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Dimitri Ayoloma

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Dimitri Placide Ayoloma
NationalityCentral African Republic
Military career
Years of service2014 –

Dimitri Placide Ayoloma – is an Anti-balaka commander from the Central African Republic, active in Ouaka and Kémo prefectures. He is responsible for multiple crimes including killing of peacekeeper, looting, arson, assault and kidnapping for ransom.



He was formerly a member of Central African Armed Forces.[1] In December 2014 he was reportedly Anti-balaka zone commander in Grimari subprefecture under leadership of Patrice-Edouard Ngaïssona.[2]

On 22 August 2018 he kidnapped two citizens of Ndjoukou subprefecture including village chief and 45-year old Sévérin. He demanded payment of million CFA francs for release. After receiving 370,000 CFA francs and eight goats he released them after beating them with sticks.[3]

On 15 March 2020 his fighters launched attack on Grimari, opening fire on the homes of the mayor and sub-prefect. When UN peacekeepers intervened to stop them, one of them was fatally injured by an Anti-balaka fighter.[4] On 17 May 2020 MINUSCA announced operation in Kouango-Sibut-Grimari triangle to stop abuses committed by Ayoloma's group.[5] Between 3 and 16 June his group launched at least ten attacks against NGOs and UN vehicles on Grimari-Sibut axis in Ouaka and Kemo prefectures.[6] On 2 August he was injured during a failed the attack on Grimari.[7][8]

In December 2020 he refused to join Coalition of Patriots for Change and instead sided with government forces, handing over some CPC rebels. In following months his group received several weapons and uniforms from local armed forces as well as coordinating military actions with him. On 12 March 2021 while armed forces were passing through Bangao village in Kouango subprefecture he with eight fighters led by him burned several Muslim houses as well as a mosque and stole inhabitants property.[9][1]

Between 7 and 12 October 2022 his forces clashed with faction of Anti-balaka aligned with CPC led by Sioni Mènè in Ndjoukou subprefecture. Clashes between both groups led to 10 deaths including three civilians.[10] On 14 October it was reported that Ayoloma group withdrew from center of Ndjoukou towards Ndéngou village following deployment of MINUSCA peacekeepers.[11] On 15 October clashes erupted again in multiple villages in Ndjoukou, with Ayoloma forces breaking doors and looting houses. Thousands of people were displaced.[12][13]


  1. ^ a b La statistique et donnees des appels 1320 dans chaque region de la RCA
  2. ^ Letter dated 21 December 2015 from the Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic extended pursuant to Security Council resolution 2196 (2015) addressed to the President of the Security Council, Annex 2.2 (page 137)
  3. ^ "Ndjoukou : Un homme séquestré, torturé et libéré après versement d'une rançon" (in French). Radio Ndeke Luka. 28 September 2018. Retrieved 2023-01-01.
  4. ^ Central African Republic: UN peacekeeper killed; Mission deplores ‘heinous act’, 16 March 2020
  6. ^ Crisis Watch: July Alert and June Trends 2020
  7. ^ Crisis Watch: September Alert and August Trends 2020
  8. ^ RCA: des avancées significatives dans les opérations militaires conjointes FACA-Minusca, 11 August 2020
  9. ^ Letter dated 25 June 2021 from the Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic extended pursuant to resolution 2536 (2020) addressed to the President of the Security Council
  10. ^ Centrafrique : une dizaine de morts dont 3 civils dans des affrontements entre groupes anti-balaka rivaux à Ndjoukou, 11 October 2022
  11. ^ RCA: la Minusca annonce le déploiement des casques bleus à Ndjoukou, 14 October 2022
  12. ^ Evaluation multisectorielle (MSA) des besoins - Centre Ndjoukou, Gbondo, Mourou-Fleuve, Galabadjia, commune : Galafondo/Galabadjia - Date de l'évaluation : du 25 au 27/11/ 2022
  13. ^ Centrafrique : des civils pris au piège dans les affrontements entre deux groupes Anti-balaka rivaux à Ndjoukou, 18 October 2022