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CAREN (Assisted) protocol—is a versatile, multi-sensory virtual reality system used for the treatment and rehabilitation of human locomotion, walking, as well as pain, posture, balancing spinal stability and motor control integration.[1][2][3]



The company managed project work to ensure growth without the need for venture capital or going public until 1998. In 1997, MOTEK applied for a research grant from the European Commission to develop the system now known as CAREN. This grant was received in 1998 and enabled the development of CAREN's first prototype.

The company also received external funding through MOTEK and NPM capital, both Dutch-based investment companies.

The first production-grade CAREN system was sold to the University of Groningen in 2000. Within the annals of CAREN’s beginnings, the technology was being used primarily by scientific and military organizations because of the sheer complexity of its modern intricacies and somewhat complicated testing.[4][5][6]


  1. ^ van der Eerden WJ, Otten E, May G, Even-Zohar O (1999). "CAREN--Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment". Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 62 (Medicine Meets Virtual Reality): 373–8. doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-906-6-373. PMID 10538390.
  2. ^ van den Bogert AJ, Geijtenbeek T, Even-Zohar O, Steenbrink F, Hardin EC (October 2013). "A real-time system for biomechanical analysis of human movement and muscle function". Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 51 (10): 1069–77. doi:10.1007/s11517-013-1076-z. PMC 3751375. PMID 23884905.
  3. ^ Geijtenbeek, Thomas; Steenbrink, Frans; Otten, Bert; Even-Zohar, Oshri (2011). "D-flow: immersive virtual reality and real-time feedback for rehabilitation". Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry - VRCAI '11. pp. 201–8. doi:10.1145/2087756.2087785. ISBN 978-1-4503-1060-4. S2CID 14529364.
  4. ^ Collins, John-David; Markham, Amanda; Service, Kathrine; Reini, LT Seth; Wolf, Erik; Sessoms, Pinata (August 2014). "A systematic literature review of the use and effectiveness of the computer assisted rehabilitation environment for research and rehabilitation as it relates to the wounded warrior". Work. 50 (1): 121–9. doi:10.3233/WOR-141927. PMID 25167904.
  5. ^ Kaufman KR, Wyatt MP, Sessoms PH, Grabiner MD (October 2014). "Task-specific fall prevention training is effective for warfighters with transtibial amputations". Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 472 (10): 3076–84. doi:10.1007/s11999-014-3664-0. PMC 4160499. PMID 24811543.
  6. ^ Isaacson BM, Swanson TM, Pasquina PF (July 2013). "The use of a computer-assisted rehabilitation environment (CAREN) for enhancing wounded warrior rehabilitation regimens". The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 36 (4): 296–9. doi:10.1179/2045772313Y.0000000119. PMC 3758526. PMID 23820145.

Further reading
