in Strategic Management  Diploma in Labor Law and Statutory Compliance for Human Resources Certificate of Completion: Expert Witness.  In accordance with Canadian diplomacy and the United Nations. Certification: International Relations.  Certification of Completion: Counter-Terrorism, Certificate: Counterintelligence, Cyberterrorism, Cyber Threats.  studies  MM SCM. in International Law  MM SCM. in International Humanitarian Law.  MM SCM. in International Human Rights Law  MM SCM. in International Refugee Law. MM SCM.in International Investment Law. Currently on an MSc in Criminology and Criminal Psychology.



According to Vents magazine, source reference: Ekens has a history of long litigation with the Canadian authority that led to a conspiracy against the Canada Border Service Agency. refer to vents magazine