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Chiang Zhao-Cong

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Chiang Zhao-Cong (Traditional Chinese: 蔣肇聰, November 10, 1842 – August 24, 1895), nicknamed Ming Huo, was the father of Chiang Kai-shek.[1] After his father, Chiang Siq-ian's death, he took over the household and managed the family business for several years, contributing to the increasing wealth of the Jiang family. He had an older brother.[2] He was born in Xikou, Fenghua, Zhejiang.

His father Chiang Siq-ian was involved in the salt industry, and as a result, the family was prosperous. Chiang Zhao-Cong was known for being scheming, shrewd, and capable.[3] To expand his salt shop business, he not only sold salt,[4] rice, and wine, but also other products such as vegetables, lime,[5][6]and more.[7]


  1. ^ 蔣介石之父蔣肇聰:娶過3任妻子,精明強幹,人稱“埠頭黃鱔”
  2. ^ 王成斌主編 (1998). 《民國高級將領列傳》(1). 北京: 解放軍出版社.
  3. ^ 李敖汪榮祖 (2012). 《蔣介石評傳》(上). 長春: 時代文藝出版社.
  4. ^ 浙江寧波/蔣介石故里一頁民國史
  5. ^ 有故事的石灰\流沙- 大公報
  6. ^ 蔣總統的四個女人 - 草湳里:老頭談性
  7. ^ 沈寂 (1995). 《蔣介石的少年時代》. 香港: 天地圖書.