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Co-Büchi automaton

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In automata theory, a co-Büchi automaton is a variant of Büchi automaton. The only difference is the accepting condition: a Co-Büchi automaton accepts an infinite word if there exists a run, such that all the states occurring infinitely often in the run are in the final state set . In contrast, a Büchi automaton accepts a word if there exists a run, such that at least one state occurring infinitely often in the final state set .

(Deterministic) Co-Büchi automata are strictly weaker than (nondeterministic) Büchi automata.

Formal definition


Formally, a deterministic co-Büchi automaton is a tuple that consists of the following components:

  • is a finite set. The elements of are called the states of .
  • is a finite set called the alphabet of .
  • is the transition function of .
  • is an element of , called the initial state.
  • is the final state set. accepts exactly those words with the run , in which all of the infinitely often occurring states in are in .

In a non-deterministic co-Büchi automaton, the transition function is replaced with a transition relation . The initial state is replaced with an initial state set . Generally, the term co-Büchi automaton refers to the non-deterministic co-Büchi automaton.

For more comprehensive formalism see also ω-automaton.

Acceptance Condition


The acceptance condition of a co-Büchi automaton is formally

The Büchi acceptance condition is the complement of the co-Büchi acceptance condition:



Co-Büchi automata are closed under union, intersection, projection and determinization.


  • Wolfgang Thomas: Automata on Infinite Objects. In: Jan van Leeuwen (Hrsg.): Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Band B: Formal Models and Semantics. Elsevier Science Publishers u. a., Amsterdam u. a. 1990, ISBN 0-444-88074-7, p. 133–164.