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PockBot (run by IP: - Category articles summary as of 16:55:24, Tue Dec 12, 2006


List of all pages in category Frogs retrieved by Chris G Bot 2.

Chris G Bot 2 is an authorised bot.

ArticleClass / Status
List of Anuran familiesnot yet classified
Frognot yet classified
Amplexusnot yet classified
Archaeobatrachianot yet classified
Batrachitenot yet classified
Decline in amphibian populationsnot yet classified
Frog zoologynot yet classified
Frogs in researchnot yet classified
Mesobatrachianot yet classified
Neobatrachianot yet classified
San Fernando Frog Festivalnot yet classified
Frogs in popular culturenot yet classified
Bev Bigheadnot yet classified
Ed Bigheadnot yet classified
Ralph Bigheadnot yet classified
Budweiser Frogsnot yet classified
Crazy Frognot yet classified
Baron Dantenot yet classified
Dokurognot yet classified
Dororo (Sgt. Frog)not yet classified
Flip the Frognot yet classified
Freddo Frognot yet classified
Frog (Chrono Trigger)Start
The Frog Princessnot yet classified
Frog and Toadnot yet classified
Michigan J. Frognot yet classified
Froggy the Gremlinnot yet classified
Garurunot yet classified
Giroronot yet classified
Gureggrunot yet classified
Hoppity Hoopernot yet classified
Hopkin Green Frognot yet classified
Kermit the Frognot yet classified
Keroro (character)not yet classified
Keroro Doublenot yet classified
Kirurunot yet classified
Kururunot yet classified
Mr. Smittynot yet classified
Mr. Toadnot yet classified
Politoednot yet classified
Puddockynot yet classified
Sir Raleigh (Sly Cooper)not yet classified
Robin (Muppet)not yet classified
Superfrognot yet classified
Tijuana Toadsnot yet classified
Toad (Farthing Wood)not yet classified
Toad of Toad Hallnot yet classified
Wart (Nintendo)Start
Zorurunot yet classified
American spadefoot toadsnot yet classified
Amphignathodontidaenot yet classified
Arthroleptidaenot yet classified
Bombinatoridaenot yet classified
Common Parsley Frognot yet classified
Common Spadefootnot yet classified
European spadefoot toadnot yet classified
Flectonotusnot yet classified
Gardiner's Seychelles Frognot yet classified
Gastrothecanot yet classified
Ghost frogsnot yet classified
Glass frognot yet classified
Hyperoliidaenot yet classified
Leiopelmatidaenot yet classified
Leptodactylidaenot yet classified
Mantellidaenot yet classified
Megophryidaenot yet classified
Mexican Burrowing Toadnot yet classified
Microhylidaenot yet classified
Parsley Frogsnot yet classified
Pipidaenot yet classified
Purple Frognot yet classified
Rhacophoridaenot yet classified
Rhinodermatidaenot yet classified
Saddleback toadnot yet classified
Shovelnose frognot yet classified
Sooglossidaenot yet classified
Tailed frognot yet classified
Toadnot yet classified
Tree frognot yet classified
True frognot yet classified
True toadnot yet classified
Tukeit Hill Frognot yet classified
Gama familynot yet classified
Gama (Naruto)not yet classified
Gama (samurai)not yet classified
Gamabuntanot yet classified
Gamakichinot yet classified
Gamatatsunot yet classified
Chiroronot yet classified
Kararanot yet classified
Kiruru.not yet classified
Miraranot yet classified
Poliwagnot yet classified
Poliwhirlnot yet classified
Poliwrathnot yet classified
Tamamanot yet classified
Tarurunot yet classified
Tororo (Sgt. Frog)not yet classified
Arthroleptisnot yet classified
Cardioglossanot yet classified
Schoutedenellanot yet classified
Bombina orientalisnot yet classified
European Fire-bellied Toadnot yet classified
Fire-bellied toadnot yet classified
Yellow-bellied toadnot yet classified
Centrolenenot yet classified
Centrolene mariaelenaenot yet classified
Cochranellanot yet classified
Hyalinobatrachiumnot yet classified
Big-eyed Tree Frognot yet classified
Cryptothylaxnot yet classified
Ethiopian Banana Frognot yet classified
Hyperolius argusnot yet classified
Kassinanot yet classified
Leptopelisnot yet classified
Archey's Frognot yet classified
Hamilton's Frognot yet classified
Hochstetter's Frognot yet classified
Maud Island Frognot yet classified
Ceratophryinaenot yet classified
Craugastor lineatusnot yet classified
Cycloramphinaenot yet classified
Eleutherodactylinaenot yet classified
Leptodactylinaenot yet classified
Telmatobiinaenot yet classified
