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Coordinated diagnostics

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Coordinated diagnostics is a portion of the coordinated care healthcare model that focuses on diagnostic workflow, real-time data flow, information systems, expertise, and informed decision making. When practiced, coordinated diagnostics integrates the diagnostic data and activities of care providers, testing facilities, information systems providers, diagnostic domain experts, payers, and patients. Coordinated diagnostics maximizes the effective use of diagnostic information and resources across the healthcare continuum to improve patient care while reducing overall costs.[1]



When practicing coordinated diagnostics, actors within the healthcare continuum:

  • Decide to perform particular diagnostic tests based on balancing the trade-offs between optimizing the patient’s heath outcome while minimizing the cost of the diagnostic testing, treatment episodes, and overall patient care across episodes.[2][3][4]
  • Interpret diagnostic results accurately and completely based on a complete set of patient information.[medical citation needed]
  • Communicate diagnostic information in real time to healthcare continuum actors that can take action.[5]
  • Engage patients and patient advocates in the diagnostic testing, data exchange, decision making, and action taking activities.[6]

To fully perform these activities, actors across the healthcare continuum need:

  • A complete view of results and interpretations from prior diagnostic testing for the patient
  • Prior diagnostic tests ordered for the patient that have not yet been resulted[7]
  • Relevant patient information such as medication history and family history[8]
  • Informed methodologies and tools that use all available information to guide decision makers through coordinated diagnostic activities[9]
  • Access to domain experts (e.g., pathologists) who provide consultative services
  • Feedback mechanisms that organize and analyze historic diagnostic information to improve efficacy of the coordinated diagnostic processes[10]

Industry applicability


The concept of coordinated diagnostics as a component of coordinated care is new to the Healthcare industry and its applicability to various industry challenges such as EHR interoperability and the correlation of diagnostic results across disciplines makes it a useful organizing principle.[11]


  1. ^ "Establishing Coordinated Diagnostics as the New Model of Care for the Practice of Diagnostics". Business Wire.
  2. ^ "Strategies for Appropriate Test Utilization; The Right Test for the Right Patient at the Right Time" (PDF). Cleveland Clinic Laboratories. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 1, 2015. Retrieved March 9, 2015.
  3. ^ "Cost Analysis and containment; Laboratory test utilization management". ARUP Laboratories. Archived from the original on March 6, 2015. Retrieved March 9, 2015.
  4. ^ "An Introduction to Test Utilization". Mayo Clinic Mayo Medical Laboratories. Retrieved March 9, 2015.
  5. ^ "Transforming Data into Actionable Intelligence". ExecutiveInsight. Archived from the original on December 27, 2014. Retrieved March 9, 2015.
  6. ^ "2014/2015 Clinical Patient Engagement Market Trends Report". Cilmark Research.
  7. ^ "Shutting down orders for duplicate tests". Today'sHospitalist. Retrieved March 9, 2015.
  8. ^ "Accuracy and completeness of electronic patient records in primary care". Family Practice. Archived from the original on July 19, 2012. Retrieved March 9, 2015.
  9. ^ "Mayo Medical Laboratories and Seattle Children's Hospital Partner in Effort to Lower Costs of Clinical Laboratory Tests". Mayo Clinic News Network. Retrieved March 9, 2015.
  10. ^ "Closing the Feedback Loop to Improve Diagnostic Quality (Alabama)". Health Information Technology.
  11. ^ "Coordinated Diagnostics Defined in a New White Paper from Atlas Medical". Lab Soft News.