In his award-winning book, Postmodernism as radical conservatism (2007), he analyses the connotations of right-wing politics and philosophy in the work of eminent representatives of American art theory. His other publications include Marxism and Loneliness, On the “Political Unconscious” of the Contemporary Humanities in the West, Foundations of Art Theory (2007), Origins of the avant-garde (2016), and Formalism: Sociology of art (2016). His current research project, Russian Art Theory: between Fascism and Shamanism, concerns the issues of convergence between different political and sacral discourses in Russian 20th-century theories of art.[2]
Постмодернизм как "радикальный консерватизм" : проблема художественно-теоретического консерватизма и американская теория современного искусства, 1960-1990-х гг.Postmodernism as "radical conservatism" (2007), Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteia, ISBN9785914190061
Rykov A. Between a Conservative Revolution and Bolshevism: Nikolai Punin’s Total Aesthetic Mobilization. Russian Studies in Literature, vol. 53, no. 2, 2017, pp. 147-171, DOI: 10.1080/10611975.2017.1400270
Nakoneczny T. Postmodernism - A New Russian Interpretation (Book review: A.V. Rykov, Postmodernism kak "radikalnyj konservatizm. Problema chudožestvenno-teoretičeskogo konservatizma and amerikanskaja teorija sovremennogo iskusstwa 1960-1990-ch godov. Sankt-Petersburg 2007, 376 pp.) // Comparisons. Journal of comparative literature and interdisciplinary studies. No. 5, Poznan, Laboratory of Comparative Literature IFP AMU (Adam Mickiewicz University), 2008. P. 245–248. PRACOWNIA KOMPARATYSTYKI LITERACKIEJ - NUMER 5/2008[1]
Nakoneczny T. Postmodernizm – nowe rosyjskie odczytanie (A. V. Rykov, Postmodernizm kak „radikalnyj konservatizm”) // Porownania 5/2008 Repozytorium Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza (AMUR): Przeszukiwanie AMUR[2]