Aglyptodactylusnot yet classified
Golden Mantellanot yet classified
Laliostominaenot yet classified
Mantellanot yet classified
Mantellinaenot yet classified
Mantidactylusnot yet classified
Atympanophrysnot yet classified
Eastern Spadefoot Toadsnot yet classified
Karin Hills Frogsnot yet classified
Leptobrachellanot yet classified
Leptolalaxnot yet classified
Long-nosed Horned Frognot yet classified
Megophrysnot yet classified
Albericusnot yet classified
Aphantophrynenot yet classified
Asterophryinaenot yet classified
Asterophrysnot yet classified
Austrochaperinanot yet classified
Barygenysnot yet classified
Black-spotted Sticky Frognot yet classified
Brevicepsnot yet classified
Brevicipitinaenot yet classified
Calluellanot yet classified
Callulinanot yet classified
Callulopsnot yet classified
Chiasmocleisnot yet classified
Choerophrynenot yet classified
Chubby frognot yet classified
Cophixalusnot yet classified
Cophylinaenot yet classified
Copiulanot yet classified
Ctenophrynenot yet classified
Dyscophinaenot yet classified
Dyscophusnot yet classified
Elachistocleisnot yet classified
Gastrophrynenot yet classified
Gastrophryne carolinensisnot yet classified
Gastrophryne olivaceanot yet classified
Genyophryninaenot yet classified
Hoplophrynenot yet classified
Hylophorbusnot yet classified
Hypopachusnot yet classified
Kalophrynusnot yet classified
Kaloulanot yet classified
Liophrynenot yet classified
Mantophrynenot yet classified
Melanobatrachinaenot yet classified
Metaphrynellanot yet classified
Microhylanot yet classified
Microhyla sholigarinot yet classified
Microhylinaenot yet classified
Micrylettanot yet classified
Nelsonophrynenot yet classified
Oreophrynenot yet classified
Otophrynenot yet classified
Oxydactylanot yet classified
Probrevicepsnot yet classified
Ramanellanot yet classified
Scanty Frognot yet classified
Scaphiophrynenot yet classified
Scaphiophryninaenot yet classified
Sheep Frognot yet classified
Stereocyclopsnot yet classified
Synapturanusnot yet classified
Syncope (genus)not yet classified
Tomato frognot yet classified
Uperodonnot yet classified
Xenobatrachusnot yet classified
Xenorhinanot yet classified
Barred frogsnot yet classified
Baw Baw Frognot yet classified
Bibron's Toadletnot yet classified
Corroboree frognot yet classified
Crinianot yet classified
Crucifix Toadnot yet classified
Dusky Toadletnot yet classified
Eastern Banjo Frognot yet classified
Eungella Torrent Frognot yet classified
Fleay's Barred Frognot yet classified
Fletcher's Frognot yet classified
Gastric-brooding frognot yet classified
Geocrinianot yet classified
Giant Barred Frognot yet classified
Giant Burrowing Frognot yet classified
Great Barred Frognot yet classified
Haswell's Frogletnot yet classified
Heleioporusnot yet classified
Large Toadletnot yet classified
Lechriodusnot yet classified
Limnodynastesnot yet classified
Long-thumbed Frognot yet classified
Marbled Frognot yet classified
Marbled Toadletnot yet classified
Moaning Frognot yet classified
Myobatrachidaenot yet classified
Neobatrachusnot yet classified
Nicholl's Toadletnot yet classified
Northern Banjo Frognot yet classified
Northern Barred Frognot yet classified
Notadennot yet classified
Opisthodonnot yet classified
Ornate Burrowing Frognot yet classified
Painted Burrowing Frognot yet classified
Philorianot yet classified
Pouched Frognot yet classified
Pseudophrynenot yet classified
Red-backed Toadletnot yet classified
Red-crowned Toadletnot yet classified
Salmon-striped Frognot yet classified
Sandhill Frognot yet classified
Smooth Toadletnot yet classified
Spotted Grass Frognot yet classified
Striped Marsh Frognot yet classified
Stuttering Frognot yet classified
Sudell's Frognot yet classified
Sunset Frognot yet classified
Taudactylusnot yet classified
Tusked Frognot yet classified
Tyler's Toadletnot yet classified
Uperoleianot yet classified
Wallum Frogletnot yet classified
Wrinkled Toadletnot yet classified
Discoglossidaenot yet classified
Discoglossusnot yet classified
Israel painted frognot yet classified
Midwife toadnot yet classified
African clawed frognot yet classified
African dwarf frognot yet classified
Surinam toadnot yet classified
Xenopusnot yet classified
Poison dart frognot yet classified
Golden Poison Frognot yet classified
