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Anton Oberbeck

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Anton Oberbeck (25 March 1846 – 23 October 1900) was a German physicist from Berlin.

He studied at Heidelberg and the University of Berlin, obtaining his doctorate from the latter in 1868. From 1870 to 1878 he was a teacher at Sophien-Realgymnasium in Berlin, during which time, he participated in the Franco-Prussian War (1870–71). He lectured at Halle and Karlsruhe and conducted research at the University of Greifswald (1885–1895), and later at the University of Tübingen.[1]

Oberbeck was the first scientist to record the resonance curve in his 1885 paper, ‘On a phenomenon with electrical oscillations which is similar to resonance’. [2]

Published works

  • Über die sogenannte Magnetisirungskonstante, 1868 (graduate thesis) – On the so-called magnetic constant.
  • Über eine Methode, die Leitungsfähigkeit von Flüssigkeiten für Electricität zu bestimmen, 1874 – On a method for determining the conductivity of liquids involving electricity.
  • Ueber stationäre Flüssigkeitsbewegungen mit Berücksichtigung der inneren Reibung. J. reine angew. Math. 81 (1876) 62–80.
  • Über die Fortpflanzung der magnetischen Induction im weichen Eisen, 1878 (habilitation thesis) – On the propagation of magnetic induction in soft iron.
  • Über die Bewegungen der Luft an der Erdoberfläche, 1882 – On the movements of air at the surface.
  • Über die Bewegungserscheinungen der Atmosphaere, 1888 – On the phenomena of motion of the atmosphere.
  • Über Licht und Leuchten, 1895 – On lighting and lamps.[3]
  • Ueber den Verlauf der electrischen Schwingungen bei den Tesla’schen Versuchen. Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Vol. 55, 1895. – About the behavior of electrical oscillations in the Tesla experiments.


  1. ^ Catalogus-professorum-halensis (in German)
  2. ^ Buchanan, Mark. "Going into Resonance". nature.com. Retrieved 20 March 2024.
  3. ^ Google Search published works