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Archevite (Aramaic ארכוי‎) in the Old Testament was one of the nations planted by the Assyrians in Samaria (Ezra 4:9). The Aramaic expression is also sometimes translated as people . . . from Uruk,[1] people of Erech,[2] Erechites,[3] and so on.

Sir Isaac Newton wrote in The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms that he believed Archevite was located in "the south and south-east side of Assyrian Empire" and were "transplanted by Esarhaddon to Samaria".[4]

Jonathan Edwards thought that the Archevites referred to the men of Erech, which is thought to be modern day Uruk, removed from there and brought to Samaria.[5]


  1. ^ Ezra 4:9, New International Version
  2. ^ Ezra 4:9, New Living Translation. English Standard Version and New American Standard Version read "men of Erech."
  3. ^ Ezra 4:9, New English Translation
  4. ^ Newton, Sir Isaac; Pierce, Larry; Pierce, Marion (2009) [1728], Newton's Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms: A Complete Chronology, New Leaf Publishing Group, p. 155, ISBN 978-0-89051-556-3
  5. ^ Edwards, Jonathan; Rogers, Henry; Dwight, Sereno Edwards (February 20, 2009) [1839], Edward Hickman (ed.), The works of Jonathan Edwards, A.M.: With an Essay on His Genius and Writings, Volume 2, W. Ball, p. 705