Black-legged Dart Frognot yet classified
Phyllobates aurotaenianot yet classified
Allobatesnot yet classified
Colostethusnot yet classified
Colostethus brewerinot yet classified
Dendrobatesnot yet classified
Dendrobates azureusnot yet classified
Dendrobates tinctoriusnot yet classified
Epipedobatesnot yet classified
Green and Black Poison Dart Frognot yet classified
Harlequin Poison Frognot yet classified
History of dendrobatid frogkeepingnot yet classified
Imitator Poison-dart Frognot yet classified
Mannophrynenot yet classified
Nephelobatesnot yet classified
Phyllobatesnot yet classified
Rainforest Rocket Frognot yet classified
Skunk Frognot yet classified
Strawberry Poison-dart Frognot yet classified
Yellow-banded Poison Dartnot yet classified
African Foam-nest Tree Frognot yet classified
Chirixalusnot yet classified
Chiromantisnot yet classified
Kurixalusnot yet classified
Nyctixalusnot yet classified
Philautusnot yet classified
Polypedatesnot yet classified
Rhacophorinaenot yet classified
Rhacophorusnot yet classified
Rhacophorus malabaricusnot yet classified
Romer's Tree Frognot yet classified
Thelodermanot yet classified
Darwin's Frognot yet classified
Brachycephalus didactylusnot yet classified
Adenomusnot yet classified
Adenomus dasinot yet classified
Almirante Trail Toadnot yet classified
American toadnot yet classified
Andinophrynenot yet classified
Andinophryne colomainot yet classified
Ansonia (genus)not yet classified
Arroyo toadnot yet classified
Atelopusnot yet classified
Atelopus ebenoidesnot yet classified
Atelopus longirostrisnot yet classified
Barbourulanot yet classified
Bidder's organnot yet classified
Black toadnot yet classified
Bleeding toadnot yet classified
Bufonot yet classified
Bufo aspernot yet classified
Bufo chavinnot yet classified
Bufo cognatusnot yet classified
Bufo debilisnot yet classified
Bufo punctatusnot yet classified
Bufo schneiderinot yet classified
Bufo speciosusnot yet classified
Bufo taiensisnot yet classified
Bufo vallicepsnot yet classified
Bufo woodhousiinot yet classified
Bufoidesnot yet classified
Canadian Toadnot yet classified
Cane Toadnot yet classified
Cane Toads: An Unnatural Historynot yet classified
Capensibufonot yet classified
Churamiti maridadinot yet classified
Colorado River Toadnot yet classified
Common Toadnot yet classified
Dendrophryniscusnot yet classified
Dominican Caribbean Toadnot yet classified
Duttaphrynus melanostictusnot yet classified
European Green Toadnot yet classified
Exploding toadnot yet classified
Golden Toadnot yet classified
Holdridge's Toadnot yet classified
Houston toadnot yet classified
Kihansi Spray Toadnot yet classified
Large-crested toadnot yet classified
Leptophrynenot yet classified
Melanophryniscusnot yet classified
Natterjack Toadnot yet classified
Nectophrynenot yet classified
Nectophrynoidesnot yet classified
Nectophrynoides poyntoninot yet classified
Nectophrynoides wendyaenot yet classified
Nimbaphrynoides liberiensisnot yet classified
Oreophrynellanot yet classified
Osornophrynenot yet classified
Pedostibesnot yet classified
Pelophrynenot yet classified
Pico Blanco Toadnot yet classified
Puerto Rican Crested Toadnot yet classified
Rhamphophrynenot yet classified
Rhamphophryne rostratanot yet classified
Rocky Mountain Toadnot yet classified
Scaphiopusnot yet classified
Scaphiopus couchiinot yet classified
Scaphiopus hurteriinot yet classified
Speanot yet classified
Spea bombifronsnot yet classified
Spea hammondiinot yet classified
Spea multiplicatanot yet classified
Stephopaedesnot yet classified
Sumatra Toadnot yet classified
Toad blood corpusclesnot yet classified
Truebellanot yet classified
Wernerianot yet classified
Western Nimba Toadnot yet classified
Western toadnot yet classified
Wolterstorffinanot yet classified
Wolterstorffina chirioinot yet classified
Wyoming Toadnot yet classified
Acris crepitansnot yet classified
Acris gryllusnot yet classified
Agalychnisnot yet classified
Agalychnis callidryasnot yet classified
Amazon Milk Frognot yet classified
Amazon Treefrogsnot yet classified
Aparasphenodonnot yet classified
Big-eyed Treefrogsnot yet classified
Blue-sided Leaf Frognot yet classified
Bokermannohylanot yet classified
Boreal Chorus Frognot yet classified
Bromeliohylanot yet classified
Canebrake Treefrogsnot yet classified
Casque-headed Treefrogsnot yet classified
Charadrahylanot yet classified
Chorus frognot yet classified
Cricket frognot yet classified
Cruziohylanot yet classified
Cryptobatrachusnot yet classified
Cuban tree frognot yet classified
Cyclorananot yet classified
Dendropsophusnot yet classified
Ecnomiohylanot yet classified
Exerodontanot yet classified
Grey tree frognot yet classified
Heart-tongued Frogsnot yet classified
Hemiphractusnot yet classified
Hylanot yet classified
Hyla arenicolornot yet classified
Hyla chrysoscelisnot yet classified
Hyla squirellanot yet classified
Hylomantisnot yet classified
Hyloscirtusnot yet classified
Hypsiboasnot yet classified
Isthmohylanot yet classified
Litorianot yet classified
Little Grass Frognot yet classified
Lysapsusnot yet classified
Megastomatohylanot yet classified
Mexican Treefrogsnot yet classified
Monkey Frognot yet classified
Mountain Brook Frogsnot yet classified
Myersiohylanot yet classified
New Holland Frognot yet classified
Nyctimystesnot yet classified
Osteopilusnot yet classified
Phasmahylanot yet classified
Phrynohyasnot yet classified
Phrynomedusanot yet classified
Phyllomedusanot yet classified
Phyllomedusa bicolornot yet classified
Phyllomedusa burmeisterinot yet classified
Pseudisnot yet classified
Pternohylanot yet classified
Ptychohylanot yet classified
Rough Frognot yet classified
Scinaxnot yet classified
Short-footed Frognot yet classified
Slender-legged Treefrogsnot yet classified
Smilisca baudiniinot yet classified
Sphaenorhynchusnot yet classified
Spikethumb Frogsnot yet classified
Spotted Chorus Frognot yet classified
Stefanianot yet classified
Strecker's Chorus Frognot yet classified
Striped Burrowing Frognot yet classified
Tlalocohylanot yet classified
Triprionnot yet classified
Western Chorus Frognot yet classified
Xenohylanot yet classified
Afrananot yet classified
Amnirananot yet classified
Amolopsnot yet classified
Amolops monticolanot yet classified
Aubrianot yet classified
Batrachylodesnot yet classified
Chaparananot yet classified
Conrauanot yet classified
Crab-eating Frognot yet classified
Discodelesnot yet classified
Euphlyctisnot yet classified
Fejervaryanot yet classified
Fejervarya nepalensisnot yet classified
Goliath frognot yet classified
Hildebrandtia (animal)not yet classified
Hoplobatrachusnot yet classified
Huia (genus)not yet classified
Indirananot yet classified
Ingerananot yet classified
Limnonectesnot yet classified
Lithobatesnot yet classified
Meristogenysnot yet classified
Micrixalusnot yet classified
Nannophrysnot yet classified
Nanorananot yet classified
Nyctibatrachusnot yet classified
Occidozyganot yet classified
Paanot yet classified
Platymantisnot yet classified
Pseudoamolopsnot yet classified
Ptychadenanot yet classified
Pyxicephalusnot yet classified
Rana (genus)not yet classified
Sphaerothecanot yet classified
Stauroisnot yet classified
Strongylopusnot yet classified
Tomopternanot yet classified
Armoured Frognot yet classified
Australian Green Tree Frognot yet classified
Australian Lace-lidnot yet classified
Australian Wood Frognot yet classified
Bleating Tree Frognot yet classified
Blue Mountains Tree Frognot yet classified
Booroolong Frognot yet classified
Broad Palmed Frognot yet classified
Brown Tree Frognot yet classified
Common Eastern Frogletnot yet classified
Common Mist Frognot yet classified
Dainty Green Tree Frognot yet classified
Desert Tree Frognot yet classified
Eastern Dwarf Tree Frognot yet classified
Eastern Sign-bearing Frogletnot yet classified
Freycinet's Frognot yet classified
Giant Frognot yet classified
Green Thighed Frognot yet classified
Green and Golden Bell Frognot yet classified
Growling Grass Frognot yet classified
Jervis Bay Tree Frognot yet classified
Leaf Green Tree Frognot yet classified
Lesueur's Frognot yet classified
Litoria chlorisnot yet classified
Littlejohn's Tree Frognot yet classified
Magnificent Tree Frognot yet classified
Motorbike Frognot yet classified
Mountain Stream Tree Frognot yet classified
Northern Dwarf Tree Frognot yet classified
Orange-thighed Frognot yet classified
Pearson's Green Tree Frognot yet classified
Peppered Tree Frognot yet classified
Peron's Tree Frognot yet classified
Revealed Frognot yet classified
Rocket Frognot yet classified
Roth's Tree Frognot yet classified
Slender Tree Frognot yet classified
Southern Leaf Green Tree Frognot yet classified
Stoney Creek Frognot yet classified
Streambank Frogletnot yet classified
Tasmanian Frogletnot yet classified
Tasmanian Tree Frognot yet classified
Trilling Frognot yet classified
Tyler's Tree Frognot yet classified
Whistling Tree Frognot yet classified
White-lipped Tree Frognot yet classified
List of amphibians of Indianot yet classified
Bicolored Frognot yet classified
Bronzed Frognot yet classified
Fungoid Frognot yet classified
Ceratophrysnot yet classified
Lepidobatrachusnot yet classified
Crossodactylodesnot yet classified
Adelophrynenot yet classified
Barycholosnot yet classified
Dischidodactylusnot yet classified
Eleutherodactylusnot yet classified
Euparkerellanot yet classified
Holoadennot yet classified
Ischnocnemanot yet classified
Oreobatesnot yet classified
Phrynopusnot yet classified
Phyllonastesnot yet classified
Adenomeranot yet classified
Edalorhinanot yet classified
Hydrolaetarenot yet classified
Leptodactylusnot yet classified
Physalaemusnot yet classified
Pleurodemanot yet classified
Pseudopaludicolanot yet classified
Vanzoliniusnot yet classified
Alsodesnot yet classified
Atelognathusnot yet classified
Batrachophrynusnot yet classified
Batrachylanot yet classified
Eupsophusnot yet classified
Telmatobiusnot yet classified
Telmatobufonot yet classified
Anodonthylanot yet classified
Cophylanot yet classified
Platypelisnot yet classified
Plethodontohylanot yet classified
Stumpffianot yet classified
California tree frognot yet classified
Ornate Chorus Frognot yet classified
Pacific Tree Frognot yet classified
Spring Peepernot yet classified
Upland Chorus Frognot yet classified
American green tree frognot yet classified
European tree frognot yet classified
Hyla gratiosanot yet classified
Hyla meridionalisnot yet classified
Japanese Tree Frognot yet classified
Pine Barrens Tree Frognot yet classified
Litoria singadanaenot yet classified
Bullfrognot yet classified
Crawfish Frognot yet classified
Florida Bog Frognot yet classified
Green frognot yet classified
Mink Frognot yet classified
Northern Leopard Frognot yet classified
Pickerel Frognot yet classified
Pig Frognot yet classified
Plains Leopard Frognot yet classified
Rio Grande Leopard Frognot yet classified
Southern Leopard Frognot yet classified
Vegas Valley Leopard Frognot yet classified
Wood Frognot yet classified
Agile Frognot yet classified
Balkan Frognot yet classified
California Red-legged Frognot yet classified
Columbia Spotted Frognot yet classified
Common Frognot yet classified
Edible Frognot yet classified
Foothill Yellow-legged Frognot yet classified
Italian Agile Frognot yet classified
Leopard frognot yet classified
Levant Water Frognot yet classified
Marsh Frognot yet classified
Moor Frognot yet classified
Mountain Yellow-legged Frognot yet classified
Northern Red-legged Frognot yet classified
Pool Frognot yet classified
Red-legged Frognot yet classified
Ramanella montananot yet classified
Argentine horned frognot yet classified
Cranwell's horned frognot yet classified
Pacman frognot yet classified
Surinam horned frognot yet classified
Common Coquínot yet classified
Cook's Robber Frognot yet classified
Coquínot yet classified
Eleutherodactylus augustinot yet classified
Eleutherodactylus cystignathoidesnot yet classified
Eleutherodactylus guttilatusnot yet classified
Eleutherodactylus marnockiinot yet classified
Golden coquínot yet classified
Web-footed Coquinot yet classified
Whistling Coquinot yet classified
Giant Ditch Frognot yet classified
Leptodactylus fragilisnot yet classified
Four-eyed frognot yet classified

Edit by PockBot (on behalf of PocklingtonDan)

Fun and interesting frog facts


Amphibians and Reptiels make large groups called Herps. The sintist who studys this subject is called a Herpetoculturist.Amphibians have thrived for hondreds of millons of years. But as many as half of all the species could perish if no solution is found to the spread of paralelstic fungas, Amphibian Chrityd witch has been proved deadly for hondreds of Amphibian species and may have worse afcets becaues of glowbal warming. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:21, 30 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]